View Full Version : Black Friday

29-10-08, 04:29
Altho it's a month away, I am just chompin at the bit for my Black Friday shopping experience!!!
For those of you who don't have this WONDERFUL day let me tell you about it.
The day after Thanksgiving in the US all the stores open early and have deals on lots of items.
It's absolute chaos with lines that go on forever, people pushing and running around like their on fire, it's loud and frenzied and I wouldn't miss it for the world!!!
Here is a couple of videos to get all the U.S. Black Friday shoppers in the mood and to let everyone else see what you are missing...


I've already started my lists and still a month to wait!!!

Ok I know it's crazy for a 5' 4" woman with an anxiety disorder to LOVE chaos but this is my fav shopping day of the whole year! Plus I may be small but I'm bad a@@ !!! :)
Now I'm off to find a countdown clock for my myspace page :)

29-10-08, 06:49
Omg Sandy that sounds like my worst nightmare not because of anxiety but because I HATE Shopping lol But you have fun and mark the days off on the calendar lol

Pooh x

29-10-08, 08:06
Oh this post just brought a bit of light to my day.lol. i know that day very well. my brother got me into it. showed me all the deals that were gonna happen. well let me tell ya we drove hour and a half to get to the place. (we got there at 2 in the morning). people had tents set up and the line went all the way around to the very back of the store. I stood in the freezing cold till 6:30. the whole time i'm just saying over and over what am i doing?! well let me tell ya what i was doing i was bound and determinded to get the $90 mp3 player for $25. i just gotta laugh remembering this. the doors open and everyones piling in and suddenly the rocky theme is playing in my head.:roflmao: . i hear people asking about where the mp3 players are and my heart starts racing. they shall not get my stuff! i race through the store as best i could through a fully packed store. and suddenly there they were being grabbed up left and right. i make a run for it the whole time screaming like a child.mine!mine!mine! and happily i got it. had to knock over a few people but hey alls fair in love and shopping.lol. But i did learn one lesson,if i ever do it again. Dress warmer and bring a chair.

29-10-08, 13:05
Loved your story!!!
I have learned several things over my years of BF shopping.....
1) Never bring kids!
I almost lost my daughter in a sea of mad shoppers the first year I went.
2) Always wear an extra layer of clothes and tennis shoes. Lost a flip flop the second year I went!!!
3) Never go alone! My eyeballs were floatin while standing in line the 3rd year I went!!!!
4) If they push - you better push back!!!

30 days and counting :)

29-10-08, 13:15
OMG Sandy .................
Im having palps just watching the links haha
Thats my worst nytmare I hate shopping ...oh all those people wahhhhhhh
How do u cope having anx and doing that ....x

Hope u get sum gud bargains hun and wave at us if u ever on a youtube link LOL xxxxxxxxxx

Titch xxxxxxxxxxxx

29-10-08, 13:51
God i nearly had to reach for my brown paper bag watching those clips.:wacko:

Busy shops scare the b'jesus out of me. I wish they did because i would like nothing better than to stroll around the shops bargain hunting.

Get yourself some Arnica cream in-in advance gal as it's will be great for those bruised shins and toes.

Love Lisa

29-10-08, 14:03
is this a real thing??? looks mad!!!

29-10-08, 14:23
The anxiety doesn't bother me when I'm in the middle of it!
I think it's a survival thing!!!

You know Lisa I've never had to much of a problem with bruises or anything but I'm sure I've given some out!

Yep it's real :)

Not really sure why I love it so! Maybe it's some sort of primeval type blood lust that is ingrained in my subconscious somewhere!

Last year a girl got thrown into a glass window for cutting in line. Didn't break the window but I'll bet she doesn't cut again!

29-10-08, 16:52
Yes, I can also vouch it is true. I have only gone once and will never venture outside my house again on Black Friday, bargain or no bargain!!!:shades: At 5'2" (on a good day) you just get trampled. My Mom and sister keep the shopping blood lust going in our family :winks: !

Loved your stories.:roflmao:

Laura xxx

29-10-08, 16:55
Enjoy and hope you get great deals. Stamp on the feet of the people who push into you!

Though sadly I'd hate it cos' I hate sales in shops - I like stock to be neatly laid out with lots of space and few customers around so I can shop at leisure.

29-10-08, 17:46
Yes i too know its true.

Its wonderful, just wish I was there this year.

Lilibet x

29-10-08, 17:51
Blinking hell Sandy:ohmy: .

I hate shopping at the best of times, (not because of the anxiety or anything,.. it just drives me bonkers). Some of my girly mates love it, drives me up the wall, I'm walking along the aisles and they shoot off,.. disappear rumaging on the shelves and the clothes !!! Lol.:wacko:

Black Friday - My worst nightmare !! :winks:

Have fun though, it sounds right up your street. :flowers:

29-10-08, 18:27
Have fun Sandy :yesyes:

I never liked going Christmas shopping in December because of crowds and that was before my anxiety was this bad so I'll leave you to it!

Karen xx

29-10-08, 21:04
Well I'll just have to take you all with me in spirit then ;)

Laura I can't believe you don't go!
I thought for sure you would be right up there in the front of the line with your track shoes on !!!

31-10-08, 14:06
Nope I've never been into it and guess what? I don't even go shopping on the tax free weekend right before school!!! Am I lazy or WHAT, lol??? I don't like getting pushed around by all the tall people in the world so I stay home and always shop the weekend before. I may spend a bit more but definately saves me a bruise or two. You go girl and get those deals, have fun!!!



31-10-08, 14:56
Ohhh good feck,i love a bargain and all but dont know if id be able for that,that's mad.Hope you have a ball sandy and ge tloads of bargainsxxx:yesyes: