View Full Version : Fear Of Upsetting Someone!!!

28-10-08, 11:41
I am sat here at my laptop quite annoyed actually. I have been a member of NMP now for just under a year. I have met a lot of people on here, some merely cyber friends & some i frankly would not care to speak to again & some friends i think i will always have in my life & so thankful for this site that i have had the oppurtunity to meet them.

However at times it really frustrates me..... Its not the first time i have seen negativity towards peoples threads. This site is here to help people who suffer the daily agony of anxiety, depression & panic etc..in a way in that they post on here to gain advice & support from other members, or merely post for a laugh to cheer others or themselves up. I feel very annoyed that members who post on here are getting abuse from others over the nature of their posts!!! I am sure when Nic created No More Panic she had in mind that this would be a way of socializing and having a laugh with other members to take off the daily strain of living with these disorders. Sure everyone has their own opinions, hey we are all human, but to post negativity & insult others posts is not on.

There are things i see all the time on here which i disagree with but i certainly would not go out & cause a debate/argument over as the person who created the thread does not deserve that. It is there own right on here to post that thread. ..thats the nature of teh site!!!

Please if you have this urge to get something off your chest that you know may hurt or threaten someone keep it to yourself, this is life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In life we all have people we are closer to that others & NMP is no different!!!!!!!!

28-10-08, 11:44
yes nicki, i agree with your thread, opinions i think are cool and everyone has them, but insults no, its not nice and not needed on a public forum.

hugs xxx

28-10-08, 12:42
Aw flip what would we have to gossip about then??? LMAO lo lol

28-10-08, 13:20
wanna know what really annoys me. the inability and lack of acceptance to have opposing arguments presented and for it all not to descend into questioning whether or not this is morallly or socially acceptable as generally does happen.

I believe (i highlight this because it is merely my opinion) There are always different points of view.
say for example i logged onto this thread having read the thread in the humour section and decided it was an attack on a certain individual. OR supposing I logged on and read this thread and thought hey this is a community that seems to get outta hand sometimes and doesnt always appear friendly OR supposing I logged on read this thread and thought yip thats a positive statement about how others disagree and the choices we have and the responsibility we must take for what we choose to view and how we choose to respond.
I BELIEVE that when we read something that may initially get our hackles up we should stand back and consider why a person is responding the way they are. Do they have a valid point even if it disagrees entirely with my own. If I respond i believe i should think about why and how I am going to do this. This is one means of communication that is the easiest to misnterperet meaning. I personally hope that most of the time i take time and consideration before posting. Does anyone get it right every time no way not in a million years. But i believe we do have to consider when we post the different stages any given individual is at there are i know for a fact those who are far more vulnerable than me and some who are a heck of a lot stronger than me.

Well thats my opinion ( and on a more humorous note, should anyone choose to persecute me for my beliefs lets shake hands now and be adults and agree to disagree in advance lol)

Pooh xxxx

28-10-08, 13:27
What are you insinuating?


How very dare you!! I've never been so insulted!!!

28-10-08, 13:29
LOL Kendo

28-10-08, 13:33
wanna know what really annoys me. the inability and lack of acceptance to have opposing arguments presented and for it all not to descend into questioning whether or not this is morallly or socially acceptable as generally does happen.

I believe (i highlight this because it is merely my opinion) There are always different points of view.
say for example i logged onto this thread having read the thread in the humour section and decided it was an attack on a certain individual. OR supposing I logged on and read this thread and thought hey this is a community that seems to get outta hand sometimes and doesnt always appear friendly OR supposing I logged on read this thread and thought yip thats a positive statement about how others disagree and the choices we have and the responsibility we must take for what we choose to view and how we choose to respond.
I BELIEVE that when we read something that may initially get our hackles up we should stand back and consider why a person is responding the way they are. Do they have a valid point even if it disagrees entirely with my own. If I respond i believe i should think about why and how I am going to do this. This is one means of communication that is the easiest to misnterperet meaning. I personally hope that most of the time i take time and consideration before posting. Does anyone get it right every time no way not in a million years. But i believe we do have to consider when we post the different stages any given individual is at there are i know for a fact those who are far more vulnerable than me and some who are a heck of a lot stronger than me.

Well put Pooh.

I know i've reacted before by calling somebody a name on the Site, because I got peeved off and found something really tiresome:blush:, but we're all human, we all make mistakes.

Well thats my opinion ( and on a more humorous note, should anyone choose to persecute me for my beliefs lets shake hands now and be adults and agree to disagree in advance lol)

Take care :flowers:

28-10-08, 13:43
What are you insinuating?


How very dare you!! I've never been so insulted!!!

PMSL Kendo.:roflmao: