View Full Version : Scared of having an opinion on here

Pink Panic
28-10-08, 13:52
I have been a member of this site for quite some time now and through it got some good advice, support and made a few great friends.

Throughout my time here i have tried to support others and offer advice where and when i can.
This morning i made my opinion known and it appears by doing so that this opened a can or worms and sparked a whole debate up.
I have apologised on said thread for any offence that i may have caused to Lisa as i never intended to.
I would now just like to say thank you to those who sent me pm's supporting my thoughts (many of whom are too scared to make their feelings public for fear of rejection or reprisal)
I have been abused in PM and openly told by another member that they have "no sympathy for me for being so insensitive, sarcastic and nasty" amongst other things, when all i did was make my opinion known, which after all is the very nature of what a forum is for.
I came on line this morning feeling a tad low when my partner left to go back to work Offshore after he had been on compassionate leave for 2 months to look after me when i came out of a Psychiatric Hospital. I saw the thread and pretty much knew that my name wouldn't be on any lists as i don't tend to go with the gang (i won't use the word clique) what i did feel was that the thread was insensitive and i stand by that but i tell you all this ..... i'd be scared of having an opinion on here in the future due to the backlash i got for simply saying what i thought and i know i'm not alone in this.

28-10-08, 14:10
I have been a member of this site for quite some time now and through it got some good advice, support and made a few great friends.

Throughout my time here i have tried to support others and offer advice where and when i can.
This morning i made my opinion known and it appears by doing so that this opened a can or worms and sparked a whole debate up.
I have apologised on said thread for any offence that i may have caused to Lisa as i never intended to.
I would now just like to say thank you to those who sent me pm's supporting my thoughts (many of whom are too scared to make their feelings public for fear of rejection or reprisal)
I have been abused in PM and openly told by another member that they have "no sympathy for me for being so insensitive, sarcastic and nasty" amongst other things, when all i did was make my opinion known, which after all is the very nature of what a forum is for.
I came on line this morning feeling a tad low when my partner left to go back to work Offshore after he had been on compassionate leave for 2 months to look after me when i came out of a Psychiatric Hospital. I saw the thread and pretty much knew that my name wouldn't be on any lists as i don't tend to go with the gang (i won't use the word clique) what i did feel was that the thread was insensitive and i stand by that but i tell you all this ..... i'd be scared of having an opinion on here in the future due to the backlash i got for simply saying what i thought and i know i'm not alone in this.

I think you've had every right to say an opinion, so don't feel bad for that Pink. I'm always up for hearing others opinions and views, because everybody is so different.

I have been abused in PM
People have been abusing you in pm ?:scared15:

and openly told by another member that they have "no sympathy for me for being so insensitive, sarcastic and nasty" amongst other things, when all i did was make my opinion known, which after all is the very nature of what a forum is for.

I agree, this was out of line by the member, you were never insensitive, sarcastic and nasty ??:shrug: (Not quite understanding that).

I saw the thread and pretty much knew that my name wouldn't be on any lists as i don't tend to go with the gang (i won't use the word clique) what i did feel was that the thread was insensitive and i stand by that but i tell you all this ..... i'd be scared of having an opinion on here in the future due to the backlash i got for simply saying what i thought and i know i'm not alone in this.

I too stand by what you've said Pink regarding the post being seen as insensitive with regards to all members. As Kendo mentioned, I too can see both sides of the coin.


Hey Pink :flowers:

I'm sorry for the crap you've been through, I believe you were targeted because you were the first person to state your opinion.

Hope you're ok.

Sending hugs to you :bighug1: x

28-10-08, 14:21
Well, I hope that people (and Admins) are mature enough to allow people to express their opinions without intimidation, bullying, threats, or bans.

For what it's worth, I could see the point you were making, and understood your concern for those who may feel unable to state their unhappiness with the thread in question.

I don't think it a bad thing, for us all to be occasionally reminded that there are some here who are more sensitive, less confident, and struggle with rejection & low self-esteem issues, and that we should all (and especially those in a position of responsibility) take care that in sharing our humour with friends who we know share that humour, we not inadvertently make those other sufferers feel even more isolated & alienated.

It is a shame the other thread degenerated into such a defensive battleground, as your point was, I feel, an objective & valid one.

28-10-08, 14:28
Pink hun:hugs: :hugs:

Dont let it get to you. Sometimes we have to take things with a pinch of salt there are far more important things to worry about in our own lives than things that are said on a forum:hugs: .

Your not a nasty person at all, as a matter of fact you are one of the most nicest caring people i have had chance to come across here on nmp.:hugs: , and im so honoured to have you as a friend.:)

Have a hug from me hun and move on:hugs: , its not worth the hassle:) .


28-10-08, 14:34
well pink im sorry if u feel that it was me that abused u in a pm, but i most def did not.

please feel free to share my pm with the forum if u want too, i merely stated that i thought your comments about lisa were nasty and uncalled for and also very personal.

if that makes me an abuser well im sorry that u feel that way, but i am sticking with wot i think and wot i said.

i am sick and tired of people causing a big huge fuss over threads they dont like, simple really, dont comment or read on if u find them wrong.

i am a active member on here and get on with most people on here and it saddens me when it comes to this, but i will always stand by wot i feel and say wot i think and that will not change.

your are making my pm out to b evil hateful and bullying , it couldnt b further from the truth, i care alot and dont like nasty unecassary comments, so im not upset by wot i said and im sorry u feel upset by that.

28-10-08, 14:45
i am sick and tired of people causing a big huge fuss over threads they dont like, simple really, dont comment or read on if u find them wrong.

I'm sorry Donna, but I'm not quite understanding you.
Whats wrong with an opinion ? It seems you have yours.:huh:

Please leave it now, I think Pink's had enough.

28-10-08, 14:47
I'm sorry Donna, but I'm not quite understanding you.
Whats wrong with an opinion ? It seems you have yours.:huh:

Please leave it now, I think Pink's had enough.

u r not getting me :ohmy: , i am all for an opinion but a personal attack on lisa about a clique goin on etc is out of order and thats when an opinion goes too far, sorry

The Fool
28-10-08, 14:52
QUIT IT WITH THE STUPID FIGHTS!!!! your acting like children!

28-10-08, 14:57
My opinion as a person, not a mod or admin!

My post was for fun, it was a joke between myself and Jaco.
Nothing to do with cliques! I have many friends on here.

I am extremely upset by all this.


The Fool
28-10-08, 15:00
you no what pink is right to be scared of having an opinion in this place becuase one wrong word from somone just speaking there mind and the board gets into a rediculous fight! i think its stupid that a bunch of grown ups can get this petty over one post,THE POST WAS FOR FUN.THERE IS NO CLIQUE! why dont you start acting like the adults you are!!!!:mad:

28-10-08, 15:06
you no what pink is right to be scared of having an opinion in this place becuase one wrong word from somone just speaking there mind and the whole place gets into a rediculous fight!

Oh,.. that's not on.:ohmy:

Frigging hell, nobody can be human here, just robots then I guess !!?

Nobody was fighting in the first place :ohmy:, did you read the first few posts Teen? People were stating opinions, that's life i'm afraid.

I can't be arsed with this place anymore, fecking waste of time.

28-10-08, 15:08
HI can we all move on now.....before another thread gets taken over by frustration xxxxxx

The Fool
28-10-08, 15:12
im talking abotu the old post about the imadginary party actually and also thankyou for illistrating my point,i said my peice you got mad and now im mad but im gona step back becuase i also cant be botherd with stupid fights over silly funny posts anymore

28-10-08, 15:13
Unless we all accept that every single person on this earth, has a variety of opinions, some which may go against your own, that that's just life, you can't go through life meeting people who have the same values and opinions as yourself. We're all individuals, what may be a joke to someone, may be hurtful to someone else. That's just one of those things.

I agree with Charleh and Titch. We should all move on, and forget about it before this thread spirals downwards any further. Accept that not everyone is gunna be pleased. Accept that everyone is allowed to feel an emotion, or to have an opinion.

Now please everyone, just let it go.


The Fool
28-10-08, 15:16
wow chrissy the peace maker lol good job miss christine :)

28-10-08, 15:18
I think over net & messaging, things can be taken out of context as they are not done face to face & one can sometimes not tell how people are actually saying it and wishing it to come across. I have pm'd pink my thoughts on matter as fear of posting on thread as not wishing to upset people which is silly really cos the whole point of this site is to talk about how we feel and it doesn't seam to matter how poiltely you type your opinions, sometimes its just taken out of context, but hey thats life eh? even if its done over net or not!

I think Katie is right, Pink has had enough now & she knows she is not only one who feels like that. We are all expressing our opinions & every single member of this site is entitled to do so, I don't think it's meant to be seen as fighting/arguing.

I do hope my opinion has not offended anyone as this isn't my intention, I am merely stating my view on the whole situation. If anyone is offended by my views please feel free to pm me. Best wishes to you all & I hope you have a nice rest of the day. I have an exciting afternoon of cleaning my bathroom! Oh the joy! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-10-08, 15:23
[quote=Wolfie;410422]Unless we all accept that every single person on this earth, has a variety of opinions, some which may go against your own, that that's just life, you can't go through life meeting people who have the same values and opinions as yourself. We're all individuals, what may be a joke to someone, may be hurtful to someone else. That's just one of those things.

This is exactly right Wolfie. This is what everybody has been saying from the start:scared15: , people can see both sides of the coin, just as Kendo explained.

Why are people missing this point :shrug:.

Anyway, enough said, let it be :flowers:

28-10-08, 15:26
All go read my Thong saga thread that will make u laff :blush:


The Fool
28-10-08, 15:26
maybe we could lock or delete this thread? newbies might be a bit scared of all the arguing that has been going on,not exactly the best first impression for them,if its ok with pink panic that is

28-10-08, 15:28
if its ok with pink panic that is

Teen thats very imature, i dont think there was any need for that!

Please can a admin lock this thread !


28-10-08, 15:31
Teen thats very imature, i dont think there was any need for that!

Please can a admin lock this thread !


Hi hun think u miss understood what she ment .....a thread can only be stopped if the original person asks 4 it 2 be ..think thats what she ment ..admins will close it if its getting out of hand xxxxxxx

28-10-08, 15:33
Which also proves what Janey was saying, about how over the internet, it's hard to tell what a person is trying to convey, because you can't see facial expression or hear the tone of their voice.

28-10-08, 15:37
can i just say that i think different opinions are great and people are always going to disagree, the only thing that upset me about that thread was wot was said about lisa being all clique and inviting admins and owners etc and them all sticking together, i just felt it was not nice to single out a particualr person and make such an unecessary comment.

im sure lisa must read that and feel awful and wot did she do to deserve that comment? nothing.

i have nothing more to say on it now and apart from wot i said, everyones opinion is fine no probs.

The Fool
28-10-08, 15:41
any need for what? i was asking if she would mind us closeing her thread she started it she might not want us to,i wasnt being mean or sarcastic or anything.:(

28-10-08, 15:43
Ohh i agree Wolfie i did take it the wrong way which proves a valid point like Janey explained, accept my appoligies teen. :hugs:

Anyway, im off now i have far more imprortant things to do.

The Fool
28-10-08, 15:46
its ok honey the internet is a right pain in that way wish there was away to tell peoples tones on here!!

charlotte xxxxxxx

28-10-08, 15:46
Total Madness that this is still going on. Madness !!!

28-10-08, 15:51
Total Madness that this is still going on. Madness !!!

Are you sitting back with your popcorn Missy69 ? :winks: lol.

No seriously,.. it is total 'Madness', you can't be more right there :).

28-10-08, 15:54
No popcorn Katie ! lol

Oh my god hope i didnt start it up again !!!

Seriously only joking Folks, honest, really, please dont start on me ! ha ha only joking he he x x x

28-10-08, 15:55
No popcorn Katie ! lol

Oh my god hope i didnt start it up again !!!

Seriously only joking Folks, honest, really, please dont start on me ! ha ha only joking he he x x x


28-10-08, 15:59
Burn Burn Burn the Witch

28-10-08, 16:01
The problem with online forums is things can so easily be taken out of context because there is no body language or tone of voice to read. I've read this thread and it seems that the general feeling is that people are entitled to their opinions which is quite right. Nobody should feel scared about posting their opinion and as long as it follows the forum rules there isn't a problem.

Please can I reiterate that if anyone feels offended or concered by a post they contact an admin. NMP is a huge forum and therefore we can't spot every potential problem before a member does.

I'm going to close this thread now because the general opinion seems to support this measure.