View Full Version : Right now im worried.

28-10-08, 21:27
Been to the drs tonight as last night had really bad chest pain which really frightened me.I wasnt stressed or anxious , in fact i was giving my 3 yr old and her friend a foot spa and manicure!
I ran up the stairs to get something and when i came bcak down the bad chest pain started.
Been stressed over the wkend with one thing or another. Went to drs and she put it down to anixety but said my blood pressure slightly raised probably due to the fact i was crying. Im diabetic and have thyroid trouble and wasnt offered an ecg as i had had one back in jan. What do you think should i go back to a different dr.
Would my ecg from jan still apply to now ?:wacko:

28-10-08, 21:45
Hi Donna

1st of all - I love the fact your 3 year old was having a foot spa - seriously though - I always find I get palpitations when im least expecting them and always when Im relaxed. drs wouldnt mess with chest pain if they thought it was serious and they would have sent you to hosp if they were cpncerned at all. you know if worst came to worst you could call an ambulance if you were in agony but chances are it is anxiety or maybe you pulled a muscle while leaning over foot spa. try distract yourself and if your in bad pain this evening or tomorrow go back but the chances are subconsciously maybe you were panicking from running up the stairs of you were slighly out of breath etc - lots of love xx

29-10-08, 08:24
Sorry to hear you're feeling so anxious. I don't know your doctor, but you say you are diabetic and especially because of that I don't think any doctor would dismiss any possibly dangerous symptom. I agree with bab that it could have been some sort of muscle spasm from leaning over the foot spa and then rushing upstairs. There are individual muscles between each of our ribs and if you twist/strain one of those it can really hurt and be sensitive for a few days afterwards and hurt when we breath. But, like bab said, if it gets worse either go to your local A & E, phone NHS Direct (sorry don't remember their number, but you'll find the number if you Google, they are very good and will contact your doc directly if they think it's necessary) or you can phone for an ambulance. I hope you start to feel better soon.

29-10-08, 19:06
The palpitations can be a real fright. I am a runner and I get them sometimes when I running, even though running is relaxing for me. Of course my brain says I must be having a heart attack. I would suggest heeding the advice of the others that your doctor would have checked you fully if he/she thought there was a problem. We are all fighting the same battle and we are here on this board to help out. We won't judge so please keep posting if it makes you feel better.
