View Full Version : Do you all find......

27-10-08, 21:40
That when your life is going good you have no or minimal HA symptoms but when life isn't going so good your HA and symptoms are sky high.
Question does this mean that all the aches and pains I get during the bad times really are in my head???

27-10-08, 22:26
I have noticed that -- but only as an adult!

What is odd is -- as a KID -- it was the opposite. My health worries would creep up at times when I WAS actually content and at peace. My 12-year old theory was that I couldn't allow myself to feel happy. Because whenever I'd be doing good, the bad thoughts would pop into my head (e.g. what if I have....?!)

About aches/pains being in your head: what does that really mean? It's always seemed to me that, if you feel pain, you feel pain. Whether it has a purely physical root or a root that is psychological (something not completely separate from the physical), you feel what you do and that sensation is real -- because you feel it. :) Doesn't matter if your mind created it or it's caused by the flu, ya know? If that makes sense. I know what you're getting at, though.
