View Full Version : Rexlaxation

29-10-08, 17:44
Hi all

I went back to the doctors today about my anxiety. he is sending me back to counselling. he mention that they may do relaxation stuff wth me! has any one had this and if so what should i expect?

29-10-08, 19:06
with me, they taught me how to control my breathing & also relaxing your entire body. It's good to learn this as you can then practise it at home. They may even give you a tape like they did me. xxx

29-10-08, 19:40

The relaxation tapes are good I personally find Paul Mckenna's stuff quite good you can buy it on CD it more like self hypnosis but great for relaxing. Just be careful that you don't fall into the trap of spending all day relaxing as that'll only make your anxiety worse trust me I know - I've just spent all day in bed listening to every relaxation tape that I@ve got and I feel worse for it. sometimes I think you just need to get on with things but its much much easier said than done.


29-10-08, 19:51
thank you both for your reply. does this mean that i get hypnotyied?

29-10-08, 21:07

I went on a relaxation course (7 weeks), which was good because of meeting other people in the same position.

I found the relaxation hard at first because I was shy and closing my eyes infront of people was hard but after a few sessions, I became use to it all and it was a good learning the skills.


29-10-08, 21:46
I have neck trouble and the lady who comes to massage me gets me into a relaxed state but i always feel concious because i cant breathe out through my nose as my body starts to panic as i cant get my breath out.
I was really self concious at first but now i am totally at ease with her and the relaxation works.
I would definately give it a try.#

good luck!