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View Full Version : Twelve months on !

08-06-05, 10:20
Hi everyone

Just thought I would post some positive words about my recovery to hopefully help those who have recently found this site and are suffering from acute anxiety.

I discovered this site purely by chance 12 months ago this week and to say it has helped me in my recovery is the understatement of the year!

My attacks started in April 04 and when I had my first one I thought I was having a stroke or was suffering with some terrible disease, suffice to say it was anxiety ( diagnosed by my GP ). I felt relieved but still used to get lots of symptoms, infact I think I have experienced every symptom on the list!!

My GP started me on Cipramil which I was reluctant to take and lasted on them for 4 days as the thought of taking them made the anxiety worse, I then started on St Joh's wort which took about 2 months to kick in. Then on Meg's recommendation started on Vit B complex and Omega 3 capsules.

It's been a long,hard journey but I want to tell all you new sufferers out there that with hard work and determination it's possible to beat this misunderstood condition. I had counselling which helped me immensly and a lot of support from some very good friends. Although my husband has been very supportive he couldn't understand why I was like this and still doesn't really. People who have not experienced this don't always understand what we sufferers are going through, but this site has been my saving grace. Whenever I had a new symptom I would read or post on the forum and know I wasn't alone, this site has been my bible really.

I still get symptoms, but I deal with them now and think positively, only occassionally feeling negative. I now wake up without anxiety being my first thought and the reason I am 98% there is due to the wonderful people in this forum, so from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank each and every one of you who have helped me.

I hope this helps some of you go forward, sorry it's been so long.

Take care

Elaine x

" May the best of your past be the worst of your future"

08-06-05, 10:52
Hi Lainey

Thats a lovely positive post.

Love Piglet

08-06-05, 11:41
Hi Elaine,

I am sooo happy to hear how well you are doing :D:D
Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push.
A smile :D . A word of optimism and hope. A "you can do it" when
things are tough. You have shown other sufferes that there is light
at the end of the tunnel. WELL DONE.



08-06-05, 12:56
A big well done to you Elaine - keep up the good work!! :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-06-05, 14:14
what a wonderful success story! really well done, sounds like you are doing great.
in my opinion, the best thing about the story is the bit about managing to deal with everything positively - something that i (and i'm sure a lot of other people on here) really struggle with.
keep it up and good luck with the remaining 2%!
henri x

08-06-05, 14:46
Hi Elaine,
How fantastic, well done to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-06-05, 17:55
You've made great progress Elaine. Well done on all your hard work and determination.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-06-05, 18:33
Hi Elaine,

I'm so glad you are doing well and people can see there is light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm nearly at that stage, I think I'm 90% there, I totally agree with you about this site. I really wished I found it years ago.
FANTASTIC is what you are!!!
Thought I'd share that with you!

with good wishes


08-06-05, 19:48
Wow Elaine

I can't believe that it has been a year that I have known you now.

Doesn't time fly!!

You have done so great and I am very pleased for you. I am also delighted that you have stuck around on the forum to help others and offer support so Thanks for that:)

Let's hope things continue to improve for you from now on!



"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

09-06-05, 13:35
Hi Elaine,

What a POSITIVE Post and a great success! WELL DONE YOU! keep up the good work hun!

Take care,

Love PIP'S X X X X

09-06-05, 20:05
Hi Elaine well done, and many thanks for the positive words for us that arent quite there yet.I agree about this site, that is the only good that has come out of one of my panics, i came here looking for help after suffering one whilst home alone, well done and thanks again, Love Alexis,xx

15-06-05, 10:23
Hi all.

Thanks for all your replies, I still come herre for reassurance sometimes, but mostly to try and ressure others when I can get my PC to work or my son off it!!


It's a pleasure to stick around and help others even though I don't reply that often, so thank you for setting up this wonderful site.

take care

Elaine x

15-06-05, 14:32
Elaine ,

Missed this first time round whilst I was away .

I would like to wish you the utmost congratulations in all your hard work and persistence to achieve this enormous progress.

I remember when you first arrived here how you were and its been great to see you progress steadily and surely and good to talk to you too.

I'm glad you've found the site so helpful to you.

Thanks for all the encouragement and hope you now pass onto others.

These posts in 'sucesses' are so valuable to those just joining in an acute state as hope and encouragement in huge dollops and to see such progress in others is such a help.

Meg xx

15-06-05, 23:44
Just caught up on this hun.

Well done you for doing so well.

I am always here like you have being for me. You have done so well and i am well proud of you.

Hope John is okay and the kids. Speak soon and thanks to you for being such a great mate.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.