View Full Version : Whats Wrong with Me

08-06-05, 15:08
Hi All

Dont know if anyone can help but I have just started on prozac, day 2 feeling a bit weird to be honest and I dont know if I should continue with it.

I also have an obsession with singing songs in my head, weird I know but its driving me nuts and I dont know how to stop it. It makes me feel as though madness is just around the corner as I cannot stop it and wonder if it is a mental illness taking over.

I am just so fed up with this cant seem to get my train of thought straight at all.

Do you think I am nuts.


08-06-05, 15:30
We had a post before about singing songs in your head - will look it out for you.

It could take you a couple of weeks to settle into Prozac and you may feel worse at first.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-06-05, 15:33
It was your post originally ....

What Do I do (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2229)

advice please (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2125)

Perhaps you could re-read those posts for assurance.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-06-05, 17:20
Hi Jewel

It takes a little while to get used to the drugs.
As for singing I do it all the time. Just takes my mind of the panics.

with good wishes


08-06-05, 17:44
Hi Jewel

I don't think you are 'nuts' at all. We all obsess about something.

When starting on medication it is common to experience some side effects initially, but these usually settle within a couple of weeks. Stick with it if you can.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-06-05, 17:46
hi jewel,

well done for making a go on the prozac.. just let time pass and see how you get on..
as for the songs, i think that's just your own obsession, we all get them.. mine was WAS an obsession about suicide! just the word mind you, i didn't want to do it, but i was so so obsessed with not thinking about it that i did.. which is probably the same for you.. the only thing that makes it go, is time, patience and distraction - oh and time! I thought of mine 24/7, but now i'll clean my teeth at night and think, oh god i haven't thought of it all day! then you know you're getting somewhere..
singing songs in your head is just yours and it will go, the more annoyed with it you are, the more it will stick around.. if you talk out loud, this will stop the songs wont it? maybe you could read a book out loud or ring and talk to a friend?
you are not not not not not going mad!!
love lisa

08-06-05, 18:11
Hi Jewel
When I was having a bad time with panic attacks and anxiety I found myself hearing the same words, phrases or sentences over and over again!!! They were always random and drove me nuts, but please relax, just let the songs happen, they will pass. You are NOT going mad.
Hold onto that thought.
Jo x

08-06-05, 18:19
Hi Jewel

It takes a while for the body & mind to settle when starting taking anti depressants....Chemicals affect body and mind's responses, give them time to adjust and you may feel better in a couple of weeks, hang in there.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

08-06-05, 19:09
Hi Jewel, I wouldnt worry about the songs, if they do worry you what about going through the alphabet in your head and picking a subject so like fruit, a apple b banana etc or maybe that is just swapping one for another??? just a thjought. im sure youll get wonderful advice, take care, love Alexis.xx

08-06-05, 20:39
Hi Jewel,
Please give the prozac a chance to 'kick in' all meds take a while, and everyone is different so try, (i know it's not easy,) to be patient. As for singing songs in your head, it is not at all weird, if it upsets you, try putting on some loud music, reading, anything to take your mind off, again easier said than done! I can assure you, you are not going 'mad' if you were, you would not be in the least concerned about anything,least of all going mad. hope some of this makes sense? take care and keep in touch.

09-06-05, 12:58
Hi Jewel.

No your not going mad. The prozac can take a while to work so try to stick with it if you can.

Don't worry about the singing it's just your way of distraction. If i start feeling or thinking about panic attacks etc.. I just think of anything but panic etc to distract myself. Even if its silly or i grab anything in front of me and read it even a tin of beans LOL and like you i sometimes sing or shake my body like I'm letting all the anxiety out! Now I sound mad! LOL

Hope this helps?

Take care,


09-06-05, 13:05
Don't worry about singing songs in your head, I sing mine out loud to distract myself from the panic! Give yourself a few weeks to get used to the Prozac (I don't take them myself, only betablockers) If things don't improve go back to the doc and get them changed you're certainly not nuts. Best of luck

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

09-06-05, 13:22
Hi repetitive thoughts are all part of anxiety. Distraction may be a good idea, for example, listen to some music, relaxation, some thing that may overide the song you have going around in your head?

Prozac has been known to take up to 2 - 7 weeks to kick in properly. Day 2 I would say is to soon to justify stopping it. Keep going and after a few weeks, if you still feel rough, then maybe see your doctor. Prozac in general helps with depression, not anxiety.

Can I ask what you are suffering with?

Oh and you are certainly not "NUTS"

Take care

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

10-06-05, 12:40
Hi Jewel

I had this at the height of my anxiety, it even use to wake me up during the night!!!! Strangely during the night I even knew every single word of the songs, which I didn't by day, as if someone had turned the radio on in my head.

It was really getting on my nerves, however as soon as I started to relax it went away.

Most bizarre one this - but comforting that so many of us have experienced it - therefore can't be the onset of madness[^]