View Full Version : Anybody ?

29-10-08, 09:13
I was just wondering if anyone who has been to the doctors with palps, missed beats ect, if they have just been given reassurance by there doctor without having any test done ????
I cant go to my doctor because im frightened, i feel i would faint or something if he says i should go for ecg ect .
What actualy happens when you go to the docs withthese things, do they reassure you and send you away, " which would be great for me " or do they say "we need to get these checked out "
Please leave a quick reply to this if you can, i cant stop worrying, its making it very difficult for me to go and tell the doc about them, so i dont know if im safe living with them.
Or has anybody not even been checked and just lives with them ???? :winks:

29-10-08, 10:16
im sorry i cant help but i really think you should go to see your doc hun. it'l be for the best and im sure nothing bad wil happen good luck

29-10-08, 10:18
think you should see your doc honey, would be for best. let us know how you get on. xxxxxxxxxxx

29-10-08, 10:18
Thanks Cookie,
I think thats why i have put this on so i can build up some courage to do just that.

29-10-08, 10:21
hello ! I am new here...i was at the Drs yesterday with Palps, fast heart beat and missed beats etc.. - i get this alot...i am sure there is nothing to worry about but just get them to do ECG just to put your mind at rest..


29-10-08, 10:23
JoJo, Have you had the ecg ?

29-10-08, 10:27
Hi Missy:hugs: ,

I dont like going to the doctors either hun.

Its very unlikely that your doctor would refer you for a ecg at first, if you suffer with stress/anxiety and have a highish BP reading im sure they would would ask you to visit them again in a few weeks to take another BP Reading and just keep an eye on things. I went to the surgery on Monday and i was so scared thinking there was something wrong with my heart:ohmy: . As usual my readings where high while in the surgery they always are as i get so stressed out visiting the surgery. It was also my first time at the new surgery as we have moved area so that was stressing me out too.

I actually had the appointment with the practice nurse and for some reason because of it not been a doctor i felt alot more relaxed when i eventually got in to see her she was lovely, maybe you could ring your surgery and ask to see the practice nurse too for a health check, would put your mind at ease.

There are so many of us here on NMP that suffer with palps etc and its all down to anxiety we all have healthy hearts hun and im sure you will have too.

Try not to worry:hugs: .


29-10-08, 10:32
Thankyou Honeybee,
I suppose i just want people to tell me the normal routine they go through, just a doctor saying im fine willl be enough me. Thanks for your reply.

29-10-08, 11:51
Made an appointment with my doctor for a home visit this lunch time, i know im a coward by not going, but thought i would meet my fear half way ;-(

29-10-08, 16:20
Hi Sarah

Well done hun for making the appointment:yesyes: , hope it all goes well!:hugs:


30-10-08, 08:17
Just to let you know, i had my visit from doctor. Brand new doc that didnt help matters at first, although he turned out to be lovely.
So he took my blood pressure, that was way way to high, but i was sensible enough to take it before he came to show him how low it normaly is ;-) thank god !
Then he listened to my heart, he said it sounds perfectly fine, just beating very fast, I was in the middle of a panic attack ;-(
He said i was fine, he wouldnt think i need to have an ecg, but reccomends it for my reassurance.
He says he will try and get a nurse to come and do it at home. Also he asked me to record my blood pressure for a week and let him know what the results were, i think he was worried of how high it was.
So all in all i felt it was a terrible exerience, but im glad i went through with it, i dont think he would have just left me if he thought i was in a dangerous state, like dropping dead or some thing.

So thanks all for your help x

30-10-08, 08:27
I had an ECG after feeling faint and having palpitations. It was very easy and fast and when my results came back as normal I felt so relieved, also my palpitations stopped not longer after that I think because my mind was put at rest by knowing my heart was actually fine!


30-10-08, 10:30
Thank you alswife,
He he cool name !

30-10-08, 10:38
Hiya M8 ....

I had an ECG few weeks ago as my palps and giddyness were so bad ....I had constant flutters .....My ECG was fine ..but my blood pressure was low ...so not sure why my BP would be low ? xxxxxxxxxxxxx

When u having ECG do u know x

hugs :hugs:

30-10-08, 10:56
Hiya titchjd,
Not sure when having ecg, doc said he would go back to surgery and sort it out, so i imagine he will ring me, if not i will give them a ring in a week as he wanted me to monitor my blood pressure for a week for him, i started this morning and thankfuly o my surprise its perfect. has been on the last three checks as well, makes me feel better because he looked very worried with it, which made me panick, so i thought it would be high on every reading there on !

Funny what the mind does isnt it !

What do you class as low blood pressure titchjd ? wish i had that problem, How old are you ?

When my daughter comes to my house i always check hers, i check everybodies for some reason lol not worked out why yet or what good it does me lol

But my daughter is 20 yrs old and hers is always around 110/ 60

Mine today is staying around 123/ 83, which is suppose to be normal, but i think its much lower if your younger.