View Full Version : Anxiety and Dreaming

29-10-08, 08:51
Morning everyone, had a horrible nightmare last night and I can't shake the feeling, but have so much on at work today am sure it will get pushed aside once I get motivated.

I always have the same or similar dream when I'm stressed/ anxious about something, it doesn't directly relate to what I'm stressed about as such, altho was set in an airpport so this time quite accurate. In my dreams my OH leaves me to "see how she feels" about someone from her past.

As I've said I have the same dream about abandoment EVERY single time I feel panicky about something. Does anyone else expereince anything similar? :weep:

29-10-08, 15:01
Know exactly how you feel, have nightmares often about losing my loved ones. Have noticed I often get them when I go to bed feeling negative, so I'm trying to go to sleep in a good mood; maybe by reading a happy book, having a nice bath. Maybe you could try the same? If it gets bad, keep a "dream diary" of all the nightmares you get and maybe you could find out what triggers them.

You're not alone:hugs:

29-10-08, 18:49
That's interesting Cherbear (great name btw!!). I have def noticed I get the abandoment dreams when I'm stressed about something else, so strange how the mind works! I have a bath every night and concentrate on breathing, do some meditation and always read before bed. The dream diary is a great idea, thanks x

30-10-08, 11:26
Thank you, my name is Cheryl but it was an old nickname my friends gave me and it stuck.

I hope you find it helps, let me know. If not, message me and I can try and help. I know how horrible it is :hugs:

31-10-08, 03:28
abandoment dreams when I'm stressed about something else

Stress will trigger bad dreams and these dreams will often be based on our main fears. Stress not only affects our dreams but also our thoughts during the day so that when we're feeling stressed, an intrusive thought might appear which like a bad dream will be based on our main fear.

Stress triggers our fears so they can surface day or night.

Also has anyone ever dreamt of being chased or trying to run away but never seem to be getting anywhere? This is a symptom of too much stress in our lives creating a feeling of being trapped so we act out this feeling in our dream by trying to escape from our stress. Sometimes we'll also link things into our dreams from what we see or hear around us during the day that has worried us. I used to get these dreams and sometimes they really upset me.:hugs:

31-10-08, 11:17
Yes! I often get dreams of being chased although my recurring dream is my phone ringing and it being bad news about loved ones. Had that at least once a week for about 7/8 years!!

My counsellor recommended I listen to a relaxation or my favourite music before I go to sleep so I'm in a happy mood, worth a try? :hugs: xx