View Full Version : so fed up feeling like this

27-10-08, 19:02
i cant remember when i last felt well - without any aches and pains and I'm so fed up with it all.
I've been diagnosed with oesophagitis, acid reflux and a hiatus hernia. I'm on medication for this.
Last week I started with this really sore/burning sensation in my upper back which goes right down to below my ribcage. Its now affecting my chest and I;ve had some bad chest pains. I also suffer badly with my breathing which dos'nt help.
Went to the doc last friday who listened to my chest and said it was clear - he really did'nt have a clue what else it could be (great help!!!) just told me to go back if I still had it in a week.
As you can imagine, I'm thinking all kinds of things - I'm trying not to panic - its so difficult.

27-10-08, 22:46
I have days like this too - can't remember the last time I was pain free. It's a different ache or pain or sensation in a different place every day, which makes life incredibly frustrating. Also have problems with acid reflux which produces the symptoms you have described.

I've had all the usual tests - h-pylori etc and been treated for them, but it isn't a problem that every really goes away. I take a swig of Gaviscon when it gets troublesome, otherwise just grin and bear it.

Sorry I can't offer more solace, but just wanted to let you know you are not alone in this. There are plenty of us on this site with the same problems, believe me!!

27-10-08, 23:20
I sympathise as I have stomach problems and acid reflux. My doctor has prescribed me the highest dose of Omeprazole (40mg) and it does help.

I can only suggest going back to your doctor and asking to try different medication until you find something that suits you.

Karen xx

29-10-08, 08:01
A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with Gastritis and Acid Reflux after a Barium Swallow, the symptoms had been causing me to get into acute panic states as I was convinced it was something more serious. What medication are you taking? I'm on Ranitidine (Zantac) and sometimes get awful bloating, which feels like a brick where my diaphragm should be and feel as though I have a tight belt around my front and back just under my boobs. My entire upper body is so tense. Are you able to eat properly or do you allow your stomach to get empty? I've discovered that if I eat little and often it eases these symptoms. I think when we're on these meds we need to keep giving our stomach something to digest. I'm not suggesting pigging out, but I force myself to eat two small slices of toast or another snack every couple of hours or so even if the last thing I feel like is eating. It helps. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about your meds, there may be something that suits you better. I wish you all the best. PM me if it would help to discuss this further. Helen

30-10-08, 20:55
Thanks for your replies - I am feeling a bit better, so it was the old anxiety again, surprise, surprise!!!!!
I wonders which symptom will rear its ugly head next????