View Full Version : Hi I'm new here. Would like to meet other people who suffer from major depression.

28-10-08, 01:34
I just got back from therapy today and feeling really down. My depression has been going on for 9 months. Most days I spend in bed reading on the internet. I am not sure how I got this way. I used to do all sorts of activities like scuba diving, horsebackriding, fishing hiking. Now I just want to hide. I would love to find others out there who suffer and to share in conversation. I am a great listener. I have all the ims but I use yahoo most of the time. My addy is spritesnhobs@yahoo.com.
Thankyou for listening Jenny

28-10-08, 05:41
Hi Jenny

:welcome: to NMP.

I too suffer from severe depression among other problems and it is not unusual to lose the desire or interest in anything. I too spend most days just lying in bed, writing on here or other sites and watching TV. I definitely don't want to go out.

You are not alone and you will find plenty of support here.

Karen xx

28-10-08, 06:29
Hi there its the pitts I know but the worst thing you can do is stay in
n Bed. Force yourself to do something small each day, take the day in tiny bitesize pieces and achieve something in one part of the day to be proud of. It is unbelievable the difference this will make to you, and always congratulate yourself for your effort. It takes time but it is worth the effort relentless effort brings big rewards. Good luck today do something small. Love to you both. X:bighug1:

28-10-08, 06:33
Also notice your from America have you heard of Recovery Inc, these are self help groups and there are lots in America check out thier web site its amazing stuff. Lots of support and lovely people. :yahoo: recovery-inc.org

28-10-08, 07:13
Hi arrow & Karen,
I feel the same as you. I used to have well-paid career, active social life, go to the gym regularly. Now I have trouble seeing the point to anything, can't be bothered getting dressed or going out, except a quick trip to local corner-shop to get bit of shopping. I spend my time watching telly or reading or on internet.

My GP says "put your problems to one side, set yourself small goals, force yourself to go for a walk each day".

Easy for him to say.

28-10-08, 08:11
I can so identify with all you guys and although I don't stay in bed, I often get up and sit in a chair staring at four walls all day, I don't even watch TV. My friends ring me and say "It's a lovely day, go for a walk." and that makes me feel even more angry and isolated, because they know I'm agoraphobic. BUT on the days I do manage to get myself out I always feel better for it - even if it's only for 15 minutes. I was feeling terrible yesterday, depressed, anxiety symptoms from hell, but I didn't have any food in the flat and had to force myself to go to the supermarket - another place that gives me panic attacks. It wasn't easy, but have to admit when I got home I felt a whole lot better. I know all too well how hard it is 'digging' ourselves out and I often hate people for telling me to get myself out, but they are right. It's a beautiful, bright autumn morning here and I'm going to try to go for a walk by the river. Don't think I'm dismissing how any of you guys feel, I've been in a mess of depression and chronic anxiety and phobias for 55 years, but I've learned that cutting ourselves off from the world - which our panic/anxiety demons tell us to do - is the last thing we should be doing. OUR ANXIETY/DEPRESSION WHISPERS EVIL THOUGHTS, IT IS A LIAR, IT IS A BULLY AND WE FEED IT AND IT GETS BIGGER EVERY TIME WE LISTEN AND ACT ON ANY OF ITS SUGGESTIONS, I'VE STARTED THROWING DARTS AT MINE. I wish all of you the courage to fight your own personal demons.

28-10-08, 20:48
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

28-10-08, 21:04
There's loads of us who feel like you, so please feel supported!! I see you like horseback riding - tell me about it, I have horses (probably too many!!) I love them, but need to get my act together and get them all going - many are homebred. I'm trying to get there, some days I struggle to go out, but for my lovely horses I will get there and be out competing. Tell me your story, I find it helps to compare notes with likeminded people. Love to you :D XX Take care.

28-10-08, 21:53

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get lots of good advice and support on here.

Take care


29-10-08, 16:43
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x