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View Full Version : Sickness Bug

27-10-08, 14:33
I really am stewing myself into a panic.

There is a sickness bug going around my son's nursery.

Now he was not well last weekend with a high temperature and was a little sick but he had no food in him so it was just liquid and I could deal with that. And perhaps that was his version of the sickness bug..

But I am convinced he's going to be sick. I have a 6 wk old baby and hardly getting any sleep so a night of him being ill scares me cos' I can't cope.

I know it's not the end of the world stripping bedding and cleaning it up. But I can't handle the thought of it.

Sorry - just needed to get the thoughts out of my head.

27-10-08, 14:39
AWW hun i dont have kids but i just waned to say dont worry and give u some huggels :) :bighug1: :bighug1: xxxxx

27-10-08, 15:55
It's natural to worry about your children and you do have a lot going on with a 6 week old baby too.

I hope your son doesn't get the bug. Hugs :hugs:

Karen x

27-10-08, 16:54
Ta folks, needed a good hug - I know I am being dramatic. I have even thought about keeping my boy off nursery for this week but that solves nothing - he could get the bug from one of his mates or when we are out ... Ah well.... it all mops up at the end of the day...

27-10-08, 16:57
Sam sending you a big hug Luvvy.:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

27-10-08, 17:18

poor you i remember how tired you get with a baby and how things like a sick bug seem the end of the world coz your to tired to be able to deal with it ,but if he dose get it hun you will cope we all do it is just the thought of it befor hand

jodie x