View Full Version : going to the toilet has got very scarey...

27-10-08, 01:55
when i go to the toilet(not a wee):blush: i get very fast heart beat.
so fast i see it beating(my chest moves:scared15:
can i die if i struggle to go to much?
it feels as though i cant push at all!!
if i could go just sitting there it would be great.
but i cant its always a strugle...

Cathy V
27-10-08, 07:33
Hi martin. From what you also say on your other post, i would think that you are tuning into what your heart is doing because of your fear. If you're having problems going to the loo, then you're probably constipated, and the straining means your heart is beating a little harder, which is really normal but because you are focused on it its frightening you.

Might be an idea to get something from the pharmacy to make your motions softer so you're not straining so hard.

You also say in the other post that you were due to see a doc at the hospital? how did that go?

Cathy xxx

27-10-08, 16:50
Hi martin. From what you also say on your other post, i would think that you are tuning into what your heart is doing because of your fear. If you're having problems going to the loo, then you're probably constipated, and the straining means your heart is beating a little harder, which is really normal but because you are focused on it its frightening you.

Might be an idea to get something from the pharmacy to make your motions softer so you're not straining so hard.

You also say in the other post that you were due to see a doc at the hospital? how did that go?

Cathy xxx

yeah it wean't great thank you.

i have been given diazepam and there great:D
just got to build up the courage to go to the loo. lol
once i have i think ill be fine.
it has been 3 weeks before ive gone before:((PAINFULL)

27-10-08, 18:32
Gosh, martin, no wonder you have to strain to go to the loo, if you've not been for so long. I would imagine that you'll need some sort of help to go, otherwise it will be very sore. Perhaps your doctor can give you something to help you through it this time? You can get laxatives over the counter at the chemist, but it might be best to check with your doctor first. Then you can focus on developing regularity so you don't have to suffer this again.

28-10-08, 06:00
Hi Martin

No wonder you are in pain if you are suffering from severe constipation. I go through spells of this due to my eating disorder.

I would suggest you go to your doctor and ask for something to help with this. My doctor prescribes Movicol because it is gently on the body than laxatives you buy off the shelf or over the counter. It comes as granules in a sachet which you mix with water.

Macrogol (the active ingredient) is an inert substance that passes through the gut without being absorbed into the body. It relieves constipation because it causes the water it is taken with to be retained in the bowel instead of being absorbed into the body. This increases the water content and volume of the stools in the bowel, making them softer and easier to pass.

The sodium bicarbonate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride (electrolytes) are included in this medicine to help ensure that the laxative works without causing the body to gain or lose significant amounts of sodium, potassium or water. This medicine is used to help people who have been constipated for a long time to have a comfortable bowel movement.

It is worth asking your doctor for help because it must be dreadful to suffer like this. I have in the past and it is very painful.

Karen x

28-10-08, 06:21
Not going to the toilet for so long can have consequences on your health.
Bowel movements expel all the solid waste & toxins from your body.
By not going to the toilet, you are storing all the toxic waste inside your body, for much longer than is healthy.

Go to chemist and buy some senna (herbal laxative).

Also, do you eat enough fruit & veg, roughage/fibre?
It might help to eat more fresh fruit + veg, and have a bowl of all-bran each day.