View Full Version : Health anx or health probs ?..

27-10-08, 01:03
Hey I'm reading alot of post/threads regarding health anx, I'm not sure what to think of some of them?.. "confusing" are people suffering from health anx or are people seeking advice about health probs ? seems alot of people should be simply going to the doctors, as there not mentioning much about what this forum topic is about "the anxiety disorder itself" isn't that what people probs are ?.. is it just me seeing this:blush:

27-10-08, 02:25
Hey Richie - the whole thing about health anxiety is that people who have it are frightened that they might have a health problem. It is the symptoms that are their focus and the worst possible health problems that they can imagine. Not the anxious thoughts and/or health anxiety. And that's even when they KNOW that they have health anxiety (otherwise they probably would't be on this site).

If you know you have health anxiety, can rationalise it and understand that all of your symptoms are caused by anxiety, then, well, you don't really have it anymore. I think the reason that so many people come here seeking health advice is 1) they are fearful that they may be ill but are aware that they have HA and so want reassurance that what they have can be explained by anxiety 2) they have HA and genuinely want to know what their lump/cough/twitch whatever can possibly be other than the things that they fear the most, whatever that might be (brain tumour, MS, cancer, HIV seem to be some of the most common).

Some people obviously really do have an ailment of some kind - almost always minor, but often in need of medical treatment or diagnosis. I think it is always best to advise people to seek medical attention if they are having symptoms they've never had before. Those who have had medical advice and have been told their symptoms are caused by something minor and/or anxiety can come here for reassurance and advice to help them deal with the anxious thoughts that are still telling them "what if it's not just a mouth ulcer...". I think it can be helpful to remind people that they have HA and that is what is causing their fear, which is causing their symptoms, and to remind them to focus on the thoughts, not the symptoms. I know it has helped me :).

27-10-08, 16:52
And your point is ?... I don't get it mate, is it something to do with healthy dip is good to keep on hand - an underlying message somewhere ? How come your posting recepies and leaving web addresses.

Captain America
27-10-08, 17:57
yes, health anxiety is just like popcorn. it starts small, but when agitated grows suddenly larger. the dip is like the cbt, reframing your thoughts about your symptoms to make it easier to 'eat', or 'accept'.

okay, i admit it. i'm an idiot.

leebee is absolutely right. in fact, many of us health anxers go to the doctor soooo much that the first step to stopping that behavior is to come here and see if anyone else gets the weird symptom of the day that's bothering us. of course it's still feeding anxiety, it's just cheaper and we don't have to leave the house.

27-10-08, 18:03
leebee is absolutely right. in fact, many of us health anxers go to the doctor soooo much that the first step to stopping that behavior is to come here and see if anyone else gets the weird symptom of the day that's bothering us. of course it's still feeding anxiety, it's just cheaper and we don't have to leave the house.

That's the first real laugh, I've had all week. Thank you!:yesyes: Of course, it's made so much funnier by the fact that it is undeniably true!

27-10-08, 18:28
Ye, I see your point, kind of comparing symtoms and then reassuring one another that you've had the same and ended up been nothing(like a hug using words) nice one captain! ps I like your anx comparisons with the popcorn - you must be a salesman, i thought that was all true to start with and that kerwin guy was genuine.

27-10-08, 18:40
I think Kerwin's recipe would go well with a big helping of Spam :D.

I like it, captain. You could write a book on anx using popcorn as an analogy, make a mint :yesyes:.

29-10-08, 00:06
Deleted Kerwins reply as it was most definitely spam! And without cheese?? Who likes spam without cheese anyway?? NOT ME!