View Full Version : PTSD After Distressing Op

Purple Fish
28-10-08, 14:18
Hi There,

I have already posted on the PTSD forum but only got one reply. Just wondered if anyone out there has been through a similar ordeal to me? I had an op 3 years ago which was distressing to me and then a year later I went to see my GP as I was suffering anxiety symptoms and he prescribed me Prozac which I`ve been on ever since. Because my PMS makes my symptoms worse I take Norethisterone intermittently too. I am so much better and i really feel I`m getting somewhere at last. Just wondered if anyone has felt similar after an op?


29-10-08, 12:27
I have a sort of similar issue. An operation gave me acute pancreatits, and ever since I've been worried that my pancreas is damaged and not working properly. I'm currently having counselling to see if that can sort me out, but so far its not having a lot of effect.

Glad to hear you're feeling better though.

29-10-08, 12:50
I may be having surgery on my back soon to sort my discs out, i'm scared before i even have it, as my mums op went horribly wrong and she died through the complications from it.
I don't even know if i'll go through with it even though i am badly needing it xx