View Full Version : Am i Going to Die !!! Skipped beats Raised CK's

28-10-08, 20:56
Hi Guys
Firstly let me say, i know people have skipped beatsetc beat i have just been the gym and every few beats is skipped a beat is registered sometimes i feel 2 or 3 extra beats, there must be about 15 dodgy beats per min and this has been goin on since last fri !
I had a ecg which was normal on fri but blood tests showed raised ck's bu tropopion was normal so i was told dont worryby the dr...dont worry every other beat is missed how can this be normal or safe !!! should i be in hospital ??

I am frightened to go the gym, go drinkin with my mates or even have caffeine. I don't know if i had damaged my heart in the past or not, my gp thinks its all a bit of a laugh and wont refer me to a cardiologist as two echograms where fine. I am in torment i feel like my life is over or is going to end any minute.
Everythig kicks them off caffeine chocolate most food drink training i can't win. Does anyone understand ?? I honestly feel like i am goin to crock it

28-10-08, 21:29

right i have had ectopics for years ,at times i have them every other beat and days when i have only one a day .
i have had tests upon tests all came bk ok i think i just got sick of the worry as that is what made them worse so i started to think of i do not care if i get them or not ,now this has taken me a long time to perfect and still not there a %100 but i am better that i used to be.
i used to think it was caffeine ,and all sorts of other things that was setting them off but you know i have them things now but ectopics have calmed down a lot :shrug: .
i hope you can try and see these ectopics as nothing that is going to harm you and the worst thing about them is how they feel and the panic it sets off,try to go about your life and try your best to not think about them
you will not die hun

jodie x

28-10-08, 21:32
I am getting them every other beat i find it impossible to relax it cant be healthy can it ! How do we know they not dangerous ??

28-10-08, 21:39

i have had them every other beat to and i know it makes you scared but i promise you your not going to die you have been checked out ,ectopics are just an extra beat along with a normal beat or can be a missed beat ,your heart has a natural pace maker and a back up one right now the backup one is giving as beat every so many beats to that's all and it is not going to harm you that's what my doc told me.
put it this way my dad was in ICU a while ago and on heart monitors ,he was getting ectopics and the docs were not one bit bothered and he was really ill.
when you tell yourself you are going to be ok they will calm down all this panic is making them worse hun

jodie xx

28-10-08, 22:13
thanks thats a help !
I just wish i could be checked out again, have another monitor a echogram as i feel they are getting worse. I can never be reassured i have googled them on the net and read that you can die from them

28-10-08, 22:23
Whoa there. Deep breaths.

Try to trust your doctor. You've had two tests on your heart that showed that it is operating normally. Do you think that your doctor would laugh and let you walk out of his office if he thought that you had a life-threatening heart condition? Or even a non-life-threatening heart condition? Looking for medical problems is his job and what he trained for years and years to do. OK, the laughing doesn't show much sensitivity but it does show that he has not the slightest sliver of worry that you're suddenly going to keel over and that he is going to get sued into oblivion by your family, or struck off the medical register.

I get ectopics every day. They make my blood run cold. But let them pass and you soon realise that they can't hurt you. Loads and loads of people on here experience them too, some for 20 or 30 years or more. They're still going strong. The more anxious you are about them, the more you will get. They can be induced by stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline which you release when you get panicky or worried.

It's hard to think of your heart doing anything rather than beating in a nice, steady rhythm 24/7. But in fact no healthy heart does this. Pretty much everyone gets some skipped beats, not everyone feels them and some get more than others. Try to accept them and you might find that they ease off. Potassium and magnesium can help, you could try a supplement, or just eat lots of banana and avocado. You're going to be fine :) .

28-10-08, 22:32
Thanks guys...
its just so hard when my heart goes in to one feel like even if they dont kill me tey have won as i have no life they have drained the confidence out of me, i only a 33 yr old i used to be sociable, have lots of friends now i dont want to do anything just withdraw !
I expect to die any day its crazy not to believe drs i know but i just have a habit of grasping the negative

28-10-08, 22:45
its really strange i feel like a normal rythm then a quick 2 to 3 beats followed by a pause and a thud very scary

29-10-08, 06:25
Try to relax. Believe me, I know how hard and ludicrous this sounds, but you have to get yourself out of your head. I have been having ectopic beats for a while now, somewhere around a year, and they suck a big nut, but they are manageable. I find that I do poorly when I start to think about them to much, and get all up in my head about what I think is going on.

Dont worry about the PVC's every other beat, that's called Bigemy, and if you have a structurally normal heart (determined by an echo cardiogram) then there is nothing to fear.

It sounds like you need to get a new doctor, If you seriously want to get checked out again, I would go find a doctor that will support you in that.

The pauses can be awful, but they are just happening because your heart is resetting itself. The THUD happens afterward because your heart is compensating for the lack of blood pumped during the pause, so you get a very large beat because of the extra volume.

I think the hardest part for me has been giving up some of the things I love, like Beer, Whiskey, coffee, chocolate, ect, ect. Still, I feel much better for having done it. Just stay positive (it can be hard at times) and remember that there are others out there dealing with the same things you are. You will get through this, and you wont drop dead!
