View Full Version : Here's what's helped me

28-10-08, 00:31
I'm Valerie, and I live in the US.
I've had anxiety all my life, specifically social phobia with the fear of vomiting in public...

I am on Celexa, which has helped me tremendously.

But I also listen to a CD from a company called Think Right Now.

They are based in Pennsylvania, USA.

They have CDs for all types of things...Panic, Anxiety and Social Anxiety...

No, I don't make any money from referring...
I just know they really help me...
You can go on the website and get more info...
You can download a free info pack too...

Here is the Website: www.thinkrightnow.com

Again, I'm just mentioning this because I too have been homebound because of social anxiety and panic attacks...

Just passing on some information...

Don't ever give up!!!! Ten years ago, I couldn't sit in a classroom or even leave the house. But I perservered, and I am now a college graduate...

Let me know if it helps you...

Veronica H
28-10-08, 08:34
:welcome: Val. Thanks for the info. I will take a look. Glad you have found something that works for you.


28-10-08, 20:48
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

29-10-08, 16:43
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x