View Full Version : likes and dislikes

28-10-08, 16:01
Hi was just wondering if we all got to know each other a little better & stated our top 5 likes and dislikes. Might not catch on but here is a go.I'll start...

Likes: :yesyes:
1) seeing an old married couple laughing & holding hands
2) seeing my family and friends
3)having a baby smile and laugh at you
4)Christmas Day
5)when you have some spare money & buying something totally wonderful to cheer you up!

Dislikes: :weep:
1) people not indicating at roundabouts
2)broken polo mints
3)the internet being down
4)Sad things on the news
5)Dogs (ok, don't shoot me down for this one, I am just scared of them thats all!!)

Hope you will join in with me. :D:D:D

The Fool
28-10-08, 17:06
yay ok
my likes
1.to sing with lots of people in perfect harmony
2.to dance with people with perfect timing its so cool!
3.people who dont have a care in the world and say,do,wear whatever they want(i would liek to be one of those people :) )
4.the colour yellow (super bright and happy)
5. laughter

my dislikes

1.cows (they freak me out lol)
2.the colour grey (its so boring)
3.the kids in school who wear the same thing and talk the same and like do everything as if they are twins (sheep!!!!)
4.dark,cold winter nights
5.people that lie to your face!!!! ggrrr

28-10-08, 17:41
my likes

1 being at home all cosy with a bar of choc and a cup of tea , and my nightie on.

2 seeing my lovely grandson sing

3 being nice and peacefull in the house on my own

4looking through the window at a snowy day ( dont like driving in it though)

5 i love great dane dogs they have been a part og my life for 30 yrs , but sadly dont have any now. (too old to cope with them now)


1 people who interupt all the time

2people who brag about what they have got

3 uncaring people

4 the news -- (never anything nice)

5 sport on TV

28-10-08, 18:07
Likes: :yesyes:
1) Seeing my kids laugh and play
2) Bonfire Night - Our anniversary
3) Exploring new Countries off path
4) Music/Watching fav bands/Gigs
5) Sharing nights out at restaurants with friends & family

Dislikes: :weep:
1) Cockiness with Ignorance
2) Oysters - Gross
3) Seeing my children sad
4) Cleaning out my kitty's litter tray lol. You wouldn't believe what comes out, he's only tiny :ohmy: !!
5) The time of month :blush:

28-10-08, 19:11

My husband's laugh!! It's rare that he laughs out loud but I love it!

The scent of lilacs

Long naps.

Carmel Coyote icecream.

Silence! I'm around people all day and to come home to a quiet house with the kids in school is bliss!!!


Traffic in town!
Anything with peanut butter!!!
Being hot!! I'm starting menopause so I'm hot ALOT!!!!
Standing in line for ANYTHING!!! I have no patience!

28-10-08, 19:20

My boy laughing at silly things (10 year old boys do, don't they!)
Tattoos. Yes, i know!!! I like them on other people. I don't have any (yet).
Hot bubble baths, quite time where i can read and relax.
My mummy!!!!


Food that makes me fat.
Bigots, haters, homophobes, ignorance and arrogance.
and football.

28-10-08, 22:05
Seeing my son happy.
Spending some quality time with my fiance.
Spending time with my family.
Having some time to relax.

Ignorant people.
Junk mail.
The news.

31-10-08, 17:10
* Musique especially live!
* Intimacy with the 'man'
* laughing
* Alcohol & dancing
* Holidays & summer
* Festivals

* Heartache
* Hangovers
* Illness
* Periods
* Rudeness
* Slow drivers...grrr move over!!

31-10-08, 18:28
1...Singing along loudly to music in the car
2...Ordering a meal and it being just right
3...Hot baths with a good book
4...Meeting friends/family and catching up
5...My sewing machine

1...People that give me the wrong change
2...Going to have a bath and the waters not hot enough
3...People that interupt me when im talking
4...My watch being wrong
5...People that think they should go in front of me at the checkout cos they only have a couple of items.Tough,join the queue

31-10-08, 19:57

I like

to study learning is always interesting

to laugh

sittin at two in the morning with headphones on chillin out to some sounds

big fat raindrops

being on my own for a couple of hours a day


smelly feet

hot curries



blackcurrant and apple diluting juice

Pooh x

Cathy V
31-10-08, 20:09

Speaking Spanish when i can, id hate to lose it
My PJs on a cold night
To hear my twin grandsons say "love you nanny" across the miles
My cat maggie who lives with my daughter in Stafford.. I miss her
The small German towns and having a beer with my man

Don't Like:

Bad manners
People who think they are always right
German food
German language - unfortunate seeing as how i live here!
Growing older - wanna do it all over again, only better

31-10-08, 20:51
Cathy you really should take up german as your second language, face your fears! LOL

Things i like:
1. Happy days with my fella and our little man
2. All you can eat buffets
3. Seeing my little boy gobble down a good meal. (love it!)
4. Get togethers and celebrations with family and friends
5. Hearing my little man say mamam

Things i hate:
1. Bank charges
2. Rude people
3. Ill fitting bra's (they never get the measurments right)
4. Wind & rain (together)
5. Illness (anyone)

Cathy V
31-10-08, 21:06
Lol pinkpiglet, its not fear that stops me its that i truly dont like the german language (well i didnt know i was gonna meet a german bloke did i?) I speak spanish and its such a beautiful language, that when i hear the german i cringe..its so harsh and everyone shouts, it hurts my ears! :shrug: Fortunately my man speaks really good English, and anyway, they all had to learn English at school so let them speak in english to me lol! xxx :)

31-10-08, 21:27
how sad am I , I can only really think of dislikes apart from
i love when my boys are happy
can i get 10 dislikes lol??

1. people chewing gum loudly
2. shop assistants licking the bags to open them for you - gross
3. wind turbines - they freak me out
4. candied peel - gives me creeps
5. horrible teeth

Cathy V
31-10-08, 21:32
Wind turbines? bab youd hate it over here then...theyre flippin everywhere lol!

31-10-08, 21:34
uugh Cathy id honestly have to look the other way - even a pic of them gives me the creeps - lol xxxx

Cathy V
31-10-08, 21:42
But they do mean that our electricity bills are less than half i was paying in uk :yesyes:

31-10-08, 22:00
Oh ryt lets see .

I like .........
being with my daughter shes my life
having a bloomin gud laff
havin fabby dabby friends and family
Music I love
and my wine


People with no manners
any kind of prejudice ...hate it
people that dont value what they have
boils on my bum (there a ryt pain in the arse hehe )
having no wine x


Cathy V
31-10-08, 22:14
Titch you're a tonic :D :D xxx

01-11-08, 17:08
Things I like:

1) spending time with my family
2) traveling
3) laughing until tears roll down
4) going to the movies
5) the mountains

Things I dislike:

1) snobs
2) lying
3) prejudice
4) abuse
5) chronic pain

22-08-09, 19:51
I like:

*Playing my guitar
*going to gigs
*Going to my local pub and seeing all the regulars

I hate
*Emos (sorry but i do)
*Two faced people
*People who self harm for fashion
*chavs with knives who seem to like threatening me
*my mental illnesses
