View Full Version : It's TOTALLY unfair...

27-10-08, 12:25
...that the symptoms you get for anxiety and extreme worrying are the same as for loads of horrid, REAL, life-threatening illnesses.

Doesn't make it any easier for us, does it?!

I have got HORRENDOUS neck pain - had it for a good few days now - which doesn't fit with my labyrinthitis diagnosis. So I automatically assume that it's the nasty C spreading its way around my body. So my ears get poppy and full, and my stomach turns, and I get headshocks, and now shocks in my neck, and there it is DEFINITELY C now, going to pass out, going to die.

Then I think, how UTTERLY ridiculous.

But I can't do anything to stop it.

27-10-08, 12:35
It's not your fault, your brain is not working properly at the moment and these fearful thoughts and real pain happen to all of us.

I take medication, it is i am affraid the only thing that works.

Please speak to your Dr as you have nothing to lose, try a phsychiatrist as they deal with the brian and medication

Good luck

27-10-08, 12:48
Got appointment for Weds at 3pm. :(

27-10-08, 15:06
Got appointment for Weds at 3pm. :(

What a positive step, if you do get medication make sure you ask your Dr all the questions you can think of, like how long does it take to work? any side effects and how long do they last.

And it's not shameful to see a phsychiatrist, it's a step in the right direction to getting better

Good luck

27-10-08, 15:12
It's not a psych appointment, just a normal GP one, but hopefully he'll be able to give me something/refer me, if any neurological tests he does (and BOY am I going to demand them) come back clear.

Fingers crossed, eh??

27-10-08, 15:37
It's not a psych appointment, just a normal GP one, but hopefully he'll be able to give me something/refer me, if any neurological tests he does (and BOY am I going to demand them) come back clear.

Fingers crossed, eh??

Yes I did the same thing, I went to a neuro, there was nothing wrong.
It was all anxiety but it made me feel better to get it all checked.

Trust me after 3 weeks of meds all of this worry and stuff just goes away.

27-10-08, 17:33
I hope so. Actually, I hope for two things:

1) a thorough neuro check that comes back clear
2) Meds in the meantime to stop me sh!tting myself

27-10-08, 19:20
Have you been checked for a damaged neck/spine as your symptoms of dizziness and all your other symptoms are what I experience from have a prolapsed neck disc with arthritis and have had them in varying degrees for over 15 yrs.
I spent years convinced I had brain tumour/ ear tumour/ neurological disease/ blocked neck arteries you name it I worried about it and all along the myraid of symptoms were caused by my wonky neck.

27-10-08, 20:00
Country girl, that is VERY interesting.

Nobody's said anything about my neck/spine...it's all been "labyrinthitis!"

I have Crohn's disease (though have been symptom free since 2005 and a course of infliximab) but one of the complications with Crohns is joint pain/arthritis.

Very very interesting.

These are my symptoms; are they anything like yours?

All started with a dizzy spell, proper vertigo, in the car
Felt really sick/wrong, though wasn't sick
Constant feeling of being on the "edge" of a dizzy spell
Headache going through both ears
Popping ears
Tiny bouts of feeling that my hearing is about to go, like extreme ear fullness

Had these symptoms for three weeks, then they got better for a while (a couple of weeks) and now I'm feeling ill again but with different symptoms:

Fullness in ears/head, like a balloon is expanding inside
Aching pain creeping down neck and into shoulders - firs one side, then the other
Ache "behind" ears - almost by jaw
Fuzziness/wooziness in head

Anything like yours? This is driving me nuts. Am glad I've got an appt for the docs on Weds, but I'll prob feel fine by then. Nevertheless, I'm going to tell the symptoms to the doctor anyway because I want a bloody neuro MOT!!

28-10-08, 14:36
Hmm to be honest those symptoms are very typical of anxiety, it's hard to believe but 3 - 4 weeks after the right type of anti D, you will understand.

I went from Dr to Dr until a realised all I need to see was to see one type of Dr... a shrink and get back on my meds. lol

28-10-08, 14:44
Hiya Nub,

All the symtoms you describe are all very distressing make sure that your Dr listens to you and gives you a proper going over, and if necessary refers you somewhere even if it is just for your peace of mind. If you are prescribed meds give them a go and see what happens.

You say that after three weeks on meds symptoms are a lot better or gone, don't mind me asking what meds are you on? I am a week into taking citalopram and feel a weird, bit more panicky and dizzy but seem to be more at peace with myself (blimey that sounds as clear as mud!)



29-10-08, 10:01
Hiya Nub,

All the symtoms you describe are all very distressing make sure that your Dr listens to you and gives you a proper going over, and if necessary refers you somewhere even if it is just for your peace of mind. If you are prescribed meds give them a go and see what happens.

You say that after three weeks on meds symptoms are a lot better or gone, don't mind me asking what meds are you on? I am a week into taking citalopram and feel a weird, bit more panicky and dizzy but seem to be more at peace with myself (blimey that sounds as clear as mud!)



Hello, you take an ssri like mine, I am on Paroxetine.
For the first 3 weeks I felt nervous, shaky hands, Dry mouth but like you say, I started to feel peace, After 6 weeks the anxiety and symptoms had gone. I can live a normal life again.


29-10-08, 10:50
Off to Docs at 3pm...but typically I feel quite fine today. HAHAHA. Oh well. Still going to ask for a rainbow of tests, though...!

29-10-08, 13:14
thats brilliant Joyce thanks for the info.


29-10-08, 16:19
Well, I'm back!

I got blood pressure checked, ears checked, and the test I wanted most: eyes checked.

Doc said she got a real clear view of the back of my eyes and there was no swelling or abnormality - YAY!! This was the BIG thing for me and it feels as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. My blood pressure was also fine. She did a test where Ihad to follow her finger about, and I have that nystra-whatever (rapid eye movement) and she said that confirms it's STILL bloody labyrinthitis and that a brain tumour would present differently.

BUT she did say that there was a possibility of it being Meniere's disease and that if I'm still presenting the same symptoms in a month I should go back. Meniere's is basically labyrinthitis, in little bouts, FOREVER. Oh, joy of joys. Still, it shouldn't alter my day-to-day existence and it isn't life threatening.

Neck tension and headaches and the Morrisons panic attack are all symptoms of how worried I've been.

So hopefully I can move on a bit now....
fingers crossed.

I've never had this HA before, so I hope that's how it works with me!!

29-10-08, 16:25
Than that should be it for ya, good luck

Gem Can't Switch Off
29-10-08, 16:31
What meds are you all on? I've been suffering for years, was on 20mg fluoxetine but it didn't do alot for me so I came off them. I need some help, trying to manage it on my own is ok for a while, then I end up worse than back at square one.

29-10-08, 20:57
....enjoy the evening, now you can relax.


30-10-08, 10:03
What meds are you all on? I've been suffering for years, was on 20mg fluoxetine but it didn't do alot for me so I came off them. I need some help, trying to manage it on my own is ok for a while, then I end up worse than back at square one.

Most of the time you need to try a few as they don't alway work for everyone.
There are hundreds of types to be honest.

Get and appointment with a psyc as they are medical Drs who are trained in Anti D's and what types do what.
They will monitor you to see what works the best.
I am on paroxetine, ssri like your fluoxetine.

Let me know how you get on:yesyes: