View Full Version : My eyes keep going out of focus, anyone else have the same??

Gem Can't Switch Off
29-10-08, 16:08
Just thought I'd post about this as it's been happening for months, mainly when I'm driving, but trying to focus in other situations is hard too. My eyes will blur over and I have to shake my head to get them to focus again, I've had my eyes tested and they said they were fine, some days it doesn't happen but others it's bad and today is terrible.

I'm undergoing fertility treatment after years of TTC which hasn't worked so far so I'm having an operation in 5 weeks (which of course is freaking me out), and my fingers and arms go numb since a car accident so I'm seeing a neurologist and rheumatologist about that too to see where there's a trapped nerve.

I think the eye pain, headaches (I've suffered with hemiplegic migraines for years) and blurring of vision are stress related as these symptoms are far worse if I worry about them. The numbness and fertility problems are real ones, which seem to be triggering the other problems or making them worse.

I think I'm a person that doesn't handle stress well and holds it all in, which in turn makes me ill, as unless people know me very well, I put on a happy face whilst freaking out inside.

Basically I feel like my anxiety is getting worse on a daily basis, therefore more symptoms are manifesting themselves, making my anxiety worse and I'm worried I'm going to have a complete breakdown if I don't get on top of this.

Any advice would be so helpful,

Thank you fellow worriers xxx

29-10-08, 16:56
do you wear glasses? or have you had eyes tested recently. I used to suffer from this when first started suffering from anxiety so sure thats all it is. Might be an idea to get eyes checked tho just in case you need glasses or something. xxx

29-10-08, 16:57
sorry gemma, just read the part where you said you have had your eyes checked. hehe. Its probably just anxiety hun, maybe just mention it to your doc next time you go. best of luck. xxxxxx

29-10-08, 17:41
Do you get visual disturbances with your migraines?

I get one every week or two, and my eyesight goes all funny for half an hour or so first. I find it really disturbing and worry about getting another one a lot - I'm constantly looking at things and wondering if they look a bit odd.

I get little flashes on light in my vision too, and a lot of floaters. It's definitely made worse by stress and anxiety, which I seem to be stuck in a vicious circle with.

Gem Can't Switch Off
29-10-08, 20:05
Hi guys,

Thanks Janey, I will make an appointment!

Emma-yeah I get the eye problems too! I used to black out with tension headaches, then that stopped and I started to get migraines which turned hemiplegic (paralysing the left half my face and causing drooping eyelids). I get the flashing/auras and I have the floaters there all the time. I also can tell when a storm is coming as I can feel it in my head, seriously!!! Reading this back it's no wonder I'm a worrier, having every type of headache under the sun- but the blurred vision is a new one!!

Do you know of anything that helps with your anxiety/headaches/worrying??


30-10-08, 20:35
I get the same thing hun! I physically have to shake my head to make it go away. I wear glasses yet I still get it and I have recently had my eyes tested again and my vision hasn't got worse.

I find once I rest a bit, put some cold teabags on my eyes and relax it helps a little :hugs: xx

22-11-08, 21:49
I just posted a reply and hit the wrong button and it went somewhere I am going to start again to tell you my story as briefly as I can. I have suffered from agoraphobia and panic attacks for 40 years. I had anxiety all my life but agoraphobia started when I was 28. About 2 years ago I was in the shower and my eyes did something funny. All of a sudden a light bulb went off in my head and I knew that my eyes were causeing some of my agoraphobia panic problems if not all. I went to the net and looked up agoraphobia and eyes. Lo and behold after about going through 2 pages I found Dr. Debbie, in Birmingham Michigan. She was useing prisims in your glasses to over come the symptoms that most agoraphobia sufferers have. I live in Illinois so my husband and I went to Michigan to see her. She tested me and said I had one of the worst cases of hyperophoria she had seen. This is a condition where one eye is higher than the other. I would like to tell you that one visit with a new pair of glasses did it but it didn't. It was a series of visits and series of putting new prisims in my glasses. I then had to get used to the new prisim which could take a month or more. It took about a year and a half but I have no more symptoms associated with agoraphobia. No dizzyness, No pitching forward feelings while talking to someone. I can stand in line. Without tensing every muscle in my body and knowing i am going to pass out. I can sit in a crowd. When you are young you can over come this. It is an eye muscle that overcomes this but as you grow older and get more stressed out the muscle weakens and that's when the problems start. It is found in familys. My aunt had it we didn't know what was wrong with her. Also it can be caused by trauma. Like an automobile accident. Or getting hit on the head. I know to some of you this will be hard to believe but what I am telling you is the truth. Eye doctors should have caught this condition but most doctors are taught that if they see 1diaoptor off in a exam let it go it will correct itself. Most eye exams they don't even test you for this. A pylot has to be tested for this before he can even consider becomming a pylot. He can not be 1 diaopter off. I am left with anxiety which was only slightly helped with the glasses but I take a 0.5 mg of xanax about every other day or as needed and it is fine. I don't take anymore than that I don't want another kind of problem. I hope my story will help someone. God Bless you all in your endeavor to be free of panic and agoraphobia. Yo

17-12-08, 05:28
I am 18 yearz old and this problem started about 1 month ago my vision has been feeling soooo wierd like you know when you wake up in the morning and you eyes feel really wierd thats what it feels like all day and i also get headaches all the time. This is really bugging me because everything looks wierd i also feel i get anxiety i hate it soo much it soo hard to explain but i wana find out what it is???? i dont feel normal with my eye sight feeling like this i wana feel better can somebody plz help me out and let me know what they think it is i also am sensitive to light i also have been getting tired sooner so i go to bed alot earlyer then usal. i have to get a test for sleep apnea could this cause it if i have it???? i really want to no what this is please HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! ha

17-12-08, 06:01
Hey there crm - have you been to see a doctor?

22-09-09, 17:44
omg i have exactly the same thing, im so glad i saw this. i get really bad head pressure when a storms coming, its horrible. i also have really achey eyes that seem to go out of focus and stare in one position on and off everyday its so annoyin!!

23-09-09, 10:31
:) i like the quote you left :) made me smile... i think the more we accept change the easier it will get for us. We have become to overly aware of physical changes. Any tiny change our bodys make we start to panic because its somethin out of the ordinary. sort of the unknown. The more you accept it im sure the happier and the more normal you will feel :) x

26-09-09, 20:53
I woke up this morning with a blurry, out-of-focus eye that would not right itself. It freaked me out. I went to the weekend eye clinic and they tested it and couldn't find anything wrong. They couldn't even offer me an explanation. 12 hours later my eye is almost back to normal, so it took all day to return to right itself again. Could this be caused my HA or just anxiety? This has never happend to me and I am not tired or over-stressed.

29-06-13, 17:32
There is a condition called vertical hyperophoria That causes all these conditions. It causes panic attacks and agoraphobia. optometrists are taught to ignore this condition and most don't even test for it. They say it will right itself. Opthamoligests will not help either. You need an optometrist.
I suffered severe anxiety and agoraphobia and after having prisms put into my glasses by a knowledgeable optometrist my symptoms were gone.
The following is a place where you can start to get rid of this condition.

The doctors at Vision Specialists of Michigan have made pioneering discoveries into the diagnosis and treatment of Vertical Heterophoria, an uncommonly recognized and poorly understood eye misalignment condition. Those who suffer from Vertical Heterophoria tend to have a small amount of vertical eye misalignment, which the brain corrects by directing the eye muscles to properly reposition the eyes. However, using the eye muscles in this manner overworks them and they become strained and fatigued, causing the many symptoms of Vertical Heterophoria:

Unsteadiness / Drifting while walking
Poor Coordination / Clumsy
Poor Depth Perception
Motion Sickness
Headaches / Face Pain
Eye Pain / Pain with Eye Movement
Neck Ache / Upper Back & Shoulder Pain
Head Tilt
Feeling Overwhelmed or Anxious in Crowds or Large Spaces
Sensitivity to Light / Glare
Double Vision
Shadowed / Overlapping / Blurred Vision
Difficulty with Reading & Reading Comprehension
Skipping Lines / Losing your Place while Reading
Fatigue with Reading
Closing / Covering an eye to make it easier to see