View Full Version : Panicking!! and a question :(

27-10-08, 14:00
Hi Guys, as a few of you know my latest fear is HIV i had a test done 3 months ago and it was negative, thats how my HA started waiting for the results something just clicked in my head and the doc reckons thats whats triggered it. The results came back negative thank god, but i cant believe the results i just keep thinking they swapped it at the lab etc. i know its stupid and a few of you have said that its the HA but how do you get rid of this fear that they messed up and i am actually sitting here dying. I hate it! I keep replaying all the incidents in my head of my past and feel dirty and sick. Although i have no real reason to think i have HIV as all my boyfriends were very decent, the one guy i made a mistake with ( 5 years ago) plays around and smokes a lot of drugs etc. He is a nice guy though but god has this messed up my head cos i keep thinking how many women did he sleep with yuck! Why am i doing this to myslef.

On top of that phoned up to get my blood grouping results this morning as i am 28 weeks pregnant today :) yay. And the receptionist who normally gives them out said ' o we need to get the doctor to phone you about this' well i have been sitting her petrified, what have they found ahhh. I am a mess and have to wait until 6 for the doc as i am at work at the mo and he is on call all day :weep: xxx

27-10-08, 14:21
hi tash,

please try not to worry hunny, you havent got hiv,we have all done stuff in the past that we regret and i concentrate on one incident inparticular that i wish i hadnt done but that was in the early summer 2003,i have got myself in some real states over this.if you had hiv it would have been picked up in your hiv test and your full blood counts would have come back abnormal i promise.
it wont be anything serious with your results as the dr would be phoning you straight away they wouldnt wait, but it wont be serious hunny it might just be something like your iron level is a bit low as i had this when i was pregnant.try not to worry.pm or email me if you want to chat

27-10-08, 14:37
Hi Tash,
Firstly you really don't have HIV, I'd bet 10 million pounds on it, this really is just the HA playing tricks on you. I know what that feels like, and it's horrid, but it's nothing more sinister than mind-games, I promise.
Secondly, poor you having to wait for the blood group results. But I'm sure it's nothing to worry about: they are not testing for any diseases after all....... And being pregnant you've had loads of blood tests already, so I doubt there are any suprises waiting for you - it is probably just procedure that the receptionist doesn't give that information out.
Hope you feel better soon!

27-10-08, 15:03
We always think the worst ......................... we can't help it.

hold on matey

27-10-08, 19:03
Hi Guys, ok doc just phoned and he didnt know what the receptionist was on about he said he had nothing to tell me that he couldnt grrrr i have worked myself up all day. He said i am blood group AB and have no antibodys against baby which is great :) We went over the HIV tests again and he said there is no way they mess up these things. I feel relieved now but i know i will be bck to this stage next week. O well thanks for your replies makes me feel so much better


28-10-08, 09:30
Hi Tash, How is your acid reflux? Mine is really bad again.

28-10-08, 13:00
Hi jannnne, i just saw your other post i cant believe a doctor said that to you, not only is it unproffesional to scare you like that ( although i am no doc) your symptoms just do not seem like cancer from what i have read. How old are you if you dont mind me asking beacause its sooo rare for it to be cancer under 50 in that area. My reflux sucks at the moment i keep getting that feeling in my throat like i am on a rollercoaster and just about to go over the edge it makes me cough and its so heavy and mucusy ( i am only using Gaviscon but it doesnt work!)

Have you been back to the doc who said it was acid reflux and said what an idiot the other doc was?


28-10-08, 14:27
Hi Tash - I am also still getting that rollar coaster feeling! Well, I don't know if it is the same as yours, but I could describe it like that. It only happens occasionally (and - I think - only when I am very tense), and it's sort of like a sudden rising surge, sometimes in my throat, sometimes my chest..... and feels like it's going to make me cough although usually I don't actually cough. It's really weird. Does that sound similar to you? What is that?