View Full Version : Head pains. Again. Please, please help!

27-10-08, 11:17
So I still am having trouble sleeping, even on the Amitriptyline that my doc prescribed for my head pains. Last night was not fun at all, and I'm still feeling rather tight in my head and neck, but it could be because I only slept 4 hours tops.

Anyway, doc told me I'm having some nerve problems on the left side of my head because my TMJ has been exacerbated by stress and a recent virus turned sinus issue. I'm supposed to start seeing my physio again, but I don't have an appointment until Thursday so now I'm left to my own devices and the Amitriptyline.

Last night I was trying to sleep when all of a sudden I had those sharp, shocking, pressing head pains in the upper-left side of my head (a bit near the back as well), my temple, forehead, and even my neck. It also looks like the left-side area near my cheekbone and above my ear is swollen more than the other side. What is that about? It hurts. Could it be TMJ problems? Of course I've been playing with it and now it feels like a thick mass, and that side of my head now feels heavy and bigger than the other. It also seemed like last night my left temple area was twitching or pulsing more than the other side. It was so aggravating. I could also hear my heartbeat in my other ear when I was laying on it. These things made it really impossible to sleep.

Last night before bed, I was also playing with some swollen node behind my left earlobe and then another one in the left-back side of my neck,which caused them to sting and hurt. I don't seem to have sinus issues anymore, so why are these nodes still inflamed? Could it be tension from my nerve pains? TMJ? I don't know! (The pains in my head usually begin at the base of my skull and shoot on up my head to the top areas and temple.)

Oh, then of course I started getting pains on the right side of my head too. But these were like a stabbing pain in my eye and a bad stabbing, burning pain along the right side of my nose. Why, I have NO clue. These also interupted my ability to get to sleep because they just hurt so much.

Sorry for the long post...I'm getting anxious again because I don't want it to be Temporal Arteritis or an Aneurysm. I'm just so scared of these things, especially because this week my fiance will be working nights, and I have trouble with being alone at night when I feel like this. It makes me feel so trapped - like something is going to go horribly wrong and I am going to die.

Has anyone had these things before?! :shrug: Please help me!

27-10-08, 12:11
I'm exactly the same. I feel something and then am convinced I'm going to die. I can't offer any explanations as to what your pains could be as I've never had these specific symptoms, but if it's things that are new to you, it can't help going to see the doctor...even if it turns out to be nothing (which it will!)

27-10-08, 13:37
I am in Germany at the moment, arrived here yesterday. All day yesterday and today I felt bad. Headaches, dizzy, sick feeling, neck ache etc. Did not sleep last night either only to the morning hours. Kept on feeling sick. I am Amitriptiline too and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't I tried to go on 20mg 2 days ago, so I wonder if thst was the reason why I felt so bad? Last night only taken 10mg though. It seems like I have Tmj too, but I do not get facial pain as such, ony headaches, but my jaw is keep on popping and my tongue feels sore and burned, guess that is due to me pushing it on my upper gum and sucking it while sleeping?

27-10-08, 18:35
:hugs: Thanks for your answer. I hope you're doing all right today!

The only problem with seeing the doctor is that I've already seen him 3 + times this month. To be honest, he's a very smart man and I DO trust him, I'm just sick of all of the pains, and I'm sick of waiting to make it better. I'm waiting for a mouthguard and I am waiting to see my physiotherapist again. Just the waiting gets me...especially when I'm feeling all these pains (I'm only 22, I should be living my life!), and especially when I'm all alone. I feel so incredibly alone.

I'm exactly the same. I feel something and then am convinced I'm going to die. I can't offer any explanations as to what your pains could be as I've never had these specific symptoms, but if it's things that are new to you, it can't help going to see the doctor...even if it turns out to be nothing (which it will!)

27-10-08, 18:39
I really think you're right. The swollen nodes really could still be the sinus problems or even the virus still sticking around. It's just very aggravating because of course I play with them, and then they sting and I get shooting pains into my head/temple because I'm always prodding.

I just wish I could see my physiotherapist sooner. The waiting makes me so antsy...especially when I'm alone for long periods of time because my fiance works nights sometimes. I just feel so alone and I want to live my life.

:hugs: Thanks for your support! I'll let you know how I get on.

Could it be where it is swollen down to the sinus infection?
Sinus's as you probarly realise are really painful and can cause swelling and extreme pain i know from personal experience lol
Also sinus's can take awhile to clear up properly?
I often get headaches and severe shooting pains in my head but my gp has said its all down to anxiety and stress i also get migraines especially cluster ones where the pain just keeps in one part of your head perhaps this is what you are getting?
You will be seeing your doc soon so hopefully they will sort it out for you but try not to worry as it will make it worse
let us know how you get on
take care

27-10-08, 18:42
Sounds like we're in the same boat, Sallysdream! I'm sorry to hear you've been suffering so much. Have you considered getting a mouthguard for when you sleep?

How do you TMJ headaches feel? Can you describe them?

I'm supposed to be taking 20 mg of the Amitriptyline,one at morning, one at night, but I find that the 10 mg has been ok...until last night. I guess I better start doing 20 mg like I was told, I just hate taking meds.

I am in Germany at the moment, arrived here yesterday. All day yesterday and today I felt bad. Headaches, dizzy, sick feeling, neck ache etc. Did not sleep last night either only to the morning hours. Kept on feeling sick. I am Amitriptiline too and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't I tried to go on 20mg 2 days ago, so I wonder if thst was the reason why I felt so bad? Last night only taken 10mg though. It seems like I have Tmj too, but I do not get facial pain as such, ony headaches, but my jaw is keep on popping and my tongue feels sore and burned, guess that is due to me pushing it on my upper gum and sucking it while sleeping?

27-10-08, 19:05
Swollen nodes in your neck (lymph) would suggest infections or a virus. Have you been checked for glandular fever??

The pains you are experiencing i also get from time to time. I too have TMJ & grit my teeth terrible & it causes my temples to throb. Stressing & anxiety will cause tension & your scalp muscles to contract & Your blood vessels to restrict thus causing the shooting pains. I see them as possibly the most worrying of all symptoms so can completely sympathize with you as when i have had these in the past they have scared the life out of me.

Take ibuprofen, Radian B rub (its the best) a hot bath, lavender oil & steer clear of the PC & rest up. The pc is the worst thing for neck & posture pains.
I would personally get the enlarged nodes reviewed. If you are worried about seeing your GP again then go to primary care.

Keep us updated on how you are but don't worry xxx

27-10-08, 19:15
Thanks for your post. :) It's just a relief to know that I'm not alone with these things. I worry so much that I have an aneurysm or something.

Chances are that I still have the virus and sinus troubles I started with at the beginning of the month...probably doesn't help that I constantly play with the nodes either.

I had glandular fever back in 2007...not sure if it could be that again?

I guess I just have to rest up and stop playing with my nodes.

The headaches are the scariest part. They really are a pain starting at the base of the skull and shooting on up in my temple, forehead and rest of the left side of my head. It's really no fun.

Swollen nodes in your neck (lymph) would suggest infections or a virus. Have you been checked for glandular fever??

The pains you are experiencing i also get from time to time. I too have TMJ & grit my teeth terrible & it causes my temples to throb. Stressing & anxiety will cause tension & your scalp muscles to contract & Your blood vessels to restrict thus causing the shooting pains. I see them as possibly the most worrying of all symptoms so can completely sympathize with you as when i have had these in the past they have scared the life out of me.

Take ibuprofen, Radian B rub (its the best) a hot bath, lavender oil & steer clear of the PC & rest up. The pc is the worst thing for neck & posture pains.
I would personally get the enlarged nodes reviewed. If you are worried about seeing your GP again then go to primary care.

Keep us updated on how you are but don't worry xxx