View Full Version : Headaches

08-06-05, 15:41
I've been having some pretty bad headaches. Not like migrane type but I guess more tension headache like. I believe they're stress induced since I had finals the last two weeks and have not been getting a lot of sleep. What I would really like to know is besides using over the counter medications, what type of things do you do to allievate these headaches.


08-06-05, 18:23
Congrats on doing your finals. Hope you get the results you need and want.
No wonder you have headaches.
Going for a massage might help. Or if you need to be at home burn geriuim oil in a burner. Only a few drops though. Lie on the bed or settee and relax whilst this is burning.

Have a nice relaxing bath with lavender oil. Have candles burning all around. Take the phone off the hook and turn your mobile off
Hope this helps

with good wishes


08-06-05, 18:26
Hi Bananarbabe

I get headaches almost every day, it's mainly worse when I am tired, after a day at work.
Apart from medication, a good massage at the base of the skull (neck) can help it.
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

08-06-05, 21:49
Have a nice bath, use rescue remedy and try to relax and do things you enjoy..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

09-06-05, 09:34
I've been having a lot of headaches recently too. A few weeks ago I had what I described as a 'vice grip' headache, obviously the classic tension 'headband' headache. This was accompanied by pain.ache in the back of my neck, base of my skull, shoulders and jaw.

I was quite worried that I had something wrong with my brain, but then I rationalised it - a 'brain' headache wouldn't cause muscle pain in the jaw, neck and shoulders. The headache dissapated a few days later. Its a vicious cycle!

17-06-05, 19:34
I'll ask this here instead of creating a whole new thread...

I had terrible headaches for atleast a week. Then they subsided over the last two weeks to pretty much nothing. Maybe one mild one a day for 10 minutes or so.

My headaches were (slightly/moderatley) worse when lying down. What's the reason for this? Blood flow? Neck position? Brain tumor? ;)