View Full Version : am i going mad??

29-10-08, 23:15

been through a really bad time at the moment with many stresses going on in my life broke up from a 5 year relationship and been coming and going with not knowing if he wnats to get back or not so been up and down.ive spent hours analyzing over everything and cant seem to switch my head off. i then got told some bad news about someone i had known and couldnt stop shaking that night. Then suddenly i felt strange like a weird calm feeling come over me like i didnt know where i was and like i wasnt really here. since then ive been focusing in on everything im feeling like deep in my thoughts and almost tuning into my subconcious thoughts and this scares me coz i feel detached from my normal life and way of thinking. Feels like im looking through a thick glass and im trapped in this. everythime i think about it i feel paniky as i feel trapped. is this caused by anxiety? or am i going mad?

can anyone relate to this as i cant cope with it? will it go away and will i ever feel normal again?

30-10-08, 01:10
I dont think you are going mad because most people who do dont know it. What you are feeling sounds like depersonalization. It is where nothing seems as if it is real and you are living through a fog or glasses even though you are aware of what is going on around you. It is a calm feeling that can be very scary. It is a sign of anxiety and it will go away. Try and stay focused on the here and now. When there is too much going on for me, I get like that too. It is my bodies way of trying to protect itself from what I dont want to face. I have actually had a breakdown and it didnt start like that, I just gave up on everything nd didnt care what happened to me. I am better now, abot 98 percent. It will take time to go away, but it will. Stay focused and positive. Take care honey, I hope this helps.