View Full Version : Hi, I have OCD

27-10-08, 17:33
Hi everyone
I have OCD - for the last 22 years.
Sometimes throughout this time, I have had really bad times and other times, quite, what I call 'normal' times.
Am having a bad time at the moment. Recently moved house and my OCD has gone into overdrive!!
Came off tablets a few months back and felt really proud of myself, but now have been given more tablets to take and really don't want to start taking tablets again. Can I get through this without tablets??????:shrug:
Oh to be free of OCD - that would be so wonderful

milly jones
27-10-08, 17:37
glad u joined no more panic

ur welcome here

love milly xxx

27-10-08, 22:08
Welcome hun, everyone is lovely on here and you're not alone :hugs: xx

27-10-08, 22:42
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

27-10-08, 22:46
Hi Rox,:)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much help & information here.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

27-10-08, 22:53
Hi Rox

:welcome: to NMP. I also have OCD among other conditions.

If you don't want to take medication again have you asked your doctor about some therapy, or have you had therapy? CBT can be very helpful.

You'll find lots of support here.

Karen xx

28-10-08, 07:31
Whats wrong with taking medication for an illness? even if its only while the problem is acute from the stress of moving. Be kind to yourself its a tough time moving.

28-10-08, 14:52
Hi and thanks to everyone for welcoming me. :)

I have had BCT before, and while it helped for a while, I reverted back to my old ways again.
There is nothing wrong with taking tablets at all. It's just that I was on the tablets for so long that I would like to get my OCD back to a copable level without them. I know what I have to do, but need the support to help me through.
How have you coped? Any tips?

28-10-08, 20:41
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx