View Full Version : pressure in head - please help

29-10-08, 18:14
I have been dizzy for weeks which I find hard but understand it is part of anxiety, but just lately I have had pressure in my head which scares me. Im convinced something serious is wrong with me. It seems mainly on the left at mo, head, cheek, eye. Doctor has given me antibiotics but still worried.
Is this familiar to anyone else?
choco x

29-10-08, 18:27
Hiya Choco

I had pressure like that during my worst anxiety. It's like a band of pressure around the temple area, and it's like you are thinking through a fog. Very disturbing symptoms but if the doc has checked you out, it is more than likely the ole anxiety.

I think with anxiety, you can spent a lot of time analysing each and every new symptom, instead of concentrating on ways to recover.

Have you tried reading any Claire Weekes books? I noticed it's in the NMP shop and free downloads. They are good books with regards to helping to understand all the physical symptoms that come with anxiety.



29-10-08, 18:27
I have been dizzy for weeks which I find hard but understand it is part of anxiety, but just lately I have had pressure in my head which scares me. Im convinced something serious is wrong with me. It seems mainly on the left at mo, head, cheek, eye. Doctor has given me antibiotics but still worried.
Is this familiar to anyone else?
choco x

Well, I've definately suffered with this before and it's just horrible. I used to suffer with pain like this on and off for years. Now though,..{touch wood} I seem to be ok.

For me, I feel it was caused by stress/type Migraine. I suppose it could also be caused by a virus of some sort.

I know for sure it's just a horrible pain to have to put up with and I do feel for you, as it can be scary having other thoughts of what could possibly be wrong running through our heads all the time.

Try and rest as much as you can.

Take good care :flowers:

29-10-08, 18:42
thanks guys
it is awful as you do tend to convince yourself that anxiety cant be the reason for all this surely!!
I am reading claire weekes at the moment so fingers crossed...
choco x

30-10-08, 16:15
Hadley :)

with anxiety, it's a delicate subject when it comes to symptoms.

Words like Brain Tumour may cause unintentional panic, know what I mean? ;)

30-10-08, 18:08

The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of Pressure in Head. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms.

* Sinusitis
* Allergic rhinitis
* Brain tumour
* Brain abscess
* High blood pressure
* Otitis media
* Tension headache
* Migraine
* Stress

Oops :huh:

Skyline On Fire
31-10-08, 17:34
hadley thats a terrible post. dont do that.

i had the exact same thing for 4 weeks a few months back. was convinced i was dying of a brain tumor. had visual issues, headaches, tension, the lot.

got refered to a neurologist, he did full body check, zero nerve issues, no chance of it being a tumor or anything bad, just pure tension. on beta blockers now which removed the band of tension.

dont worry at all.

31-10-08, 18:02
I have been dizzy for weeks which I find hard but understand it is part of anxiety, but just lately I have had pressure in my head which scares me. Im convinced something serious is wrong with me. It seems mainly on the left at mo, head, cheek, eye. Doctor has given me antibiotics but still worried.
Is this familiar to anyone else?
choco x

I wonder if it is caused by your sinuses? The doctor obviously thinks you have an infection in there that is why he has given you antibiotics, now you need to let them do there job.

06-11-08, 20:15
thanks everyone for your replies - apart from perhaps the one which is very insensitive! We all know which one.

Have been referred to a neurologist so see what happens...

choco x

06-11-08, 22:38
Hadley :)

with anxiety, it's a delicate subject when it comes to symptoms.

Words like Brain Tumour may cause unintentional panic, know what I mean? ;)

Absolutely well put, should avoid some words for sure....

07-11-08, 11:33
Hi Choco, if the doc has prescribed antibiotics he will think you have a sinus infection, i get this nearly every time i get a cold and was told by the doctor after another bout last friday that the tubes draining my ears are naturally very narrow and so cattarh builds up in your sinus cavity usually behind you eyes and cheeks, it is very painfull but i am sure it's nothing more serious, hope you feel better soon.

Jacq x

07-11-08, 11:52
Hiya I also get this when im really bad. Its horrible. (((hug to you))) x