View Full Version : side affects when you come off citalopran,

27-10-08, 20:32
ive been on citalopran tablets 20ml for a year,ive decided to come of my tablets on my own free will but finding it hard to cope,my partner is attempted suicide and i need to be there for her,but just want to be dead myself for not coping and not being loved anymore,just want to be loved by her and look after her,love her so much sorry.

27-10-08, 21:12
Hey foxes

Welcome along to nmp.

I think you should speak to your doctor before attempting to come off your meds this way. I am certainly NO doctor but just reading your post shows you are not on top of your feelings.

We can certainly support you emotionaly here but i am afraid we can not discuss suicide or suicidal matters as this should be left strictly to professional bodies.


eternally optimistic
27-10-08, 21:22

Sorry to hear things are tough at the moment.

I suggest the same as Lisa, see your Doc, they will suggest the best way to come off. It might be that it would be a good idea to stay on them for a while longer if you are not feeling your best.

Ive come off them recently when I thought things were OK, and they are, but my state of mind is somewhat all over the place.

I hope you get the advice you want and dont be afraid to stay on the tablets if they are helping you through at the moment.


27-10-08, 22:44
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

28-10-08, 07:34
Why come off medication at this time you are meant to feel good before doing this you seem to be under conciderable preassure. Take care X

Veronica H
28-10-08, 08:44
hi there

I think the last thing you need to do right now is to come off of your meds. If you want to be there for your partner then you need to be strong. This episode has obviously sent you both into a tailspin, understandably. You should seek outside help from your GP. Is your partner being treated by a GP? If not you really need to make this a priority. There is help out there and better days ahead for both of you, but you have to stay focused on getting help. Welcome to NMP, you will find comfort and support here.


28-10-08, 20:46
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx