View Full Version : pressure in head, feeling out of it, scared

27-10-08, 21:26
Does anyone else here get fairly constant head pressure/eye tension? It does feel like the common tension headache (e.g. a tight band around the head), but it also feels like my head might pop -- like the pressure isn't just around the front, but everywhere. It isn't at all like sinus pressure, either. It isn't around the front of my face/head, but everywhere, even in the very back.

I have been feeling crappy for at least a year, but it's changed somewhat. My primary complaints at the moment are derealization, fatigue and this strange head pressure/eye tension (which I think could be caused from trying so hard to focus on things while experiencing DR). I also have very stiff/sore muscles in my shoulders and neck, but that bothers me less because I don't worry it is something that will kill me.

Physical symptoms:

trouble focusing/concentrating/thinking
head pressure
eye pain
heavy eyes
muscle aches/stiffness
muscle twitches
body parts fall asleep (but only when I'm asleep on them or in certain positions!)
tingling (tends to be rare, though)
derealization/feeling out of it
lack of energy
rapid heart beat
teeth grinding
bad dreams
weight gain

From the psych end of things, I've seen all of my symptoms listed as ways anxiety and depression can impact the body, so I know that's a real possibility. And I have been diagnosed with major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD and hypochondria. I have both a psychiatrist and a GP, so I entertain the idea that this could all be in my head and that's fine -- but that doesn't make it less scary. It occurs to me that my sleeping is poor. While I might get a reasonable number of hours, I feel like it may be bad quality and that my fatigue from poor sleep is exacerbating these other problems. For instance, I grind my teeth all night, wake up with panic and have horrible dreams (last night I dreamed my ex-boyfriend killed himself and that it had been my fault). At the same time, I feel so fatigued, it's hard to drag myself out of bed!

The thing is, I obsess that my DR, fatigue and head/eye pressure are signs of impending death -- of MS or a brain tumor or whatever seems most scary any given day. The combination of the DR/fatigue/pressure makes it hard to concentrate on things. I feel out of it a lot and it can be hard to drive long distances, but I'm still able to get done what I need to get done. It simply takes a LOT of mental effort; I make a lot of lists and probably do things slowly. I feel like I have trouble thinking clearly. I also feel that the more I think about these symptoms, the worse they seem to get, which makes me think maybe it IS psychological and not a fatal disease! :)

I have had a number of physical tests to rule out medical issues. My bloodwork was great, my thyroid is fine, I don't have Lupus or diabetes. But my mind keeps wandering...well, I still feel horrible, so it has to be something else. I wouldn't mind accepting that it's depression/anxiety -- in fact, I'd much prefer it to something more dangerous! -- but I have trouble convincing myself that depression and anxiety, even severe, could produce these kinds of physical sensations. I'm not sure why I feel that way. :mad:

So, does anyone else feel their mental issues manifest as physical ones? Does anyone else have similar symptoms?

I guess I am just looking for support. I feel so scared and alone and want to cry all the time. I am sure my boyfriend is sick of me talking about this so much, though he tries to be supportive.

27-10-08, 21:45
The tension in your head that you described is a daily occurance for me. It feels like my heads gonna explode and its so unbearable that i find it hard to drive or focus on anything.

These are actaully very common symptoms with anxiety. I too suffer GAD, Panick attacks and ocd. Its just all apart of it. :)

any questiosn? you can pm me :D

27-10-08, 22:18
Thanks so much for responding. :)

So weird, the head pressure thing. I rarely hear folks talk about it with regard to anxiety -- usually people mention rapid heartbeat and all of that. But, to me, the head thing is really, really the most annoying thing to deal with!

27-10-08, 23:15
I suffer exactly the same thing with the head thing - infact I have it right now. When it first started I was terrified it was a brain tumour, blood disorder...anything that could cause any similar symptoms. But now I am starting to accept that it is down to my anxiety - add into the mix that I am tired, dehydrated and have not been eating properly - and it all starts to fall into place!

I agree it is the most annoying thing and it certainly gives you a sense of feeling distant to reality which I find difficult to cope with as I find it often triggers a panic attack.

Phew, it is such a relief to find others with the same symptoms! I only joined this site today but think it was one of the best descisions I have made for a while.

27-10-08, 23:16
Yup. It is really hard to deal with! I was just washing some dishes and i got it and it was so hard to continue with that awful feeling. it makes me feel like my heads gonna pop or im gonna loose my mind or get a seizure or something. but ive had this forever and nothing bad ever happens :)

27-10-08, 23:57
The only problem I'm having with it is the fact I can't concentrate when I have this feeling, which is a bit of an issue as I have three essays to write - each 3000 words long!

I think It's time to go to bed - try again tomorrow when I'm well rested!

27-10-08, 23:57
Thanks for the comment! I just joined today, too. And I'm excited about it! Maybe talking with other folks who have similar concerns will help. I have had anxiety issues since I was about 6, but have never talked with others in a similar position. :)

27-10-08, 23:59
Concentrating with the sensation is tough. I have to write a 20 page paper by next week and I am freaking out! Last semester, I had to get a psych/med extension for my midterm papers because I was unable to write them due to anxiety attacks that rendered me pretty much non-functional for a week.

That's how I feel each day -- I will try again tomorrow and maybe it will be a better day in that regard.

Good luck with your papers!

28-10-08, 00:14
aww worried boy! thats the best approach. Optimism, and hope it will get better, and staying positive :) This website can be a really really big help. But just dont read too much of the stuff here because sometimes it can cause more problems then it makes, and can make you doubt a lot of your doing well. but over all its good.

Gem Can't Switch Off
28-10-08, 22:47
Hi worried boy,

I can relate to your situation so well, I have virtually identical symptoms - pressure, eye pain, numbness in arms, fatigue AND insomnia, twitching, blurred vision and bad concentration and also night sweats and mood swings and I have had amennohrea for the past 2 years. I am seeing a neurologist and rheumatologist but I am so worried it's MS or a pituitary gland/brain tumour, I feel like it's taking over my life. As I have always suffered with panic attacks and depression I think I could be exacerbating my symptoms, the nerve symptoms have only been present since I had a car accident, which seems to have triggered this constant worry about my health. Are you taking anything to help at all or does anyone have any tips??


Gemma x

28-10-08, 23:12
Hi everyone on this post, I am too suffering from the pressure thing in my head, I've been having panic attacks for some months now, I find it strange that even when they come on I can't stop myself thinking horrible thoughts I really relate to what you all say on here! I too have a couple of traumatic events that have brought on my panic symptoms although looking back I have always been a pretty anxious person and worried a lot over the years. I have only had the pressure feeling for a few days though and think this is due to being exhausted and very stressed out as well as coping with panic attacks on a regular basis. I looked up my sypmtoms on the internet and nearly passed out. I really don't feel I am doing myself any good as if you would believe all you read on the internet we'd all have a brain tumour some horrible disease. I am trying to keep distracting myself when the pressure feeling comes on as usually, the feeling disappears if I am distracted enough by doing something else. Just hang in there and try distraction techniques as I find it helpful, I also started drinking chamomile tea which has helped me a bit, there are some brands that have valeria in them too which are relaxing.

29-10-08, 15:56
Great Thread, I have exactly the same symptoms, its stat=rted with the heart but now all the test are over with its my head. the only different sympoms i have is that i loose weight and also have loads of twitches/muscle spasms. they scare me, but my main complaint is bad pains at the back of the head neck and shooting pains to the front. feeling weak and faint also. my legs are like lead and im only 24 and was very fit playing rugby at a high level.

12-11-08, 00:03
Hi ya
Yes I suffer also from the constant headaches. I get a weird sensation in my scalp also, does anyone get that. Like a 'creepy crawly' sensation, I want to itch my head constantly. What is this, I'm told anxiety. I start to think they blame a lot on anxiety. I have been everywhere to check these headaches out I am sick of them ruling my life.


13-11-08, 20:12
:unsure: I have had the pressure thing in head for a month now. GP said its just ension but sent me to opticians. I did need new glasses but the pressure has continued along with tingling in scalp and even on lips. This is a new one for me and I thought I'd have everything!

What me worry?
14-11-08, 04:02
I have been feeling this for many years, had many many MANY tests done and finally was told it was my sinuses. After years of being on and off antibiotics, I had sinus surgery. The first surgery was not very aggressively done and my symptoms returned within about a WEEK:weep:, the second surgery was more aggressive and I had relief for a whole month this past time. Now, the symptoms are back:wacko:. Could it be possible that it is your sinuses doing this? I know when my sinuses get flared up, I feel like I am not myself --kind of like I am not in control of my body-- a "not quite there" feeling, I get very sleepy, I feel various pains in my head and there are also other weird feelings in my head, like a balloon being blown up in it, dizziness, my vision gets a little foggy and my anxiety goes through the roof! I wouldn't be so anxious if all these other weird feelings weren't there.

Sometimes I get a huge wave of dizziness and nausea and I think its my heart or a stroke--but I have been tested for everything under the sun and they all came back normal. If I hadn't had relief after my last sinus surgery, I would swear something else was wrong. I never had a runny nose or cold symptoms but when I had a scan of my head (because my arms were tingling and I felt so off balance) my doctor saw that my sinuses were pretty bad off and said that that may be the reason why I feel the way I did.

Good luck !
(I know this is a little bit late, but hopefully it will help someone)

Natural Mystic
14-11-08, 04:24
Ianything that could cause any similar symptoms. But now I am starting to accept that it is down to my anxiety -

That is the first step, accepting this for what it is, it's certainly helped me, though i'mfar from out of the woods

15-11-08, 16:14
My head pressure is definitely not sinus related but am so sick of it am going to see gp on Monday. Will let you know what he says. Mine is in my left forehead but appears in various other places as well. I am getting crawling sensations also and tingling in face and tongue. Googled the symptoms yesterday and scared myself to death. The funny thing is that when I am busy doing housework or jogging, it isn't there but when I stop it comes back. I can't keep doing housework and jogging for 24 hours. Am running out of things to clean.:unsure:

agent orange
15-11-08, 17:46
Hello worriedboy. I too have many symptoms like you and I have had an MRI and blood taken etc, all to be clear. I worried and still do about M.S, even though it was negative. I am sure that the mind can bring on physical symptoms when we are in a state of anxiety and stress. I think these can be long term too, especially if we spend most of our waking day thinking about health issues, this is not actually very healthly and besides we are missing out on life and the people around us; but our issues surrounding health are probably very complex and we live in a viscious circle. I have been diagnosed with Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder and Hypochondriasis; these are quite difficult mental health issues to deal with. I find it very difficult to deal with and understand these disorders. Now I did actually have a real emergency this year and was rushed into hospital to have my appendix taken away, now I could have thought that this was 'all in the mind' but it was real this time. So you see it is actually quite difficult for us to sometimes know what is real or what is imaginary;well it is for me, does anyone else agree?
Do check out Somatization disorder at www.depression-guide.com/somatoform-disorders.htm (http://www.depression-guide.com/somatoform-disorders.htm) Do not self diagnose, always check this out with a doctor or mental health clinician.

Agent Orange

28-11-08, 21:52
I have this all the time man, i hope you get it sorted, i know how real these things are, im waking up around 4 o clock every morning after very bizzare dreams and in a panic, i get very cold and shake hard, i twitch all the time, my hewad throbs as does my face all the time, i get visual disturbances but i get migraine too, ive got floaters, ectopic beats, derealization (which has lasted 5 years daily) i have thought ive had it all, it was heart failure the last year or so, now its something else and my ectopics have disapeared, so you see your symptoms are ruled by your mind, i hope im helping.

20-12-08, 08:35
well ive been having the same prob. with the pressure in the head and ive also have a very weird feeling that is very scary and also lasts for 10-15 min. this feeling is very scary and at times ive contemplated killing myself because the feel is so powerful...but then it goes away and always thinking i never want that to happen again..but it always does...if u thought of the feeling of hell thats what it would feel like...very tarrifing... well thats all i got to say bout that and if anyone know what im talking about, good luck with it...bye

10-01-09, 09:30
I am dealing with these issues and many more... I need to please
compare experiences. Do you suffer from bipolar depression? Have you taken meds for it @ any time? My head pressure and brain zaps graduated into day a few years ago and
have since turned my life upside down with derealization and
depersonalization... I am here but I'm not.
Do you feel like you see
things other people don't? Like you're being prepared for something? I
have had all the tests... I am completely sane (but this is distorting
my perceptions so that I'm not sure of much any more). I am weaning
myself off of lithium and lamotragine and trying OrthoMolecular therapy
instead since the meds seem to have made things worse. Have you heard
of this? I am so hopeful...
It's like I can feel something 'coming',
sometimes for a week or more before... head buzzing, head pressure,
vision problems, ear pain, haunting dreams, heart palpitations, anxiety, depression (who wouldn't be?),
cognitive issues galore ie finding words, memory, comprehension, motor
skill coordination...
The pressure builds until it feels like a 'pop' sensation or the top of my head has turned inside out (totally serious).
here I get a doozie panic attack and the left side of my face goes numb
and the fog gradually dissipates over time till I feel normal again...
but a bit dumber. Right... like I just lost a whole whack of brain
My vision is permanently messed up, like I've just looked at
something terribly bright just before and caused a 'sun spot' on
everything I'm looking at. Fun stuff.
One time I was treated to a
nightmarish episode including scary SCARY Deja Vu. There are others on
other threads who have experienced this too.
There is really
something more to all of this... we need to come together to find an
answer or at least support eachother's research efforts. I have had all the tests... I would be very happy if someone could convince me that this is all a harmless (?!) component to my anxiety.
I'm wrestling with the Chicken or the Egg. I wasn't depressed before this started but I surely am now! I have become completely consumed... my life is losing substance.
Just when I've accepted 'it', it develops itself into a terrible episode and drops me on my butt. I am living in fear... I am living like I'm dying... I'm not convinced I'm not!

10-01-09, 10:31
Hi I too have had and still having pressure in the head like this. My GP even refered me for a head scan a few years ago because i was so worried about this. When the results came back fine i happened to mention to him a few other things that were going on in my personal life and he threw his hands up and said no wonder you are suffering from stress.

It does get better and some days are better than others.

Gill x

10-01-09, 19:09
hi worriedboy
after reading your problems it seems like a mirror image! thats the thing what i cant get away with and thats feeling out of it.most of the time i feel that im not "with it" disrealization.like you also,i have had tests to eliminate illnesses and results were fine but i cant help thinking that something must be wrong if my mind experiences these things,so i do understand how you feel.are you on medication? has it helped in any way? i hope that it would poss to correspond with you but i have just joined and i am not sure how to do it? just to let you know that you are not alone though x

10-01-09, 19:21
Hi Worriedboy,

I get terrible pains in my neck and back of my head. Try and get an indian head massage or get a mate to massage your scalp quite firmly, and if you could get a shoulder and back sports massage, then this will release alot of tension in that area and you should feel much better after but you have to do it once a week. No one understands what we go through, but be strong and tell yourself every day that only you have the strength to face each day and anyone else would never manage. We are the strong ones in this world because we go to hell every day. Be positive. You're not alone.

JO (paramedic) and fellow sufferer x

29-01-09, 01:12
I have had alot of the same:teeth grinding, feeling out of it,head pressure on the right side of my head, pressure on my eye, muscles twitches...i have had bloodwork n mri's...all normal. they say it is anxiety. of course i think i suffer from hypochondria n assume that all the doctors are wrong n i am right n have something horribley wrong with me.

07-02-09, 06:49
Hi all, new to forum. To give you a bit of background - 8 months ago had a big night and took some pills (this wasnt new to me). I remeber standing up and giving my neck a good crack, at that second i got this head rush which through me into a panic attack while on pills (not the best combo, but anyways). That night passed. what followed was 4 months of panic attacks but i was determined to beat them without meds and i did. However this symptom you are talking about (head pressure) is the only thing that has stayed with me. Like most of you ive had alot of tests done - MRI, CAT, blood tests, Ear checks just to tick them off the list to clear me physically (i still need to get my eyes checked). Im not a hypocondriact and i dont think im dying (i did go through this phase but have learned alot about our minds and understood that you are in control not your mind). I still dont know to this day if it was the cracking of the neck or the pills that brought something out but i do want to find out. some things that happen to me regarding head pressure:

- Usually when i sit still to watch tv or at a computer the pressure will come on
- If i dont have the head pressure, i feel off balanced like my head is a magnet and i feel as though im about to slip over (or rocking sensation - vertigo)
- When i stare straight ahead and move my head while staring straight i can feel my eye muslces pulling (cant really explain its weird)
- Sometimes (i have managed to slightly control this) i get that head rush so to speak, which also makes me a bit dizzy.

does anyone else get these?

Havnt ruled out that this could be all in my mind and that the panic attack i had brought out these symptoms. It could be that our brain is a bit confused and senses this imaginary pain. if it went away life would be too good haha. Talk soon.

03-03-09, 18:24
i have the exact same symptoms as gemma and worried boy and can only assure you that nothing bad ever happens and they eventually dissappear when focusing your mind on a task or activity. Its very hard to cope with on a daily basis but focusing upon the fact that this is all in your mind has helped me alot, also, excersising regular helps me with the 'blocked up' brain part of it all xx

03-03-09, 18:38
Hello, just thought id metion that I have all these issues too pretty much..its so scary, and im convinced its something bad:(

I woulod say, if you haven't already, try syndol for your headaches, makes you a bit sleepy, but its the only thing i found to do ANYTHING.


03-03-09, 18:38
argg..messed the last commentup, but what i was saying was..

Your not on your own:)

04-03-09, 18:49
i have these all too! but the one that freaks me out more than any other is that i get weak on one entire side of my body sometimes. it comes and goes but when it happens even my face feels like its melting off! i feel like im the only freak who gets this and im sure it must be a tumour or something

01-04-09, 10:02
Same here. 'Head pressure', dizziness, somewhat blurry vision, plus chest palpitations here and there, finding it hard to breathe sometimes, panic attacks all kinds of things. Been having these as rare spells and it's one of these I've been experiencing in the last few days. Not really nice but I am coping with it.

If i tried to describe the 'head pressure' feeling I would say that it feels like you're really concentrated on something like looking into the aiming sight of a rifle but can't really shake this feeling and relax. It feels like you can do it and I do think you can. Shower helps often, works for me.

01-04-09, 12:02
i am the same blurred vision headache/pressure feling unreal dizziness the list could go on i am getting in a right state i have convinced myself i have brain tumor or something been to drs and opticians ok but going back to drs today good luck.

01-04-09, 18:07
i get this all the time i've had all the tests done and theyve all come back fine.its so bad 'd rather be physically ill than have to put up with this.i get the head pressure to bursting point and i get very scared i had it today when i somehow managed to go to the supermarket i was like a zombie walking round and felt awful.my head was screaming inside.i honestly think im dying but im a picture of health this is like cancer of the mind.

24-04-09, 06:38
Hey guys,

Im surprised! I thought I was the only person who had this!!

Well I've figured out if I lower my meds It comes back, so it looks like for now I have to stay on them..... Anyone got any advice on how to control this?

09-06-09, 04:58
Wow, Im not the only one who feels all of this. So far the drs have found nothing, Im having a MRI in a couple weeks and I hate waiting that long. I feel like they need to do it right away, Im not sure if all these symptoms im feeling are from the anxiety or something else, but id much prefer it to all be anxiety. At night I hear my sinuses making a popping noise, but no sneezing or running nose, also some post nasal drip too. Im at my wits end with all this..it makes me feel better to see others experiencing the same things.

09-06-09, 09:52
I have this too and I've had it up to three years now =\

I do something in retaliation to the headache which, relieves it, I think. but is also very annoying. It's like I squeeze my eyes tight and I feel a blockage in my head for an instance. Anyone else do this? I've never met someone who does it and I'd really love to actually find someone who does :(
Also, do/does your forehead(s) feel kind of..numb? Tension obviously but I'll put it down as numb.

I'm rarely here so if you can PM me an answer that'd be great..

Thanks! x

23-09-09, 14:43
The sensation in my head is ""as if i bumped it hard and my brain moved and it got bruised and numb""
How very odd - after this sensation there is a dull pain at the base of my skull (left side)

23-09-09, 15:55
i have a constant dull ache inside my head - anyone know the cure for that i thought it was dehydration! but doesnt seem to be!

28-10-09, 15:46
re the original post, all these symptoms can also be attributed to benzodiazipine withdrawal. if you have been diagnosed with depression etc I am assuming that you have been perscribed a benzodiazepine of some sort. if you have been taking banzodiazepine for some time , more than a few weeks, then you will have a damaged nervous system dependant on the benzo pills and you may ne experiencing interdose withrawal. If you are taking an benzodiazepine do the symptoms attenuate, alliviate when you take the pill? If so then it is most likely benzo interdose withrawal, and you need to start thinking about getting off the benzo. The only trouble is that getting of the benzos will actually give you a year or so of worse symtoms. Check out the benzowise website when you get a chance.

28-10-09, 19:11
same... ppl plz help... i always hav horrible nasty headaches wich make me feel dizzy n fainyt n i get really scared n think ther must b summit rong... thers gt t be altho the doc jus keeps sayin its anxiety i cant help but think tht thers summit rong with my loke tumor or summit,,, evry nyt i feel dizzy n faint :-(

28-10-09, 19:16
hey gemma u know when you worry try not to be the worry just watch the worrying , hope that makes sense

28-10-09, 19:20
also headaches are caused by tension when u feel something you dont wanna feel we tend to tense up against it instead of accepting it , and not thinking tha we shouldnt feel like the way we feel the fact is we are feeling how we feel and if u just feel how ya feel and not try and grasp i more pleasanter state you find yourself relax and take how you feel less seriously

28-10-09, 19:29
same... ppl plz help... i always hav horrible nasty headaches wich make me feel dizzy n fainyt n i get really scared n think ther must b summit rong... thers gt t be altho the doc jus keeps sayin its anxiety i cant help but think tht thers summit rong with my loke tumor or summit,,, evry nyt i feel dizzy n faint :-(

29-10-09, 14:12
Hi,Worried boy, I had exactly the same symptoms as you enough to make me bang my head against the wall in despair,this was coupled with anxiety and panic attacks.I had all the usual tests all negative.All i can say is it will start to subside as your anxiety subsides,it is a chicken and egg thing which symptom goes first,one day you will wake up and the pressure will have gone that is what happened to me after i had suffered for years.it is just one symptom of many to anxiety sufferers good luck:yesyes: John P.S try not to take meds every time you take tablets you are convincing your self you are ill.

18-07-10, 04:25
Hi everyone. I have had the pressure in head, dizziness and somewhat blurred vision 24/7 for over 3 years now. I actually was diagnosed w/ MS with this onset, but MRI's show very few lesions. I have done a number of Ayervedic treatments which have helped in other ways, but not with the head pressure. My ayervedic Dr. does not see the pressure and thinks it might be psychological. I'm more than willing to accept that this could be psychologically induced, but give me a break! It's too real for too long. It's been a long road of many ups and downs. I keep trying to come to acceptance, but still working on it. Anyone tried accupuncture?

18-07-10, 12:45
I have the pressure in the head thing, but do people get random pains in the head as well? Not intense, maybe like a random ache which lasts a few seconds. I can get it all over my head.

19-07-10, 15:45

I know how you feel, as Im having similar feelings. I have tight feelings on the right side of my head and have like an itchy, burning feeling on the top of my head and back of my neck and jaw, but I have had an ear infection for quite a long time, though so I dont know if its just me stressing out cos its taking ages to clear. I have convinced myself its something bad, like brain tumour. I do suffer from panic attacks as well, like fast heartbeat and feeling nervous sick feeling. I had this in the doctors surgery this morning, which was not good. Then when I was in the supermarket, I felt like I was going to faint.:weep:

I would go and see your doctor and get it checked out. Tell them exactly how you have been feeling. And they will probably do a couple of tests for things. I feel as if Im never anyway from the doctors lately. :o(

26-10-12, 16:37
hey everyone.omg i have this head pressure then it goes into my face,seems to get worse when im under bright lights ,like in the supermarket or sitting in cafes or whatever,has anyone found that they take panic attacks when this happens? its soooooooo horriable and i hate it .i juat get a rush of panic and faint yuck.x

24-06-13, 22:26
Eyes big like there about to pop out of my head, dry eyes, rarely blink, racing eyes, blank stare, pressure headache, stiff face muscles, ringing ears, lightheaded when stand up, heavy and fast heartbeat, always mentally zoned out and have to strain my eyes and force myself to be alert in public, forgetfulness, out of body dream like feeling, unbalanced and uncoordinated when walking sometimes. Those are my main symptoms. I think it partly has to do with anxiety and depression. I take klonapin and it helps a little. I saw someone saying something about it possibly being related to your sinuses so I am going to research on that but these symptoms make it near impossible to function and I really need some answers.

11-09-13, 16:36
I'm feeling the same way which has lead me to this thread. I googled and found this. I've been dealing with PTSD for about 2 yrs. I should be used to these feelings and fears but it is hard getting used to a fear of impending death I guess. As much as I don't wish these feelings on anyone it is comforting to know I am not alone.

20-12-13, 23:48
I developed a pressure in my head after a psychosis 5 years ago. As you can imagine, psychiatrists were most excited about wanting to dish out their Psychotropic meds and my GP was keen to give me an anti depressive when I spoke about not being able to sleep and a feeling of almost a drilling sensation when I put my head down on my pillow at night.

I refused the meds, because I was aware of my own past trauma and PTSD. I was convinced my mental health issue was just life circumstance that would clear through psychotherapy.
In my case, I was correct, but although I went for energy healing and psychotherapy and my emotional state became rather healthy, I was still battling with my sleep patterns, fatigue and the pressure in my head. I also would get back and neck pain, pain in my kidneys and more recently pressure in my chin and down my jaw and neck. I would often wake feeling like someone had been leaning on my chest.
In short, many of the symptoms you all mention.

Through meditation and using energy healing techniques I have learned to self sooth and calm myself, but having applied everything, I was still exhausted when waking and found it impossible to maintain a 9 - 5 job to the point that I hit a morning when the phone rang to call me in for work and my body had a flight/ fight (PTSD) response and my head just kept saying, "I am too tired, I can't." I knew if I could just get up, I would be okay, but the stress got the better of me and that was the moment that I collapsed.
Since then my doctor has sent me to an ENT, for a CT scan and an MRI. We learned that I had a deviated septum and a sleep study that seemed to fall by the way side indicated that I had obtructed breathing.

I recently was afraid that I was having a heart attack, because I had the symptoms. I called the paramedics and having checked my blood pressure, they decided to rush me off to hospital where I calmed down and my blood pressure dropped. My heart was fine, but the scary symptoms continued and I did feel more anxious when it was pins and needles down the arm and other symptoms associated with heart failure and heart attack.

The one thing that has become clear since speaking to a new GP about my symptoms and history is the liklihood that obstruction in my breathing while I sleep is the cause of all of the symptoms. In fact, I was nodding off, suddenly became aware that I had exhaled and not inhaled and jerked awake. (I often get spasms, especially a sensation of something flicking up my spine so that my head jerks backwards.)
I also, while trying to sleep felt a lull in my upper left chest, I must have nodded off for a moment, because suddenly my heart was working hard and my breathing became rapid. Other time I have woken with a snort for air... in short... I had not realised this till now, but it would appear that I stop breathing during the night (sleep apnea), which puts strain on the heart and creates the symptoms of a heart attack.

We need our restorative sleep, and if we are stressed and not sleeping properly, the unconscious material builds up, which can lead to confusion. We may think we are getting a full nights sleep, but in fact we may be waking up constantly but it happens so quickly we are not aware that it has happened, but this interupted sleep can lead to fatigue. Other symptoms are, to name a few, depression, high blood pressure and in extreme cases it can affect our mental health since it can cause us to be aggressive or irritable.
Apparently it is very common for people with sleep disorders to be diagnosed with the symptoms like depression than the actual cause. I know psychiatrists assumed I was bipolar and a manic high kept me awake when in fact I desperately wanted to sleep and couldn't, the sleep deprivation and severe stress along with a lot of emotive emotional stuff drove me insane. Had I slept, I would have coped. So, what I am saying here, is sometimes psychiatrist jump the gun a bit. I don't know what the impact of 12 years of anti psychotics would have done to my brain when I infact have a very healthy brain, but they made assumptions and insisted I would never function normally again and had to be on meds for the rest of my life.
So, to sum up, in my case, all of the symptoms and trouble were about sleep disorder and sleep apnea. I have yet to find out what impact sleeping with an oxygen mask will have on my apnea and the pressure in my head, and I am not saying that this is what is causing the symptoms for you guys, but it may be worth making enquiries, just in case.

08-01-14, 08:45
I have all the symptoms as you describe..

01-05-14, 10:43

When you try to focus and concentrate and try to meditate you feel pain in your head and feel so much heavy and can't continue focusing, concentrate, or meditate RIGHT feel so much tired like you have been working night and day without stop your eyes are so heavy that you can't open them....OK LET'S SEE
1 - Head Pain
2 - Feeling so heavy in head
3 - Feeling both pain and heavy

Note:- Please read carefully and read everything.....:)

(Head Pain)
1 - When you focus you feel pain (Acetylcholine) It is an chemical in our brain and when we Drain it too much from our body then we can't think properly and when we try our head hurts too much...How do we drain too much Acetylcholine from our body when we do sex too much or do masturbation too much or smock too much these are the reasons we can't think properly...Don't worry it can be cure in 4-5 days maximum now what you need to do read carefully...

1 - Stop thinking immediately concentrate all your focus on your breath because when you
Think and you realize that your brain is not working like it used to be then you go into
The hands of Anxiety and depression and when you focus on your breath then you will
Not think too much And you won’t feel anxiety or depression and you have to do it for
4-5 days (Believe me Do as I say you won’t regret it I promise.)

2 - Don't do sex or masturbation for at least 1 week.

3 - Stop smocking at least for 1 week or if you can’t do it try to smock only 1 cigar ate
In a day.

4 - Go to gym wake up early and run build your stamina and buy a boxing bag it is
very Good exercise hard work helps to regain Acetylcholine.

5 - Buy Fish oil supplement it contains a fatty acid Omega 3 it is very good for brain
and Helps to regain brain chemicals.

6 - If you are not fatty eat chicken daily it will give your brain extra juices I mean just
eat Healthy.

Now if you have pass your 4-5 days now try to focus again and see if it hurts if it hurt don’t worry keep focusing and do your work after 30-60 min you will feel that your pain is fading and you can do your work properly….

If you want to know more then search on Google Side effects of masturbation

(Feeling so Heavy in Head)
1 - Stop thinking immediately concentrate all your focus on your breath because when you
Think and you realize that your brain is not working like it used to be then you go into
The hands of Anxiety and depression and when you focus on your breath then you will
Not think too much And you won’t feel anxiety or depression and you have to do it for
4-5 days (Believe me Do as I say you won’t regret it I promise.)

2 - Your brain needs sex believe me every day your brain thinks nude things every
day you Ignore your brain and try to focus on your work or think something else
you have been Ignoring your brain for a long time but your brain need sex you are
clashing with your Brain let your brain feel joy do sex every day give your brain as
much sex as much You could give. (Only in 3-4 days you will feel great happiness
you will feel like you are In heaven BELIEVE ME…….)

3 - If you don’t have a partner for sex don’t worry you can do it with your hand it will
do just fine.
Please wright me back if you have some Questions I will be glad to give your answers.

(Feeling both pain and heavy in Head)
You have to do only two things……
Complete all the tasks of (Head pain) when you feel ok my pain is slowly fading then complete all tasks of (Feeling so heavy in head) after that you will gain your old hard working Brain…….

Please ask me any question....:) And sorry for my bad English.

13-07-14, 23:53
I am terrified with my Anxiety. I feel like it is debilitating my life :scared15: I have pretty much every symptom that comes with Anxiety and it is scaring me. I feel like everyday I wake up the symptoms are something new and don't go away. I have bad headaches, pressure all in my head, nausea, and my eyes feel so heavy and I feel like nothing eases the pain/pressure :( I have gone to so many doctors to rule things out, even an MRI. But I still can't get the thought out of my head that something is wrong. I'm scared

19-07-14, 07:29
I've been having problems like this for a little over a year now. Look into a condition known as HIT, histaminosis, and/or histamine intolerance. This is a condition in which your body is flooded with histamine, and your body can't break it down due to a lack of an enzyme known as DAO (Diamine Oxidase). I currently use a product from Swanson called (you guessed it) DAOSIN (diamine oxidase supplement).

HIT is just a symptom of an underlying problem, those most likely being chronic conditions such as allergies, IBS, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, crohn's disease, etc., or others such as SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), candida overgrowth (one I've been looking into), leaky gut, or a diamine oxidase deficiency. Currently for these intestinal overgrowths, I've been using a product called Canxida Remove (you can order this online, too; it's been shown to help balance candida levels, aid in digestive function, improve nutrient absorption, balance beneficial microflora levels, combat SIBO, and even give you healthier skin, hair, and nails). If you think it's a candida overgrowth or SIBO, get checked by a doctor for levels of both of these first, but be forewarned because if it's a candida overgrowth, chances are you'll be put on a strict diet, possibly with anti-fungals, and probiotics. Candida overgrowth will take some time to balance.

Hope this helps.

19-07-14, 08:52

I had exactly the same symptoms for about 6 months straight. I felt a constant head pressure that was really hard to explain to other people because it just felt like pressure all over my head, like my head was going to pop. I also had tingling,numbness, DR, dizziness, fatigue, palpitations, shooting pain in my head, sharp pains in my eyes and general eye pressure.
I went back and forwards to my doctor and they couldn't figure out what was wrong, aside from anxiety. They said it was tension headache/migraine. I went to a&e once because I thought my head was going to explode, they sent me home with pain medication. I was even off work for 3 months because I felt so awful!
Anyway, once I went back to work, stopped focussing on it (was difficult at first because it was so bad), and stopped worrying I was going to die, it gradually went away!
I did get an MRI scan and am waiting for the results but I'm not really worried about them anymore.
I really hope this helps, anxiety can do such real and bizarre things to our bodies.

19-11-14, 16:56
I got this a lot, and still do, but I discovered that it often has a spiritual cause, i.e. I am sensitive to the existence of the spirits of people who have left the physical body. Some of these energies are very harsh and so it's not surprising that one feels scared. Also some of them want to feed off our energy which is why suddenly you feel exhausted and can't keep your eyes open.

It took me years to find out what to do with them. There are two main types; the horrid ones that want to feed off your energy and the scared ones that want to be helped to move forward.

At first I thought they were all the horrible sort, but then I discovered that most of them simply need help to move into the Light (heaven or whatever you want to call the next stage of their evolution). When somebody dies who has no belief in the afterlife they are both shocked and scared to find that they are still 'alive'. They don't know what to do so they often cling onto somebody who looks shiny and nice and might help them.

Now I get rid of the horrible ones by doing the sign of the cross and saying 'In the Name of the Holy Trinity I send you to the deepest pit of hell for ever' - and I do that 3 times.

To help the others I simply ask them to join me in saying the 'sinner's prayer', basically that is: I forgive those who harmed me, I am sorry for harming others and I ask Jesus to become my personal savior so that I can go into the Light and remain there forever.

:noangel: Well it seems to work pretty well.

Gods blessings to you all xxx

06-01-15, 22:52
Such an old thread but I have to tell you guys. I had all these symptoms : headache, foggy thinking, feeling spaced out and off balance, memory farts...basically a lot of what everyone else here has. Anyway, I went to the optitian and he picked up that I have swollen optic disks (papilloeadema - crappy spelling of it, sorry). It's a symptom of raised intercranial pressure. It causes eye problems, but also other things i mentioned too. It's called Idiopathic intercranial hypertension (IIH). It's particularly associated with women of child birthing age who are overweight (especially if you rapidly gained weight). Go to an optician and have them check your disks.

For years my doctor has made me feel like a hyperchondriac. Has had me beleiving the pressure in my head, the headaches, the spaced out feeling, are all in my head (well technically it is my in my heas, but not in the way she meant, which was psychologically). These symproms caused anxiety because i was ill...ill people are vulnerable so it makes sense that it increases anxiety. However, anxiety is one of the symptoms and it's not a cause. I think we will find that a great deal of anxiety and depression are illness related. I believe they are symptoms of other issues and we will see this idea emerge into science in the next few years. Anxiety doesn't give you foggy thinking, that's something else. I know it.

Just to clarify. I was told i had anxiety for 12 years. My doctor always fobbed me off with anti anxiety tablets. These made me less worried about my symptoms, but they were still there as equally as anything. A visit to the optician where he found the optic disks. He said he would tell the local neurologist because it's a sign of iih. He didn't refer me, or it got lost. So i chased it up. I went to my neurologist. I had various tests. A lumber puncture confirmed high intercranial pressure. They drained some fluid. My symptoms went temporarily. The prescribed a diuretic. Told me to lose weight. The anxiety, the fog, the headaches, the eye pain, the pressure are all gone! (note, you won't necessarily have all these symptoms). I think weight loss was particulalry effective. The IIH can come back and it can cause problems, but it's such a relief to finally have vindication that this is not hyperchondria, not 'all in my head'.

I hope some of you find the answer you're looking for. Keep looking until you find the answer, but don't worry too much. These symptoms aren't particulalry dangerous and the biggest concern is loss of eyesight - i bet you didn't worry about that before! I hope i helped, just some of you sound so much like me and my psychologist & neuro both told me anxiety doesn't cause spaced out drunk feeli gs, whatever you might have heard.

05-06-15, 13:40
Worried boy, just thought I would let you know I had all of your symptoms and had finally went to see a naturalist dr. Who then sent me to a different dr for specialty test that confirmed I was positive for Lyme Disease. You might want to check into that.

Here is what I had to fill out and start with....I would start with that.

13-07-15, 22:10
Hello I really hope you are doing great now worriedboy. Seeing this is back in '08 not sure if you or most members are still active on the website now. I just wanted to know how you are doing, if these symptoms have healed and what steps did you take?
I searched and searched a lot and this post is so far what I can relate to most regarding my symptoms going on for a while, not at that extreme level but the head pressure confusion are very much there. Any advice or pointers would help.

Appreciate it, God bless all.

14-07-15, 17:35
Hi Worriedboy, I hope you're better these days. I have similar symptoms and trying to find out the cause.

Hi Ajitguy7, I have no advice so far since I still have the symptoms but I'm just trying to get studies done to find out what might be causing this. I do have a herniated cervical disk so maybe look into a skeletal cause.

TMJ can also cause pressure behind the eyes.
Fibromyalgia too and they aren't serious conditions.

I was also told to have a vascular workup just in case.

It might be anxiety but IMO it's better to get checked up if you can.

17-05-16, 17:50
Hi worriedboy,

I realise this post is 8 years old but I've just come across it and you describe my symptoms exactly (even down to the neck/shoulder pain!). I was just wondering if you or anyone else have found anything that has helped? The extreme tiredness with the derealisation feeling is the worst, I've also developed POTS syndrome (fast heartbeat on standing/exertion/after alcohol) which isn't a load of fun but I don't see how it could be causing all of this.

Anyway hope you have found some relief since you posted this, and sending love and good vibes to you and all who are suffering with these strange and mysterious illnesses!


Be positive
17-05-16, 18:25
I understand how you are feeling and it is hard to deal with but remember anxiety lies to you its fight or flight , imagine if you were in the jungle and a wild animal was coming towards you what would you do ? .
I always find when I have anxiety mostly in the morning,I get the hover out ,walk the dog get some fresh air and look at the wonderful world and go for it , then after about half an hour, I have beat it , I hope this helps sometimes its good to find an activity when you are feeling anxious , one day at a time and make it count x:yahoo:

06-07-18, 23:04
I’m so grateful I came across this post. I have suffered with severe anxiety for 2 years, ever since I consumed a weed brownie. Browsing every day to find people with my anxiety symptoms, I have never come across a post that so clearly states every single thing that I am suffering with. I came across this post because I was suffering from a high tension headache that was causing derealization and blurry vision. I was about to go to the hospital but decided to look online first, and now I feel so much better. Even things like numbness when sleeping. I get every single thing you have stated on your post. It’s so ****ing scary living with this.

I see this post is from 2008. How are you now with Anxiety? Is there still hope for me?

08-07-18, 00:54
anyone ever think this could be sinus related? my sinus's can be little devils.