View Full Version : friends survey

28-10-08, 16:56
Hi, I am sure we have all had these emails, please complete and send back, so I thought I would start it on here, just copy & paste previous answers & delete mine & add your own. (can anyone else tell I am off sick & really, really bored???!) p.s if anyone wants to fill it in but doesn't want to answer some of questions i.e whats your full name, just leave ones out you don't want to answer. xx

1) what time is it?
2)whats your full name?
3)what are you most afraid of?
4)what was the last movie you saw?
5)place of birth?
6)Favourite Food?
7)whats your natural hair colour?
8)ever been skinny dipping?
9)love someone so much it made you cry?
10)ever been in a car accident?
11)croutons or bacon bits?
12)ever been on a ship?
13)Favourite flower?
14)Favourite day of the week?
15)Favourite sport to watch?
16)Warner or Disney?
17)Favourite restaurant?
18)Favourite drink?
19)Favourite ice cream?
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet?
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test?
22)Favourite TV show?
23)what do you want to do before you die?
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg?
25)Park or Zoo?
26)have you ever been overseas?
27)what do you do when you are bored?
28)what is your favourite colour?
29)your usual bedtime?
30) any tattoos?
31)how many pets do you have?
32)what time is it?

28-10-08, 17:00
1) what time is it? 16.57
2)whats your full name? Jane
3)what are you most afraid of? world war
4)what was the last movie you saw? ironman, i fell asleep, nuff said.
5)place of birth? west yorks
6)Favourite Food? seafood
7)whats your natural hair colour? black/dark brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? no!
9)love someone so much it made you cry? yes
10)ever been in a car accident? no thank goodness
11)croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? yes but i get seasick
13)Favourite flower? res rose
14)Favourite day of the week? sunday
15)Favourite sport to watch? none!
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Loch Fyne in Leeds
18)Favourite drink? Red Wine
19)Favourite ice cream? B&J's caramel chew chew
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? got floorboards
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? too many to mention! I passed in end though, thats the main thing right?
22)Favourite TV show? Lost
23)what do you want to do before you die? get married & have lots of babies :)
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? erm....
25)Park or Zoo? Zoo
26)have you ever been overseas? yup
27)what do you do when you are bored? EAT!!!
28)what is your favourite colour? any shade of purple
29)your usual bedtime? 11.30
30) any tattoos? no, I hate them!
31)how many pets do you have? none cos my man is allergic otheriwse I would have a cat.
32)what time is it? 17.00

28-10-08, 17:09
1) what time is it? 17.02
2)whats your full name? samantha
3)what are you most afraid of? feeling fear
4)what was the last movie you saw? layer cake
5)place of birth? dudley
6)Favourite Food? gammon
7)whats your natural hair colour? dark brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? yeah
9)love someone so much it made you cry? yes
10)ever been in a car accident? no
11)croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? yes
13)Favourite flower? dont like em they make me sneeze
14)Favourite day of the week? sunday
15)Favourite sport to watch? football occasionally
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? The Turf cannock
18)Favourite drink? Red Wine
19)Favourite ice cream? dont eat it
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? got floorboards
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 4
22)Favourite TV show? so many 2 put down
23)what do you want to do before you die? Live :smile:
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? dont know but I eat both yummy x
25)Park or Zoo? Park
26)have you ever been overseas? yup
27)what do you do when you are bored? Drink
28)what is your favourite colour? black or brown
29)your usual bedtime? when im tired
30) any tattoos? no unfortunately but love them want 1 on wrist and side of hand
31)how many pets do you have? 2 fish ..allergic 2 animal fur
32)what time is it? 17.08

28-10-08, 17:12
1) what time is it? 5pm
2)whats your full name? madonna sorry joke Donna
3)what are you most afraid of? losing my hubby or kids
4)what was the last movie you saw? as good as it gets (on the other night)
5)place of birth? london
6)Favourite Food? roast dins
7)whats your natural hair colour? med brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? yes :blush:
9)love someone so much it made you cry? yes
10)ever been in a car accident? minor one yes
11)croutons or bacon bits? croutons
12)ever been on a ship? yes
13)Favourite flower? pink roses
14)Favourite day of the week? sat night
15)Favourite sport to watch? wrestling
16)Warner or Disney? disney
17)Favourite restaurant? erm hehe its been awhile was gonna say macdonalds :blush:
18)Favourite drink? southern comfort and lemonade
19)Favourite ice cream? mint
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? cream shag pile :winks:
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? passed 1st time
22)Favourite TV show? 24 and lost oh and x factor
23)what do you want to do before you die? make sure i got clean undies on
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? neither lol
25)Park or Zoo? parks
26)have you ever been overseas? yes
27)what do you do when you are bored? i start doing stupid dances and annoy people
28)what is your favourite colour? pink
29)your usual bedtime? after midnight
30) any tattoos? no
31)how many pets do you have? 1 boxer dog and 5 marine fish
32)what time is it? 5-10pm

well that passed 10mins whilst waiting for my chicken to cook

The Fool
28-10-08, 17:18
1) what time is it? erm its 17:12 exactly lol
2)whats your full name? wouldnt you like to no lol
3)what are you most afraid of? hmmmm the dark i think
4)what was the last movie you saw? the notebook
5)place of birth? a hospital :p
6)Favourite Food? pizza
7)whats your natural hair colour? brunette
8)ever been skinny dipping? no way!
9)love someone so much it made you cry? erm yeh unfortuantly
10)ever been in a car accident? nope
11)croutons or bacon bits? eeerm neither
12)ever been on a ship? nope
13)Favourite flower? rose
14)Favourite day of the week? friday :)
15)Favourite sport to watch? ballet
16)Warner or Disney?disney
17)Favourite restaurant? um not sure really
18)Favourite drink? just water
19)Favourite ice cream? anything ben and jerry's
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? purple
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? never taken it
22)Favourite TV show? britannia high
23)what do you want to do before you die? travel the world
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? hmmm
25)Park or Zoo? park
26)have you ever been overseas? no
27)what do you do when you are bored?sing,dance or read
28)what is your favourite colour?green,purple and silver
29)your usual bedtime?when im tired
30) any tattoos?nope
31)how many pets do you have?4
32)what time is it?17:18

28-10-08, 17:27
1) what time is it? 17.14
2)whats your full name? Mind your own business :P
3)what are you most afraid of? Going insane and never coming back again.
4)what was the last movie you saw? Man on Fire
5)place of birth? London
6)Favourite Food? Tandorri King Prawn Dhansak
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? yep, I was 20 then. No questions please:blush:
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes
11)croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
12)ever been on a ship? Yes
13)Favourite flower? Birds of Paradise
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday
15)Favourite sport to watch? BMX Stunts
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Buruchi
18)Favourite drink? Red Wine
19)Favourite ice cream? Rum and Rasin
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Floorboards
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
22)Favourite TV show? Don't watch much TV
23)what do you want to do before you die? Sky Dive
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? The chicken
25)Park or Zoo? Zoo
26)have you ever been overseas? Yep
27)what do you do when you are bored? Write answers to questions like these :)
28)what is your favourite colour? Purple and Turquoise
29)your usual bedtime? Never had one
30) any tattoos? Yep
31)how many pets do you have? Have never counted all our fish, also 1 kitty.
32)what time is it? 17.24 I'm slow, the kids are screaming around the place


28-10-08, 18:22
1)what time is it? 6.12pm AKA. Dinnertime
2)whats your full name? Chrissy The Wolfgirl
3)what are you most afraid of? Losing the ones I love most
4)what was the last movie you saw? Uhhh The Cats Return
5)place of birth? Kirkcaldy
6)Favourite Food? Strawberries......
7)whats your natural hair colour? Dark brown, although I was born with red hair!
8)ever been skinny dipping? Never.
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yep.
10)ever been in a car accident? Nope.
11)croutons or bacon bits? Croutons.
12)ever been on a ship? Nope.
13)Favourite flower? :) Lily.
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday!
15)Favourite sport to watch? Badminton
16)Warner or Disney? Disney..
17)Favourite restaurant? Jimmy Chungs
18)Favourite drink? J20
19)Favourite ice cream? Vanilla with chocolate bits in it.
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? There ain't a floor, it's laminate.
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? I don't drive.
22)Favourite TV show? Damages.
23)what do you want to do before you die? Make people smile/laugh.
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? It should've been the chicken...
25)Park or Zoo? Park.
26)have you ever been overseas? Nope.
27)what do you do when you are bored? Eat, drink, howl at the moon, type thing.
28)what is your favourite colour? Right now it's cream.
29)your usual bedtime? There's a bedtime??
30) any tattoos? Not yet.
31)how many pets do you have? None.
32)what time is it? 6.19pm

28-10-08, 22:28
1) what time is it? 10.20pm
2)whats your full name? Belle to you!
3)what are you most afraid of? Several things
4)what was the last movie you saw? What happens in Vegas.
5)place of birth? Northamptonshire
6)Favourite Food? Sprouts
7)whats your natural hair colour? Dark brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? No.
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes, for the last 6 years!
10)ever been in a car accident? I skidded on ice and went up a steep bank, narrowly missing 2 trees, but brusting both front tyres.
11)croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
12)ever been on a ship? Yes. Dover to Calais was my friend in my early years.
13)Favourite flower? Oh wow...sooo many.
14)Favourite day of the week? They're all the flipping same.
15)Favourite sport to watch? NONE!
16)Warner or Disney? I dunno
17)Favourite restaurant? Don't have one.
18)Favourite drink? Tea
19)Favourite ice cream? Half baked
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? I stupidly bought cream! Big mistake.
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? I passed first time.
22)Favourite TV show? Sex and the city
23)what do you want to do before you die? LIVE!
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Who cares?
25)Park or Zoo? Park, don't agree with keeping animals caged.
26)have you ever been overseas? Many times.
27)what do you do when you are bored? Get angry
28)what is your favourite colour? Grey
29)your usual bedtime? Anything from 10pm - 4am
30) any tattoos? Not yet.
31)how many pets do you have? 3 miserable cats and one crazy dog.
32)what time is it? 10.28pm!

28-10-08, 22:35
1)what time is it? 22:11.
2)whats your full name? Sarah.
3)what are you most afraid of? Death.
4)what was the last movie you saw? Coyote ugly.
5)place of birth? Newcastle.
6)Favourite Food? Tomato garlic bread.
7)whats your natural hair colour? Fair.
8)ever been skinny dipping? No.
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes.
10)ever been in a car accident? No.
11)croutons or bacon bits? Neither.
12)ever been on a ship? No.
13)Favourite flower? Gerbera.
14)Favourite day of the week? Saturday night.
15)Favourite sport to watch? Tennis and F1 grand prix.
16)Warner or Disney? Disney.
17)Favourite restaurant? Tabarrini's in Hartlepool.
18)Favourite drink? Water.
19)Favourite ice cream? Cherry or Pistachio.
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Beige.
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? Never took my test.
22)Favourite TV show? Hollyoaks.
23)what do you want to do before you die? I don't want to die :weep:.
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken.
25)Park or Zoo? Park.
26)have you ever been overseas? Once to Gibralter.
27)what do you do when you are bored? Eat, watch tv, mess about on the computer and read.
28)what is your favourite colour? Blue.
29)your usual bedtime? Sometime between 10:00pm and 11:00pm.
30) any tattoos? No.
31)how many pets do you have? None.
32)what time is it? 22.34.

28-10-08, 23:21
1) what time is it?23-14
2)whats your full name? BABS
3)what are you most afraid of? heart attack
4)what was the last movie you saw? cant remeber
5)place of birth? Liverpool
6)Favourite Food? Chocolate
7)whats your natural hair colour? mousey
8)ever been skinny dipping? no
9)love someone so much it made you cry?no
10)ever been in a car accident?slight one
11)croutons or bacon bits? /????
12)ever been on a ship?no
13)Favourite flower? hycynth
14)Favourite day of the week?monday
15)Favourite sport to watch?none
16)Warner or Disney?none
17)Favourite restaurant?none
18)Favourite drink?tea
19)Favourite ice cream?vanila
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet?beige
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test?once
22)Favourite TV show?corrie
23)what do you want to do before you die?????
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg?
25)Park or Zoo?park
26)have you ever been overseas?yes
27)what do you do when you are bored?go on the PC
28)what is your favourite colour?pink
29)your usual bedtime?12-30
30) any tattoos?no
31)how many pets do you have?none
32)what time is it?23-20

29-10-08, 03:57
1) what time is it? 10:48PM Central Time US
2)whats your full name? Sandra Kay ______ - left off last name
3)what are you most afraid of? driving
4)what was the last movie you saw? Tinman
5)place of birth? Peoria, IL
6)Favourite Food? Doritos!!
7)whats your natural hair colour? black
8)ever been skinny dipping? Yes
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes
11)croutons or bacon bits? Both - there is no "or" - haha
12)ever been on a ship? No
13)Favourite flower? Lilacs
14)Favourite day of the week? Sunday
15)Favourite sport to watch? Football
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Victoria's - little country place Great!!
18)Favourite drink? Tequila - Mmmmmmmmmmmm
19)Favourite ice cream? Carmel Coyote
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Hardwood
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
22)Favourite TV show? House
23)what do you want to do before you die? Get my degree
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken
25)Park or Zoo? Zoo
26)have you ever been overseas? No
27)what do you do when you are bored? surf the net
28)what is your favourite colour? Purple
29)your usual bedtime? 1 am
30) any tattoos? yes I have 2 - a heart with hubby's initials and a fertility cross
31)how many pets do you have? 1 dog, a cat, a bird, a rabbit, 25 salt**ter fish.
32)what time is it? 10:56pm

This post has been automatically edited by the NMP post filter

29-10-08, 03:58
Omg I Was Filtered For Typing Salt Water!!!!

29-10-08, 09:37
1) what time is it? 09:22
2)whats your full name? just call me lesley
3)what are you most afraid of? being alone when im old
4)what was the last movie you saw? Monkey Buisness - marx bros
5)place of birth? walkerdene - newcastle-uopn-tyne
6)Favourite Food? Baked Potaoes with cottage cheese
7)whats your natural hair colour? Auburn
8)ever been skinny dipping? Oooo nooo
9)love someone so much it made you cry? yes
10)ever been in a car accident? no thank god
11)croutons or bacon bits? croutons
12)ever been on a ship? dont like the water
13)Favourite flower? Yellow roses
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday
15)Favourite sport to watch? none
16)Warner or Disney? disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Shah
18)Favourite drink? Cranberry/blackcurrant
19)Favourite ice cream? neopolitan
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? oatmeal
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? once
22)Favourite TV show? friends
23)what do you want to do before you die? be a grandma
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? chicken
25)Park or Zoo? park dont like to see animals in cages
26)have you ever been overseas? yes once
27)what do you do when you are bored? fill in these questionaires
28)what is your favourite colour? black
29)your usual bedtime? 7pm ish not to sleep to relax
30) any tattoos? no
31)how many pets do you have? one - dog
32)what time is it? 09:36

29-10-08, 13:18
1)what time is it? 13.11
2)whats your full name? Nicola
3)what are you most afraid of? Being hurt even more then I have.
4)what was the last movie you saw? Little heroes .
5)place of birth? Cornwall
6)Favourite Food? Pasta!
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brown.
8)ever been skinny dipping? No.
9)love someone so much it made you cry? No.
10)ever been in a car accident? No.
11)croutons or bacon bits? Bacon .
12)ever been on a ship? Yeah. 10 yrs ago
13)Favourite flower? Rose
14)Favourite day of the week? Tuesday
15)Favourite sport to watch? Football.
16)Warner or Disney? Disney.
17)Favourite restaurant? Don’t have one
18)Favourite drink? Coke
19)Favourite ice cream? Rum and raisin .
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Dark green
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? Never driven
22)Favourite TV show? Family guy
23)what do you want to do before you die? Rescue as many animals as I can
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Depends…
25)Park or Zoo? ZOO!!
26)have you ever been overseas? No
27)what do you do when you are bored? See to the pets
28)what is your favourite colour? Red
29)your usual bedtime? 11:00pm later if I’m with Ness!
30) any tattoos? Not yet
31)how many pets do you have? 35 i think :0
32)what time is it? 13.17pm

29-10-08, 13:32
Omg I Was Filtered For Typing Salt Water!!!!

LMAO.......how funny xxxxremember 2 use a space next time hehe x:roflmao:

tayside lassie
29-10-08, 14:01
1) what time is it? 13.55
2)whats your full name? sarah
3)what are you most afraid of? going out
4)what was the last movie you saw? oliver twist
5)place of birth? scotland
6)Favourite Food? bacon
7)whats your natural hair colour? red
8)ever been skinny dipping? no
9)love someone so much it made you cry? yes
10)ever been in a car accident? never
11)croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? no
13)Favourite flower? lillies
14)Favourite day of the week? monday
15)Favourite sport to watch? ice skating
16)Warner or Disney? disney
17)Favourite restaurant?
18)Favourite drink? tea
19)Favourite ice cream? hate the stuff
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? chocolate
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test?
22)Favourite TV show? the simpsons
23)what do you want to do before you die?
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? ?
25)Park or Zoo? zoo
26)have you ever been overseas? no
27)what do you do when you are bored? come on pc
28)what is your favourite colour? dont have one
29)your usual bedtime? 11.00/11.30
30) any tattoos? no
31)how many pets do you have? 3
32)what time is it?14.00

31-10-08, 01:28
Yay, I used to fill time with these thingys loads on Myspace...but I'm a Facebook convert these days :shades: lol.

1) what time is it? One...ish :s
2)whats your full name? Rumplestiltskin :D
3)what are you most afraid of? Never being 'normal' again.
4)what was the last movie you saw? Ummm...Benchwarmers, very silly!
5)place of birth? St. Peters in Chertsey
6)Favourite Food? Sausage and mash, good ol' comfort food :yesyes:
7)whats your natural hair colour? Jeez louise, it's been a while! Uhh,dark blonde...ish.
8)ever been skinny dipping? Yusss! Any excuse to get naked :winks:
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Indeed, in good ways and bad!
10)ever been in a car accident? Only a few minor ones, ie. only the car got hurt!lol.
11)croutons or bacon bits? BOTH :D Oh alright, croutons!
12)ever been on a ship? Does the ferry count??lol
13)Favourite flower? Freesias probably, I just love the scent :)
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday...or saturday...obviously!hehe
15)Favourite sport to watch? Blah, hate sports...picking up the remote to turn them over is about as energetic as I get :winks:
16)Warner or Disney? Meh...Disney?
17)Favourite restaurant? Gosh,it's been a while!! I used to love going to a place that was a converted water mill...mmm, maybe one soon eh!
18)Favourite drink? Umm....cherry coke...or dandelion and burdock :yesyes:
19)Favourite ice cream? Ooh, I'm not fussy...I meant about icecream!!tut. lol
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Hang on, let me move some clothes and find out....
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? Never attempted it, the thought of driving has always terrified me!
22)Favourite TV show? Umm...Peepshow...or Family Guy:D
23)what do you want to do before you die? Start living again!!
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? I can think of an answer to that but it's rude :whistles:
25)Park or Zoo? Park everytime
26)have you ever been overseas? Yeah a few times,nowhere particularly exotic though!
27)what do you do when you are bored? Fill out things like these?hehe
28)what is your favourite colour? RED, love it!
29)your usual bedtime? Pfftt...when get round to it!
30) any tattoos? 13 and counting!
31)how many pets do you have? 2 beautiful,spoilt rotten guinea piggys :D
32)what time is it? Time I probably should try to get some sleep! :doh:

xxx :hugs:

31-10-08, 02:06
1) what time is it? 02.01
2)whats your full name? Scott Mitchell
3)what are you most afraid of? Flying
4)what was the last movie you saw? untraceble
5)place of birth? West London
6)Favourite Food? Chinese curry
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? Nup
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes n bloody hurt lol
11)croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? Yeah....hated it
13)Favourite flower? rose
14)Favourite day of the week? saturday
15)Favourite sport to watch? superbikes
16)Warner or Disney? warner
17)Favourite restaurant? KFC lol
18)Favourite drink? Barrs limeade
19)Favourite ice cream? Strawberry and cheese cake hagendaz
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? blue
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 1 time
22)Favourite TV show? eastenders
23)what do you want to do before you die? fly in a plane
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? chicken
25)Park or Zoo? park
26)have you ever been overseas? nup boohoo lol
27)what do you do when you are bored? come on here
28)what is your favourite colour? purple
29)your usual bedtime? between 10pm or 2am
30) any tattoos? nahh im a wimp
31)how many pets do you have? none
32)what time is it? 02.06

31-10-08, 02:22
1) what time is it? 02.16
2)whats your full name? Lynne
3)what are you most afraid of? Eternal judgement
4)what was the last movie you saw? tropic thunder
5)place of birth? Glasgow
6)Favourite Food? Fish
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brunette
8)ever been skinny dipping? Oh Yes!
9)love someone so much it made you cry? NO
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes
11)croutons or bacon bits? neither
12)ever been on a ship? Yeah
13)Favourite flower? tulips
14)Favourite day of the week? sunday
15)Favourite sport to watch? ice skating
16)Warner or Disney? either or
17)Favourite restaurant? gleneagles
18)Favourite drink? coca cola
19)Favourite ice cream? jaconellis vanilla from maryhill in glasgow
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? cream
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? yet to sit it
22)Favourite TV show? HOUSE (drool.drool)
23)what do you want to do before you die? live life to the max
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? dont know
25)Park or Zoo? park
26)have you ever been overseas? Oh Yes lots of times
27)what do you do when you are bored? study, read , listen to music
28)what is your favourite colour? purple
29)your usual bedtime? whenever I feel like it
30) any tattoos? nope they are tacky
31)how many pets do you have? 5 cats and a dog part time
32)what time is it? 02.21

01-11-08, 17:33
1) what time is it? 1:28 pm central time
2)whats your full name? Laura Lynn
3)what are you most afraid of? Losing Loved Ones
4)what was the last movie you saw? The Duchess
5)place of birth? Atlanta
6)Favourite Food? Lobster
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brunette
8)ever been skinny dipping? No
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes
11)croutons or bacon bits? Croutons
12)ever been on a ship? Yes
13)Favourite flower? Lillies
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday
15)Favourite sport to watch? Football
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Anything French
18)Favourite drink? Pinot Nior
19)Favourite ice cream? Cherry
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Blue
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
22)Favourite TV show? House
23)what do you want to do before you die? Travel Abroad More
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Chicken
25)Park or Zoo? Park
26)have you ever been overseas? Yes
27)what do you do when you are bored? Watch TV
28)what is your favourite colour? Blue
29)your usual bedtime? 9:30 - 10:00 pm
30) any tattoos? No
31)how many pets do you have? 1 dog
32)what time is it? 1:32 pm

01-11-08, 20:50
1) what time is it? 20.32
2)whats your full name? Gaynor
3)what are you most afraid of? illness (me & my family/anybody)
4)what was the last movie you saw? Alvin & the chipmunks (with my son)
5)place of birth? Barnsley
6)Favourite Food? Mexican
7)whats your natural hair colour? Brunette
8)ever been skinny dipping? yes! & it was very expensive!! Got stung by a jelly fish & had to have an injection in my butt!!!
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yep indeedy. I'm a mummy!
10)ever been in a car accident? Yes but nothing serious. No one was hurt, thank god!
11)croutons or bacon bits? croutons
12)ever been on a ship? does a ferry count?
13)Favourite flower? lillies
14)Favourite day of the week? Sundays...... (Family!)
15)Favourite sport to watch? figure skating
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Any mexican, or our local italian...yum!
18)Favourite drink? Fanta
19)Favourite ice cream? Vanilla and walnut with toffee sauce
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Beige
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? Passed first time!
22)Favourite TV show? Hollyoaks
23)what do you want to do before you die? Give my son whatever i can give him.
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? Egg
25)Park or Zoo? Park, but do love chester zoo.
26)have you ever been overseas? Yes but only Europe
27)what do you do when you are bored? I don't get bored, I have a 2 year old.
28)what is your favourite colour? I love many colours
29)your usual bedtime? About 11pm (ish)
30) any tattoos? certainly not!
31)how many pets do you have? 2 bunnies
32)what time is it? 20.48

eternally optimistic
01-11-08, 21:01
) what time is it?
2)whats your full name?
3)what are you most afraid of?
4)what was the last movie you saw?
5)place of birth?
6)Favourite Food?
7)whats your natural hair colour?
8)ever been skinny dipping?
9)love someone so much it made you cry?
10)ever been in a car accident?
11)croutons or bacon bits?
12)ever been on a ship?
13)Favourite flower?
14)Favourite day of the week?
15)Favourite sport to watch?
16)Warner or Disney?
17)Favourite restaurant?
18)Favourite drink?
19)Favourite ice cream?
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet?
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test?
22)Favourite TV show?
23)what do you want to do before you die?
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg?
25)Park or Zoo?
26)have you ever been overseas?
27)what do you do when you are bored?
28)what is your favourite colour?
29)your usual bedtime?
30) any tattoos?
31)how many pets do you have?
32)what time is it?

eternally optimistic
01-11-08, 21:08
) what time is it? 9.01pm
2)whats your full name? Jackie
3)what are you most afraid of? Being out of control
4)what was the last movie you saw? Three and out
5)place of birth? Bristol
6)Favourite Food? Chocolate
7)whats your natural hair colour? Mousey blonde
8)ever been skinny dipping? No
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes
10)ever been in a car accident? A BIG YES
11)croutons or bacon bits? bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? Yes
13)Favourite flower? Lilly
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday
15)Favourite sport to watch? GP1
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Wherever is closest
18)Favourite drink? Tea, sorry
19)Favourite ice cream? Strawberry
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? Havent got carpet, its on order
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? 0
22)Favourite TV show? ??, havent got one
23)what do you want to do before you die? get back on a plane and travel
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? egg
25)Park or Zoo? Zoo
26)have you ever been overseas? Yes
27)what do you do when you are bored? Walk or read
28)what is your favourite colour? Black
29)your usual bedtime? 10.30
30) any tattoos? No, too scared
31)how many pets do you have? None
32)what time is it? 9.07

01-11-08, 21:22
1) what time is it? 21.18
2)whats your full name? Cheryl Finch
3)what are you most afraid of? Losing my loved ones
4)what was the last movie you saw? Quantum of Solace!!
5)place of birth? London
6)Favourite Food? Spaghetti and most Italian food!
7)whats your natural hair colour? Dark brown
8)ever been skinny dipping? no! no one wants to see that haha
9)love someone so much it made you cry? Yes, cheese!!
10)ever been in a car accident? No
11)croutons or bacon bits? Bacon bits
12)ever been on a ship? Yes
13)Favourite flower? Irises just because I love the colour
14)Favourite day of the week? Friday or Saturday!
15)Favourite sport to watch? Meh hate sports mainly although I watch footie A LOT because my bf loves it.
16)Warner or Disney? Disney
17)Favourite restaurant? Frankie and Bennys!
18)Favourite drink? coke
19)Favourite ice cream? chocolate chip
20)what colour is your bedroom carpet? pink
21)How many times did you fail your drivers test? I have never taken it!
22)Favourite TV show? Ooooh toughie. 24 or Friends
23)what do you want to do before you die? Have a big family and get married...and travel!
24)which came first, the chicken or the egg? hmmm!
25)Park or Zoo? Both, although I would probs pick park!
26)have you ever been overseas? Yes, to France, Morocco, Italy and Denmark!
27)what do you do when you are bored? Go on facebook or write
28)what is your favourite colour? Pink
29)your usual bedtime? about 1am or later haha
30) any tattoos? no
31)how many pets do you have? none
32)what time is it? 21.22
