View Full Version : Ulcers galore and a blood blister ahh!

29-10-08, 09:38
Hi Guys, i keep getting ulcers on my tongue at least one a week. I had a really sore one last week and it went now i have one on the tip on my tongue which is tiny but soo sore and one on the side its so painful. The one on my tongue from last week has turned in to a small blood blister and i am really scared. is this a sign of mouth cancer or a pregnancy thing?


29-10-08, 09:45
Hormonal changes can induce mouth ulcers, I believe. Women (like me) sometimes find that they get more at some points of their cycle than others. Stress makes you more susceptible to the little blighters too. If you're mostly just getting the teeny ones then I wouldn't worry too much. They tend to heal pretty quickly even thought they sting like anything. Avoid acidic foods. Personally I avoid toothpaste containing sodium laureth sulphate too, but it can be hard to find toothpaste that doesn't have it in the supermarket.

If you find that you're getting lots of the bigger ones that make your glands swell up, or they don't go away after a couple of weeks then maybe mention to your doc :).

29-10-08, 09:50
Hi hun
I get mouth ulcers and cold sores a lot...got an ucler just now in between my lip and gum my gp says its cos im run down. Try not to worry about them too much, but If you want your mind put at rest get your gp to have a look, he might be able to give you something to ease it a little.
Take care

29-10-08, 09:54
Hi Guys, went to the docs a few weeks ago about something else and he had a quick look and presribed this paste. Im just worried about the tiny ones on my tongue and this blood blister. I really hate being this worried but i am trying to rationalise these stupid fears. I have a docs appontment 2moro so i might mention it tommorow. xx

29-10-08, 10:13
If they hurt its a good sign! Mouth cancer lesions generally are not sore or cause any pain.

29-10-08, 13:50
I saw my midwife last week and she really helped me put in to perspective my fears about HIV etc and that blood tests arnt wrong. Me and my mum have a really bad relationship she is very controlling and likes to have control over me. I spoke to her last night about my blood grouping results last night as the doctor phoned to tell me i am AB+ i told my mother this and she said 'well thats not right you are A+ apparently i was tested at birth' she knows how scared i am about test results being wrong and she said 'well your tests are clearly wrong i would see the doctor if i was you' I told her that tests cant be wrong and she has said she has it wrote down some where and she will dig it out' although i know this wont happen ( i bet she doesnt have it wrote down) i am petrified she is right and my tests are wrong. its taken so long for me to believe my HIV tests were negative and they hadnt mxed them up etc. She has planted this seed of doubt in my head again and now i am working myself up and panicking that the ulcers are related to HIV ( my googling mistake gave me this info)

What shall i do :( i hate my mother for doing this as i have been doing so well :weep:

29-10-08, 14:25
hi tash

please stop worrying hunny you are fine and you do not have hiv, i know how you feel i have been through all this myself and i too have a mouth ulcer at present, you have nothing to worry about hunny you do not have hiv i promise. your tests will not be wrong. i know its easy for me to say stop worrying because i worry when people tell me not to but drs can not afford to make mistakes you are fine:hugs:
