View Full Version : plantar faciitis - anyone had this and got better

30-10-08, 08:34
Hello I have been having probs with feet for four weeks having physio too much power walking and wearing heels (only two days) have pain in both feet and in my heel and soles. i am panicking so badly that it wont go i have had a coccyx prob for two years now gone and now i have this i have been in house for nearly four weeks and my husband and children are in eurodisney this week iam so low and panicky anyone had this and got better pleasex

30-10-08, 09:22
anyone experienced this please im at my wits end x

30-10-08, 09:27
You are speaking to the expert on this painful condition.

30-10-08, 09:28
that sounds bad did it go

30-10-08, 09:29
After three years and an operation.

30-10-08, 09:30
o no i am so worried now i did nothing help did the op help

30-10-08, 09:32
BUT that wasn't the norm!

This is the info on it http://www.patient.co.uk/showdoc/23068803/

I had it for six months on my right foot before I went to the doctors. They sent me for physio (6 months treatment) still no better, I went then to the day hospital for a steroid injection in my foot (no good). Eventually after more physio and dreadful pain they decided that it wasn't going to get any better so I had to have an op and I was on crutches for four months.

30-10-08, 09:35
have had it for four weeks but it feels 2 years and four weeks cos i have just got over a coccyx injury i am so low and scared. do you know what the norm is i cant cope

30-10-08, 09:35
But I have known quite a few people that have had it and it has gone within a few months. I have also found out that I was the only person in my county to have the operation (I think I was a guinea pig).

So please don't worry I know how painful it is but it will go. I bought some Clarks ATL sandals they helped. You need to get some supports I had them made for me by the hospital they were jelly like with a hole in the middle.

30-10-08, 09:39
Try and get some shoes with a soft insole even if you have to make them yourself I think Scholl make something. Try and keep your weight off it.

30-10-08, 09:40
thank you. i have had such an awful time and then to have something else debilitating im at my lowest point. my husband and children are having such fun and im stuck at home what use am i anymore

30-10-08, 09:41
Check out these sites http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLtLPE-H6Dg&feature=related

30-10-08, 09:42
thank you. i have had such an awful time and then to have something else debilitating im at my lowest point. my husband and children are having such fun and im stuck at home what use am i anymore


30-10-08, 09:55
thank you looking now x

30-10-08, 10:17
Ive got physio tody i might have to go on anti ds because i am not coping the last two years have been horendous and i am struggling to keep afloat

30-10-08, 13:08
I had this quite recently from wearing a pair of low heels for only one day. The pain was awful, but it did go away after about ten days, and only wearing trainers. I also put deep heat on my sole and slept with a hot water bottle on it every night, which I also think helped it. I also tried stretching my foot loads - every available opportunity, really. Hope you feel better soon - I'd try not to panic about it too much as I think it does go away in almost all cases.

30-10-08, 14:57
Thank you. Had ultrasound and it has settled a little bit. thinking about buy mbts see if that helps. had it for four weeks but must be hopeful. just feels like the straw that will break me. Husband and children home tomorrow. x

30-10-08, 15:23
I had it and it is extremley painful but it went on its own. X

30-10-08, 15:45
thank u how long did it take? I know everyones different

30-10-08, 18:33
Yes everyone is different yours might go in a couple of weeks or a couple of months only time will tell. If you get those things I mentioned they will aid recovery.

Can I ask you where the pain actually is?

30-10-08, 18:36
under the balls and just in front of heel the arch bit

30-10-08, 19:15
What does it feel like when you get out of bed?

30-10-08, 19:32
sore but i do not hobble like ive read more tender in instep

30-10-08, 21:19
When I got out of bed I couldn't put my foot to the ground the same applied when standing up after sitting down for a while. The pain was excruciating.

31-10-08, 08:17
I had plantar faciitis or policemans heel for about eighteen months it does get better, but i had months of excrutiating pain getting up in the morning was horrible and i i had to wear ugly shoes all the time.
i had regular visits to the physio who cured me with a combination of ultra sound waves and strapping.

31-10-08, 10:37
went to physio yesterday and had ultrasound but feel sore today did you both carry on as normal as they have told me to stay off my feet x

31-10-08, 11:05
Hi Raphael, My partner has had plantar faciitis this year, he started with it in January and it has just gone, so it's not a thing that is cured instantly. He went to the doctor who gave him a leaflet on the problem, and on that leaflet were some exercises that you could do to help the discomfort so I will explain as best I can;
1.stand 2-3 feet away from a wall. Keep knees straight and feet and heels on the ground, lean onto the wall. You should feel the calf muscles and achilles tendon tighten. Keep this position for several seconds and then relax. Do this 10 times, 5 or 6 times a day.

2. Sit in a chair with knees bent at right angles and feet and heels flat on the floor. Now lift the foot upwards with the heel kept on the floor. Keep the position for several seconds. Do about 10 times , 5 or 6 times a day.

3. Do not walk barefoot on hard surfaces. Wear cushioned heels and an arch support. Avoid old shoes that don't cushion the heel.

4. Use heel pads that raise the heel about 1 cm. If the heel is very tender cut a hole in the heel pad so the heel doesn't touch the shoe.

5. Use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. You can use anti-inflamatory creams on the heel.

Hope this is of help .

31-10-08, 11:24
thank you i will print it out and talk to my physio. x

31-10-08, 11:35
went to physio yesterday and had ultrasound but feel sore today did you both carry on as normal as they have told me to stay off my feet x
If I had done that I would have had to sit down for three years. I had no choice but to plod on I have two children and I was caring for my father as well.:)

31-10-08, 11:40
Hi Raphael, My partner has had plantar faciitis this year, he started with it in January and it has just gone, so it's not a thing that is cured instantly. He went to the doctor who gave him a leaflet on the problem, and on that leaflet were some exercises that you could do to help the discomfort so I will explain as best I can;
1.stand 2-3 feet away from a wall. Keep knees straight and feet and heels on the ground, lean onto the wall. You should feel the calf muscles and achilles tendon tighten. Keep this position for several seconds and then relax. Do this 10 times, 5 or 6 times a day.

2. Sit in a chair with knees bent at right angles and feet and heels flat on the floor. Now lift the foot upwards with the heel kept on the floor. Keep the position for several seconds. Do about 10 times , 5 or 6 times a day.

3. Do not walk barefoot on hard surfaces. Wear cushioned heels and an arch support. Avoid old shoes that don't cushion the heel.

4. Use heel pads that raise the heel about 1 cm. If the heel is very tender cut a hole in the heel pad so the heel doesn't touch the shoe.

5. Use Paracetamol or Ibuprofen. You can use anti-inflamatory creams on the heel.

Hope this is of help .

I bet he was glad when it got better, I was told I was the exception to the rule (worse luck). I was hoping the steroid injection into it would help (don't have it they did it in theatre and it is agony).

In the end I had to have an op the surgeon did say it was the worse one he had seen ( :mad:) also they don't operate very often as it can damage the nerves (I cannot move my two smallest toes).

Perhaps if I had gone to the doctors earlier???:weep: But then I am my own worse enemy.

31-10-08, 11:47
have next week off work then go back and hope it eases i hurt on the top of my foot too they thought it was a stress fracture but have left it

31-10-08, 11:50
have next week off work then go back and hope it eases i hurt on the top of my foot too they thought it was a stress fracture but have left it

Don't worry you'll be OK:D

31-10-08, 12:06
thank u xxxx

03-11-08, 11:38
really struggling at mo with the sore feet. really stressed and loosing the plot really worried. the balls of my feet are so sore doc says it should hv gone by now.

03-11-08, 12:10
really struggling at mo with the sore feet. really stressed and loosing the plot really worried. the balls of my feet are so sore doc says it should hv gone by now.

Well I am sorry but your doctor should have known better than to say that. Plantar Faciitis can take a long time to go, and even if you have the mildest of cases it can take weeks.

There is no need to get worried over it apart from it being very painful that is all there is to it.

03-11-08, 12:21
thnx u trixie just cant seem to get a grip from the worry. x

03-11-08, 12:38
thnx u trixie just cant seem to get a grip from the worry. x

But what are you worried about?

03-11-08, 12:52
that it wont go x

03-11-08, 13:07
that it wont go x

Of course it will get better but how long it will take depends on the Gods but it will get better so stop fretting.:flowers:

05-11-08, 15:09
Hi Got Results Of Mri Showed Imflammation In Metatarsal Consultant Said Will Go But Will Take A Long Time - Still Have Pain In Arch But He Thinks It Cos Of Insoles Told Me Just To Buy Cushioned Shoes And Be Patient - They Will Make Me Some Insoles At Hosp If That Will Help Really Upset Have To Just Try To Be Less Panicky Over It X

18-11-08, 13:33
hi my foot pain isnt easing been going to physio had laser now trying ultrasound so so low about it trying to work and carry on but got bursitis under both balls of my feet and a pull in the sole area by my heel. im so desparate that it has been 7 weeks and i am in so much pain i amworried about christmas and just getting through. i have ordered some insoles from acompany called parish and bell but it will take 3 - 5 weeks and then another 3 months to see if it works my feet are so sore and tender. i havent been able to use pain killers cos of the treatement at physio but have taken one today. i am so desparate for relief i feel i am struggling so badly

18-11-08, 13:36
hi my foot pain isnt easing been going to physio had laser now trying ultrasound so so low about it trying to work and carry on but got bursitis under both balls of my feet and a pull in the sole area by my heel. im so desparate that it has been 7 weeks and i am in so much pain i amworried about christmas and just getting through. i have ordered some insoles from acompany called parish and bell but it will take 3 - 5 weeks and then another 3 months to see if it works my feet are so sore and tender. i havent been able to use pain killers cos of the treatement at physio but have taken one today. i am so desparate for relief i feel i am struggling so badly

Get some of those special ones from Scholl.

I plodded on for 3yrs with mine cared for two children and my dad who had cancer and looked after my hubbie. You'll be OK don't worry.:yesyes:

18-11-08, 14:42
I know trixie i am so worried it hasnt eased it feels so tender and sore and burning ive lived through chronic pain im struggling to see a way out of this but trying but feel trapped and scared im worried cos its both feet x

18-11-08, 16:03
I know trixie i am so worried it hasnt eased it feels so tender and sore and burning ive lived through chronic pain im struggling to see a way out of this but trying but feel trapped and scared im worried cos its both feet x

You will be fine. Mine was absolutely agony I had to walk on the one side and then I was having problem with the other foot and knee. No one realises how painful it is until they have it BUT it will get better.:flowers:

18-11-08, 18:33
thank u i fell i am in a dark tunnel with no way out physio said as it hasnt got better in 2 moths there is little hope for me x

18-11-08, 19:05
thank u i fell i am in a dark tunnel with no way out physio said as it hasnt got better in 2 moths there is little hope for me x

Of course there is, if I can put up with it for three years (then end up having it operated on) you can. Don't give in.:yesyes:

19-11-08, 11:57
thank u trixie i am really worried about my anxiety as i keep having thoughts of doing something to myself instead of suffering this pain. i am very worried it just seems to have got worse from my balls and now my heels i am so low i dont think i have ever felt so depressed even when i had coccyx pain for two years im struggling to get through the next hourx

19-11-08, 12:06
thank u trixie i am really worried about my anxiety as i keep having thoughts of doing something to myself instead of suffering this pain. i am very worried it just seems to have got worse from my balls and now my heels i am so low i dont think i have ever felt so depressed even when i had coccyx pain for two years im struggling to get through the next hourx

Stop it now!

I know how much they hurt when I had to stand at the sink I had to kneel on a chair the pain was that bad. It will be better it might take a few more months but it will go so try not to brood on it.:flowers:

19-11-08, 12:13
i cant seem to move forward my big anxiey is the thought off it going on for ever every day i wake up i think i cant do it i have two children and when i had my coccyx problem they were wot got me ut of bed everyday its not working this time i am so so low id not know wot to do i feel i am in some nitemare and i am struggling so badly x

19-11-08, 12:13

Hope you dont mind me replying, pain can be so debilitating , but these things can take many months to heal. It often can get worse before getting better. I have had back problems and am now forced to get an operation on a disc but at least something can get done now and hopefully i'll start to get better.
Trixie has some great advice there for you, and if the worse comes to the worse you may have to have an op. But look on the bright side Trixie has had it and it has fixed the problem so there is a definite cure there for you, somewhere down the line even if it means taking the op.
I know how your feeling , i cant walk far at the moment at all , and i feel like screaming with the pain some days but i have to go on for my family's sake and mine.
You will get there, just keep posting and let how your feeling out ,but please don't worry things will improve for you it may take you a while but things will get better. You take care and i will be thinking of you.

Hugs and prayers xx

19-11-08, 12:19
thank u im just so scared that i feel so desparate i keep crying and ive spent the last two years getting over a broken coccyx and i dont have any fight left im crying now and i cant stop i i know i hv to fight but sometmes i go 2 bed and wish that i wouldnt wake up cos what use am i to my children. x

19-11-08, 12:26
Of course your useful to your children your there mother and they couldn't do without you. I really do understand how your feeling, but have you discussed them with your doctor your feelings, maybe he could suggest some kind of counselling or medication to help you get through this time at the moment hun xx

19-11-08, 12:28
i asked for anti depressants but he said not i hv to see him next week. i was on cymbalta before and had a difficult time coming off. everyone is fed up of me crying i might ring the samaritans i am worried that i will give up i hv fought things before and i just think whats the point i am not me anymore or wife or happy mummy

20-11-08, 14:51
my sisters think i am making the pain up cos i wont go out with them. everytime i explain that it is awful and i am trying to save my energy for my children they say i am going to work i must be ok. i am only working 2hrs a day 3 days a week just to keep my job. went to physio today and some bits arent as sore as others. The balls of my feet are so sore and tender to touch

24-11-08, 14:00
Still Cant Deal With It It Is In Both Balls Of My Feet And Sole Thinking About Asking Doc For Cymbalta As It Helps With Nerve Pain - Im Loosing This Battle

24-11-08, 16:34
Still Cant Deal With It It Is In Both Balls Of My Feet And Sole Thinking About Asking Doc For Cymbalta As It Helps With Nerve Pain - Im Loosing This Battle

Stop it, it will get better. Why are you worrying so much about them? They will get better in their own time. Do really think you need to take painkillers? I know just how bad the pain is but it will go in time.

What does your family say?

24-11-08, 16:36
Cymbalt Is An Antidepressant Too. Im Not Coping With It It Is So Sore And Im Falling Apart It Just Wont Settle.. I Put A Brave Face On For Them But I Am So Tired Of It All X