View Full Version : total cure?

08-06-05, 18:41
Has anyone ever heard a total success story from someone battling with panic attacks? My uncle (30) suffered from them when he was my age (19), it was so bad he couldn't leave his room but now he can go on holidays etc. The only thing is he changes his job a lot and I think he may still suffer only not just as bad. Apart from that he seems a lot better, anyone else heard any similar stories?

08-06-05, 18:47
Hi Rois

Surely we're able to cope better , I don't believe in a cure, but I do believe in feeling much better.
"If you put your mind to it, you can achieve anything" said Marty McFly :).


**Don't believe everything you think .**

08-06-05, 18:57
Meg has but she is not here to tell her story as she is on holiday.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

08-06-05, 19:01
Well as long as she's having a good time and relaxing thats most important, I'm sure she'll share it with me when she comes back ,thanx [8D]

08-06-05, 20:57
I don't think it is possible to recover 100% but I do think 99% is possible. As people who have suffered from anxiety, we will always have the 'What if??' in the back of our minds but I think we can learn how to control this..Just my opinion..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

08-06-05, 22:48
hi rois,
i don't think it's possible to be 'cured' 100 percent but i think you can learn to deal with it in all sorts of different situations so that it doesn't affect your life too badly.

09-06-05, 12:48
Hi Rois,

No I don't think its possible to be 100% cured either. I think once you have experienced panic anxiety etc sometimes as Sarah said there always seem to be those "What If's" you do learn to cope though and in time the things that may have seemed really difficult and unthinkable become easier to achieve.

As a person I am over sensitive and a born worrier so that doesn't help as anxiety/panic seem to feed of negative thoughts. So I believe POSITIVE thinking and acceptance helps enormously.

Also remember we all need some kind od anxious feelings as it what protects us from danger. Ironical though it may seem!!

Take care,


09-06-05, 12:50
Yeah that's true, damn irony:D I'm also a born worrier which doesn't help matters, thanx for the replies everyone, I'm still living in hope [8D]

09-06-05, 13:16
100% cure. That would be nice, I guess one step in a positive direction, is one step nearer to recovery?

Feel free to PM me, if you want to talk.

Emma xx

Keep focused, keep positive.

09-06-05, 17:16
I belive whole heartedley that this can be beaten 100%

wrote about this so months ago. might be worth a read.

[Link removed invalid url]


10-06-05, 02:00
I made a 100% recovery and it lasted for 4 years.

So I guess it is possible.

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx
With hard work and determination and all the things you know.
The world is there for you to take. There's nowhere you can't go.

[:p]Scatty Eccentric & 'Poet Laureate to panic and anxiety'

10-06-05, 09:41
Wow, so it really is possible? Well I'm gona try the whole acceptance thing, I think it will be hard but it'll be worth it. Doddy, have you suffered from panic since you got rid of it? I'm like yourself as I refuse to let it beat me, I force myself to go out even though it is really difficult. Thanx to everyone for your help, really appreciated

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

10-06-05, 09:43
Stimpy, how'd you do it? You say 4 years but does that mean they stopped 4 yrs ago or they came back after 4 yrs? Thanx

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

10-06-05, 12:44
i have gone from been housebound to 80% in about 8 months,i still fear long distance travel,but at least i can do my own shopping,and enjoy drinks with friends now,will look for work at the end of the summer,but dont think i will ever be 100% cured,but you i still hope so :)

metal,rock, and hardcore music is my life!

10-06-05, 13:31
i cant say i will be 100% cured but im doing good i havent had a attack in months i go out shopping and i work part time. i think i deal better with them now and i tend not to think bad things and just get on with it.

they way i see it now u only live once got to make the most of it and i dont want to have panic attacks all my life.

14-06-05, 19:51
I don't know that I am 100% cured but I was in a program for anxiety, panic and depression based on cbt and not only has it helped me with those problems it also had the unexpected benefit of eliminating a majority of my health worries and I have not had a panic attack in a long time. I used to worry about everything but now I am able to counter my thoughts in a tea form whenever I get all worked up about anything and it calms me down and the symptoms almost always subside. Try and join a cbt program or read some books on cbt . If you practice the exercises I think you will have great success with them.

15-06-05, 15:21
Am about 90% cured.
I'm in the self doubt that I can be 100% because of the 'what if'.
I'm very happy with where I am at the moment, I can get quite down sometimes but I now know how to cope with things better.

with good wishes


18-06-05, 23:25

I think it is indeed possible to achieve 100% cure because PA is a result of something somewhere inside the body, more exactly the brain, which has become a bit 'pear-shaped' lol. It's a matter of retraining the brain to tell it...look i have no reason to feel anxious right now, my heart has no reason to beat that fast and i have no reason to need to hyperventilate right now...so leave me alone and stop making me like this.

I know for sure personally I can control my PA's, whether it's in my room at home, outside (easiest for me cause thankfully i seem to feel more at ease outside), in a bus, in the train, or other confined transports. But as I said in my introduction, if I get the 'throat syndrome', then i'm in for a good one lol.

So yes, 100% cure is possible IMO.


One day, one day I will beat u and that day, I will be free again, as I was before...

20-06-05, 14:53
Can someone tell me what cbt is? Thanx for all your help, I haven't had an attack in over one week and that's without medication (I only take it when I'm really bad) I'm not saying I'm cured but it feels great not worrying about leaving the house!

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

20-06-05, 14:59

20-06-05, 15:19
We cant be cured from anxiety because we are born with it. We can learn to 100% manage it the way 'normal' people do.

All the best

Feel free pm me if you want to chat

steno -x-

19-07-05, 21:21
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Can someone tell me what cbt is? Thanx for all your help, I haven't had an attack in over one week and that's without medication (I only take it when I'm really bad) I'm not saying I'm cured but it feels great not worrying about leaving the house!

"You die if you worry and you die if you don't"

<div align="right">Originally posted by rois - 20 June 2005 : 14:53:37</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

The abbreviation for cognitive behavioral therapy.

19-07-05, 21:23
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">We cant be cured from anxiety because we are born with it. We can learn to 100% manage it the way 'normal' people do.

steno -x-

<div align="right">Originally posted by steno - 20 June 2005 : 15:19:31</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I think this is the best answer to this question I have seen Steno. Great work!

21-07-05, 03:02
in reality, there is no medical cure.... like most drugs, antidepression and anxiety mediciation never really cures anything... it just reduces the symptoms. but eventually, like anything else it will go away itself in time with self control and therapy. You'll figure out ways around it, how to stop it before they start, and they will no longer be a problem. For some this happens quickly, for some it takes a good few years... but either way, just relax and take comfort in the fact that eventually they'll boil down to merely nothing at all.

Most importantly, with that in mind, it may seem like a struggle or a nightmare... but "what goes up must come down", and that only can relieve much fear.