View Full Version : Hello everyone

27-10-08, 16:51
I would like to introduce myself to all you amazing people.

I have suffered from depression following trauma for about 20 years. I have managed to deal with most of the symptoms; I can cope with panic attacks and only one trigger is left - unfortunately it is opening post etc and causes more and more problems.

This phobia, stress at work, a neck injury and the loss of a partner - all about 6 months ago have set off another bout of depression with a suicide attempt. My previous experiences have helped in saving me along with intervention from various parties.

I wasn't going to post - just watch - but a posting from Carmel regarding a CBT petition, and the number of people wanting to meet in London changed my mind.

If I can help anyone or share experiences I would welcome the contact.

Thanks. Rob

milly jones
27-10-08, 17:41
glad u joined no more panic

ur welcome here

love milly xxx

29-10-08, 16:55
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

29-10-08, 20:13
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx