View Full Version : HELP WANTED PLEASE xxx

30-10-08, 10:13
Hya folks hope u are all well.

Well I have the Hen nyt on Saturday and Im sooooo scared I havent been out in years and my Anxiety Is so high just thinking about it and my thoughts are racing .

Has any1 got any advice or tips on how I can cope and get through the night ,Has any1 else had 2 do a big thing and coped ok .

Thanx :hugs:

Titchjd xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

30-10-08, 10:23
Hi Titch,

I know how much this has been worrying you, I do feel for you and I wish I could help in some way.

I know this is the last resort, only would it be possible for you to ask your doc for just a couple of diazepam to get you through? Only thing is, you can't drink, else you may end up falling asleep, you don't want that Lol.

Will be thinking of you.

Good luck and I hope you find a way.:hugs:

30-10-08, 10:29
Hi Titchjd,
Ive been in a similar situation as you are in, except it was my hen do ! lol, so i had no choice but to go. I got all the girls to come round to mine from about 3 oclock, had a few drinks with them so i could relax before i went. Not to sure if alchol relaxes you or makes you worse. It worked for me, i couldnt wait for the night to be over so i could get back to the safety of home, but im very glad i di it. My wedding day was exactly the same, think i floated through the whole day. But really nothing bad happened at all and i really imagined the very worst. But all went well, try not to put so much pressure on yourself, and try and picture it as beeing a reallly good night.
Hope things go well for you, chin up chick !!

30-10-08, 10:29

I do have some Diazepam here I hadnt taken it before so took 1 last week as a test run and it zonked me out LOL ....I might take 1 few hours b4 I go But worried incase it zonks me out again x

See I would need a drink aswell ...:huh:

Titch xxxxxxxxx

30-10-08, 10:32
Thanx Sarah .....
see Im maid of honour so have 2 go aswell...its just so scary as havent been out in years and we are going 2 Birmingham xxxx

I know I will be the same just wanting 2 get it over with and get home .

Thanx xxxxxx

30-10-08, 10:44
Hey hun..the more you worry about it the higher your anxiety will go..hard to do i know but just try to enjoy the night/day ...good luck...love icle titch...xx

30-10-08, 10:47
Hi Titch:hugs:

I have been thru several big things in the last 18 months and Im still here:hugs:
Why dont you try a diazipam, I always find that as long as I leave it six hours after I can have a drink too, so say you are going out at 8pm take the diazipam no later than 2pm, however Im not a doctor just saying how I find things:D

However you will be fine Im sure......I hope to see this in the success part next week:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

30-10-08, 11:07
Hi Titch,

I say just go for it. I have a work night out after my holiday and I'm freaking out about both. I'm thinking just get out there and accept you will worry but try and concentrate on the positive things, like seeing freinds, nice food etc. I know how hard it is, and its so difficult to relax when you're thinking "what if" all the time. Maybe you can have a back up excuse, like "I really can't be out late" no one will call you up on it, and if you do, just say you aren't really feeling up to it. At least you will have shown your face and proved to yourself you can do it. all the best xxx

30-10-08, 11:40
Anticipating an event is always worse than the event itself you will have a good time and enjoy it, just trust yourself a little and dont work yourself up or you will have worried all this time for nothing, stop attaching danger to the situation . HAPPY DAYS. X GOODLUCK your friend obviously has great faith in you

30-10-08, 11:59
Hi hun, I know you are really nervous about going out but I am sure once you get there, you will have a fab time. Could you maybe drive there so then if you aren't feeling too great, you could just say you have tummy pains or something & leave early. That way, you are still going but if you feel like you can't handle it you aren't putting so much pressure on yourself. xxx

30-10-08, 12:08
Thanx every1 xx

I know the anticipation is always he worst but I picture what might happen etc ...Im trying 2 stay and think positive 2 day x

Janey ..I cant drive there as its quite far away and I dont drive far .....xxxx

I just hate the dizzyness I get etc wen Im out and the urge 2 want 2 run home 2 mysafety zone xxxx

My stomach is turning as I type this LOL xx

hugs 2 u all x:hugs:

30-10-08, 12:38

30-10-08, 12:49

Thank you very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx:hugs:

30-10-08, 21:40
Hiya .....u dont have 2 reply I just need a rant and get it off my chest x

well Im so pd off my m8 had sed that she wud arrange 4 sum 1 2 take me 2 hen nyt and wud beable 2 get lift bak as a few were driving ......well hadnt herd anything so text 2nyt and shes told me that oh no sorry theres no 1 that can do it ............but u can get a train ............this shows just how little she understands my anxiety ..as if I cud get a bloody train 2 birmingham ...........oh im so pd off Ive cum on aswell which makes it worse

arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hahaha

oh thats better ........thanx

hugs 2 u all hehe x
Titchjd xxxxxx

30-10-08, 23:27

I know its not quite as big as a hen night but last night i went out for dinner to a posh restaurant for the first time in about 3 years. All day long i could feel the anxiety building up inside me and my brain searching for excuses - but it was my own birthday dinner so i couldnt not go! I decided that i have been doing well lately and proving to myself i am capable of a lot more than i think - and more importantly proving to myself that the anxiety/panic attack really wont kill me it will just feel like s**t for a while - but it WILL go away.

So when i was getting really anxious yesterday i decided to think about it in a different way and started making myself picture how nice it would be to come back home at the end of the night and think :yesyes: I DID IT!! :yesyes: and how proud of myself i would be for making another achievement in my road to recovery. I tried my hardest to think about what nice food they might have and every time while i was out that i started to feel anxious i sipped juice and made sure conversation kept flowing even about the stupidest of things because it all kept me distracted.

When i got home last night i was so proud of myself for taking another step so my advice is think of how happy you will be when you have done it and its over, think of the laughs you will have on the hen night, try and think of all the positive things instead of the negative and if you can, then give it a shot and go. If you cant dont worry about it, your just not ready yet, so dont give yourself a hard time.

Let us know if you go how you get on,
Emma xx