View Full Version : Sacked from work... :(

29-10-08, 22:03
Hey everyone... just been sacked from wrk.. had been in probation as just started in august.. and had been off twice, to do with feeling low and sad. Totally gutted, has anyone else been in this situation???

29-10-08, 22:15
I havent but it it seems a tad unfair that you have been sacked for 2 mere sick days. Don't think you can do much about it seen as you were in your probation period though. I was once sacked for speaking my mind but i was two years into the job and had no prior warning so they had to take me back. I then resigned not long after, who wants to work for ignorant employers? not me!
Hope you find something else soon x

29-10-08, 22:20

I've been in exactly the same situation do I know exactly the where your coming from. I had a breakdown in January of this year and I've been diagnosed with GAD which is covered by the disability discrimination act. To cut a very long story short I had five months off work (tried to return several times but the panic attacks were just too bad) anyway I returned to work on a rehab program 1 hour a day increasing by an hour a week which I stuck to. Three weeks into the six week program they sacked me for my attendance during my probationary period.

The worst part is I had worked for the same company for five years without a single days sick leave at all. I left to go to another job for financial reasons. My partner and I had just bought a flat and we needed the money. I hated it so I returned to my old job the bam I got i'll and they used the probationary period to get rid off me.

It was so hard because I had lots of friends there and i was well respected as I had been a manager.

I'm in the process of taking them to an employment tribunal at the moment for unfair dismissal.

In the meantime my anxiety has got worse can barely leave the house so cant work and it looks like we may loose our lovely home.

so you are not alone - if you ever need to talk juts PM me.


29-10-08, 22:30

Thats terrible what they done to you... and it just makes us worse too...

I had been off one day cos i was sick, think it was cos of my new anti depressents i took, then the next time i was off was for 3 days cos last weekend i took 11 paracetamols and had a really bad few days was a total mess and lost the plot so i was off for that.. then now im jobless..just makes me feel so worthless. i loved that job so much and when i was there i was happy and got on great with everyone... i thot they would have extended my probation instead of just sacking me..they even offered me help from their med care bupa and said they would get a nurse to phone me...

they told me that i shouldnt be working at the moment and that i need to sort myself out! how can i do that when im not at the job i loved...i miss everyone and they were all in training tonite and said they didnt do any work as they are all upset at what has happened..

Cathy V
29-10-08, 22:52
Sorry about what happened to you, and its interesting to know that GAD is covered by the Disability Discrimination act. If this is right then why are so many of people being refused benefits with this new shake up thats going on at the moment? If its true that General anxiety disorder is covered, does this mean people are being assessed wrongly on these recalls?

29-10-08, 22:58
Oh Interesting .......I have GAD amonst other things ..but not sure what the disability discrimination act is ?
I cant get any help due 2 my diagnosis and have 2 work ..so does that mean due 2 be diagnosed with GAD and Panic disorder Im entitled 2 take them 2 tribunal if ever Iwas sacked ?

29-10-08, 23:01
I know i was reading up on that act there... not sure what it means tho..

Going to phone job centre tomorrow to find out about what benefits are aviable. because if i have been sacked because of my mental illness that doesnt give me much hope of wanting a new job straight away espically since they told me tonite that they dont think i should be starting a new job...even tho i was getting on great at wrk about from that spell of absence which was withing 2weeks and i am getting help now. doc has refered me to pyschistrist.. but work just didnt want me...call centres just do not care....

Cathy V
29-10-08, 23:01
Thats how it sounds to me titch, which is why i was questioning it. The disability discrim act is just what you said, if GAD is covered by it then they cant sack you, or you can claim compensation presumably?

29-10-08, 23:04
sorry if im being stupid.. wat is gad??

and because i didnt tell them when i started wrking for them that i was on anti depressents.. i hadnt been diagnosed with depression tho and still really havent... just doctor gave me them to pick me up but she didnt say you have depression....

i feel so bad for having the time off wrk in total it was 4 days classed as 2 absences.... but i was ill and couldnt face wrk.. just cant belive i have lost my job over this illness that is taking over me.. i wanna get back to the old me


Cathy V
29-10-08, 23:05
Missy, im not sure whether a probationary period is covered by the same terms of employment as contracted employment is. You may not have the same rights to claim unfair dismissal, not too sure, but yes try and ask someone about your situ...xxx Oh and GAD means General Anxiety Disorder.

29-10-08, 23:09
i know.. i thought they would have just extended my probation... ah well.

my mum works in a doctors surgery and said even if they had someone in my situtation they wouldnt have sacked them for that..shes a manager there..

just not sure how it works..but nowadays if your in probation they can do anything..ill need to look at my contract

30-10-08, 09:36

I've had bad experiences at work before and was displined for absence after my fiance had committed suicide......this gave me realy bad anx and my absence admitted was bad. I resigned in the end as I was on a final written warning. It was a large supermarket chain, and I had worked there five years, I didn't have the strength to take them to a tribunal, though I now wish I had.

I now work for the NHS and it is a totally different story. They are so much more understanding of my anx and panic attacks and I did have a few months of last year. I had the total support of my line manager.

However my past experience does make me very anxious to be off work now even when I am ill. Not all employers are the same so comparing your workplace to your mam's may not help as she will work for the NHS Primary care trust, I presume. I don't think It's right the way you have been treated but it is important that whether you take matters further or not, you do not tell yourself that all employers are the same. I started to feel that I was unemployable, yet I have now been in my current job for 3 and half years. Believe in yourself and be honest with any future employers, I was and I got the job. They liked my honesty.

Good Luck

07-11-08, 20:18
I know what you are going thru. I was let go from my job also. I moved my family three hours from where we are from to take the job. I was not able to sell my old home so we rent a home here, while still paying a mortgage for the old home. So we have been here for a year and I was let go. I am devestated and embarrased. I have two house payments and no job. Plus a wife and three kids to support. Well, of courss, the anxiety is kicking in big time here lately. Good luck, I hope our situations work out and we dont go over the edge!

07-11-08, 23:51
I believe that technically, if you were still on your probation period, you haven't been sacked. The company has just decided to not hire you. They don't even have to give a reason.

I seem to recall that someone who posts here works in HR, and can probably clarify that.

11-01-09, 01:05
hey just an update. i managed to get my job back, i started back on the 2nd dec and love being back.. hehe im so glad i did appeal xxxx

11-01-09, 11:10
That's brilliant. All credit to you for your courage in taking them on. Hope it really works out for you.

11-01-09, 15:40
Hi Missshy80, :)

That's great news - I am so pleased for you!! :yesyes: :yesyes:

Best wishes xx :flowers:

11-01-09, 16:17
Hi Missshy

I am so pleased to hear that and wish you all the best in your job.


11-01-09, 17:13
Hi Missshy,

Well done, that must have taken a lot of strength to appeal. I think when we are feeling low it is so easy to give up.

After reading the posts on this thread I am disgusted to hear how some employers treat people with mental health issues!