View Full Version : bad day anxiety wise and do i have ocd?

27-10-08, 18:22
had a really bad day today with my anxiety, felt fine and chilled out this morning, then i hit a kerb driving to work and ive been worrying about various things since:wacko:

one of my main constant recurring worries is accidently causing harm to someone else, or making them ill, or damaging their property such as their car. ihave never done any of these things! (i did scrape a car of a collegue around a year ago but he was very kind about it and just glad id told him bout it) i was panicking this evening because i got something out of the bin (partner had just changed the bag) and was terrified id contaminated the sleeve of my top with dirty cat litter- it was clean! he mentioned ocd and i think maybe i am suffering with ocd as well as anxiety.

im so fed up of this! i am feeling better than i was a week ago and i think the citalopram is helping but i still feel i need reassurance from people to make my mind stop racing, and talking about these thoughts to people who dont understand, im sure makes them think im losing it:wacko: argh! i just want it to stop:weep:

i feel a bit better after that rant!

28-10-08, 01:05
Hi mini_mog,:)

Sorry to hear that you had a bad day today with anxiety. I think that something - like hitting the kerb - can easily set off more intense worries and anxieties.

It's like it can start a chain of events that has you thinking 'what's the worst that can happen?' in every situation that you're in e.g. the bin.

I have these type of thoughts as well. I'm not sure if they are OCD thoughts or anxiety - maybe a bit of both? I Keep reminding myself 'they are just thoughts' & 'I don't care about them'. I think it helps if you try not to worry about them. I know - easier said than done!!

I hope it helps to know that you are not alone in feeling like this.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

28-10-08, 05:46
Hi Mini_Mog

You are certainly not alone with this. I have obsessive fears of people I care about being hurt or injured and I worry if I don't hear from them. In my madder moments I've believed that me just thinking they might be hurt could cause something to happen to them but of course they are just thoughts. It is hard to accept and remind myself of that sometimes though.

I'm sure hitting the kerb knocked your confidence and stirred up the anxieties. I hope you are feeling better about things today :hugs:

Karen xx

28-10-08, 06:23
I also have theese thoughts dont attach danger to them they are only thoughts. Easier said than done but effective.

28-10-08, 19:20
hi everyone:) thank you for your replies:)

im having a much better today, no incidents of panic so far (fingers crossed!). i think hitting the kerb did set me off and unfortunately set me up for a day of worry and panic.

i just hate the 'what ifs?' so so much!