View Full Version : help !

29-10-08, 10:03
am new here ! :smile: I found this site while desperatley scouring the internet for answers ! I had two nasty anxiety attacks (i'm told by the DR) in Aug this year, ever since i have been plagued by anxiety - thinking i am seriously ill (i think i have suffered with stress, despression & anxiety for yrs but not aknowledged it until i had these nasty attacks). I have been to the Drs and had ECG & Blood etc...eveything came back fine. The Dr gave me Cipralex 5mg for 4wks but it made me feel awful far worse than the anxiety. He then gave me Seroxat 20mg but this made me feel like i was going to dye ! I have stopped the Meds (last week) but i feel like i am going mad and eveything hurts, nausea, head, eyes senstive to light the list goes on...could this be withdraw from the Meds after such a short time on them? The Dr makes me feel like i am wasting his time...I feel like i want to scream...i feel like i am going to Dye eveyday ! I am still working and trying to me a mother, partner etc... but this is driving me mad ! Sorry to go on but this is my first time of getting it off my chest..... :smile:


29-10-08, 10:09
Hi JoJo

Welcome along :flowers:

You'll get lots of support here and get to know some really lovely people too.

Love Lisa

29-10-08, 10:10
aw thanks lisa. I was quite nervous....


29-10-08, 10:24
:yahoo: :yahoo: Welcome JoJo10 :yahoo: :yahoo:

29-10-08, 10:45
Awww JoJo, Nothing to be nervous about hun! We are all in the same boat here. Just treat us like an old friend. (not that i am old) Ha! :biggrin:

Love Lisa

29-10-08, 10:50
Hi JO JO ..welcome 2 NMP

You will get so much help and support on here and loads off laughs along the way hun xx

Big hugs :hugs:

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Rhubarb and custard
29-10-08, 15:45
Hi Jojo10

I am new to the site too so you are not alone.

It's good to know you are not alone with panic attacks (although you would not wish them on your worst enemy)

All the best


29-10-08, 16:46
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

the worst bit is over youve said hello and look you got responses. Now its time to dive into the forum lol

nice to have you on board

Pooh x

29-10-08, 20:15
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx