View Full Version : Neck, ear and throat pain

29-10-08, 18:59
So I know that we all have irrational health anxiety and yet I can't help but post here hoping that someone can hear my story and tell me that I am overreacting and that things are going to be fine. So here it goes:

I am a non smoking 37 yr old mail who runs about 20 miles per week. I have had my tonsils removed about 3 years ago and I have had nasal polyps removed. I suffer from GERD and I take meds for it. I also have been battling health anxiety for most of my adult life. About 4 months ago, I noticed that I had pain on the side of my neck when I tensed certain muscles. I also had some ear pain. I also have pain at the base of my skull on my right side. Lastly, when I press a place on the front of my neck, I feel pain at the base the of my skull. All on the right side of my head. I also have a chronic stuffy head but have not had a fever or discolored nasal mucus.

I have been to my GP twice and both times been told not to worry about it. The GP has felt my neck twice and given two different antibiotics but nothing has changed. The pain is not constant and seems to be worse in the morning. The doctor thinks it is related to my sinus problems and has sent me for a CT scan of my sinuses. I will get the results in a week or so. I am totally beside myself. I am convinced that this is a tumor and that I am done for. Has anyone had something similar or at least can someone explain to me why these symptoms could be sinus related despite me not having obvious infection symptoms? Anything at all that someone can offer would be fantastic since I am barely holding it together. Thanks to you all and good luck.


29-10-08, 19:01
when I press a place on the front of my neck, I feel pain at the base the of my skull.

Then don't press it.

29-10-08, 19:14
I sometimes think sinuses are more trouble than they are worth. Surely a design flaw there somewhere.

Yes, you absolutely can have irritated or swollen or full sinuses without having a cold or a runny nose. My sinus-related symptoms are facial tingling and pressure, and headaches, and a bit of post-nasal drip.
Brain tumour is a classic HA fear. I've read posts from people who fear brain tumour from pretty much any head, neck or potentially neurological symptom - headaches, facial pain, tingling, stiff neck, sore neck, sore eyes, nose, ears, twitches etc etc. None of those with these symptoms have ever turned out to actually have a brain tumour, as far as I know. The only person who has posted about this and actually has a brain tumour doesn't have any symptoms related to it at all (Trixie).

Your doctor is not worried. Try not to worry too. It really doesn't sound like anything other than a bit of sinus trouble + anxiety/tension. The CT scan will most likely either show nothing unusual or a bit of sinus congestion. Then hopefully you can relax a bit :).