View Full Version : Sweating at night

27-10-08, 09:11
Is there a difference between sweating because youre too hot in bed, and proper night sweats?

I've woken up a couple of times to find that parts of me that are under cover are covered in sweat, and although my covers are quite thick, still gets me thinking what if its not the covers?

Is there a discernable difference between sweating because youre too warm and night sweats? is it more of a 'cold sweat'?

27-10-08, 09:20
Your temperature can go up at night for lots of reasons. Are you worried about something specific? When I had a virus a couple of months ago I had a few nights in a row when I woke up really hot and sweaty. I concluded in the end that I just a had a bit of a temperature because of the virus, but I did Google "night sweats" :blush: beforehand.

From what I've read, sweating because of an illness like lymphoma is a huge amount of sweat, the sheets soaking wet. That's a symptom that comes later on, so you'd have other symptoms by now if it was that. Maybe try taking a blanket off, or swapping your duvet for a lighter one for a night or two, see how you get on.

27-10-08, 09:26
yeah, but sweating due to an illness is more of a cold sweat though isnt it? and all over? as opposed to just under the covers where its the warmest?

27-10-08, 09:33
If you've got a fever you tend to shiver and feel cold even though you're hot and sweaty (in my experience). But there are things that can raise your temperature and make you feel warmer than usual. Obviously your blankets being too heavy is one. Tossing and turning in your sleep might make you feel too warm. Then there's hormones, as you're a man, not likely to be that one :).

27-10-08, 09:35
so if its not a cold sweat its nothing serious to worry about?

27-10-08, 09:42
I wouldn't want to say, tango, not a doctor :winks:. But I think unless you have other symptoms or are sweating to the point where you're soaking the sheets every night then you're probably safe to just remove a blanket and see how you get on.

27-10-08, 09:51
Also, I can be sweating on my chest and legs, but my face, and arms if theyre not under covers, are bone dry.

Plus it doesn't happen every night. In fact, the three times I have woken up sweating have all been on nights where I've had bout 4 hours sleep the night before, so last night, the Wednesday night last week and a thursday night about 2 weeks ago. So about 3 times in the past 2 and a half weeks, and ive not needed to change sheets either.