View Full Version : hello everyboy

26-10-08, 23:28
ok, here I am... seeking for help, appreciation and/or friends... i dont even know for sure what is it that Iam after. But the truth is that I had the need to register and "speak up". A need that - I hope - its well undderstood here in this website, the need to survive in society. Yeap, thats my phobia. Im scared of expressing myself to people (face to face), which doesnt make me very popular... and, although its not that severe, I do feel the impact that this is having in my live and more importantly, my 4 year old little treasure's life.

( there we go, the screen is blurry already and I am only introducing myself...).

So, i hope to talk to many people here, understand others problems and realise that it can all be work out.

hello everyone, thanks for reading, and speak to you all soon.

Cathy V
26-10-08, 23:32
Hi azul, and welcome. Dont be sad, you can talk to us here and we will try to help ok?

Take care xxx:)

26-10-08, 23:35
Go Asul!
There are people here who will be there for you if you want them. Hopefully we can identify and support and respect your problems and can support each other WELCOME!!!!!!!!!

27-10-08, 10:41
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

27-10-08, 13:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

27-10-08, 14:48
Hi and welcome :)


Veronica H
27-10-08, 16:34
:welcome: Azul, glad you have found us.


milly jones
27-10-08, 17:46
glad u joined no more panic

ur welcome here

love milly xxx