View Full Version : Just a hi from a new member.

29-10-08, 21:18
Hi, just want to introduce myself.

Have been a periodic sufferer of depression and anxiety for many years. I've generally found various SSRIs to be effective; typically Prozac but lately I've been prescribed Citalopram which in the long term seems better.

After a several-year reprieve from depression and meds I found suddenly I was finding normal life very difficult with my all-consuming anxiety and worry. I'd worry about anything: whether the central heating was working properly; whether the house had structural damage; whether the car would break down; driving; mostly about objects. In fact, looking back, I notice how much of my worry related to the car and driving.

I kind of traced this latest bout back to late 2006 and early 2007. Firstly there were complications around my daughter's birth that resulted in an emergency C-section. All was well but I simply bottled up those feelings. Then we had a feeding problem for the first two weeks, solved by switching to formula. In the end we had, and have, a wonderful daughter, now 2. Then, last year I had a small motor accident. I simply shunted another car being unable to stop my horrible little fiesta on a wet road. Not a biggie; should be enough to teach me to take even more care than I thought I was.

But more feelings bottled up. Eventually I was struggling to get through a day, unable to sleep, generally feeling like my guts were knotted and my mind unable to cope with anything outside whatever random thing I decided was a worry that day.

Eventually, a year or so later, I saw a doctor. He prescribed SSRIs that were new to me: citalopram. I'd had many others: flouxetine (Prozac); Gaminil; Effexor; Seroxat; and I think there were others. I'd normally been happy to take Prozac, suffering few side effects and generally getting all I need to get through a bout. The only downside being a feeling of disconnectedness, an insulation from full interaction with life meaning I have to stop them after about 8 months. Citalopram, so far has been different. Much harsher side effects but ultimately nothing impossible to deal with, fading away over several weeks to leave me feeling otherwise normal but without the debilitating anxiety. I have to go through the side effects again this week as I've been very lax with my dosage regularity lately; a mailaise that often sets in when the medication takes away my primary reason to take it.

Sorry, I realise I've waffled somewhat. But then maybe I need a place to waffle sometimes. ;-)


29-10-08, 21:37
I,m a newcomer to this site and all I can say to you is you,ve found a brilliant place where you will get to talk to people who all feel the same as you, something in itself which is a great help.
You,re not alone!
Debs x

30-10-08, 15:14
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

30-10-08, 20:39
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

30-10-08, 20:53

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

30-10-08, 21:12

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


31-10-08, 09:58
:welcome: to nmp hun. xxx