View Full Version : Docs really worried me

28-10-08, 08:27
Hi, I have posted loads about my acid reflux, well the latest the GP gave me a load of antibiotics just in case my Helicobacter Pylori was back. (without testing for it). I have had to beg to be referred and am still not sure if it has been done. I have had acid reflux since end of July and had 40mg of various acid stopping pills. My symptoms are worse now than when they started and that is really scaring me. I saw another GP and told him how worried I was about it being cancer and he said well it could be, we wont know till we look down. I am so scared, has anyone else had acid reflux that has not responded to treatment?? I really don't know what to do or how to cope i am a complete mess, Reflux is so painful and so it the very top of my tummy.:weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

28-10-08, 10:08
Oh poor poor you. I'm sure it is fine, though, given your age. To put it in perspective, about 2 people in every 100,000 will get stomach cancer at your age. And of that 100,000, thousands will have harmless acid reflux symptoms just like you have. 95% of stomach cancers occur in people over 50, and most of those are men.
But I don't think you will feel properly reassured until you have been refered.... so I think you should case your GP about that...

28-10-08, 12:59
hi there

Just to let you know that i had terrible acid that wouldnt respond to meds then the doc put me on lansoprozole and ranitidine , both twice a day....and they finally worked.
I also had the camera down and thank god it was totally clear.
Please dont stress and worry as it makes it so much worse.

good luck xxxx