View Full Version : Blood Pressure

Ma Larkin
30-10-08, 14:00
Hi Everyone,

I haven't been feeling too well for a couple of weeks. Typical anxiety symptoms, but last night I ended up at A&E because I felt quite poorly. I have had a sore upper back which resulted in me ending up short of breath. I had all the usual tests done last night, ECG, bloods, x-ray, etc., and everything was fine but my blood pressure was 211/185!!

I've had problems with blood pressure for a few months now. It's been on average about 185/100. My GP noticed that it was higher than it should be, but didn't say that it needed to be monitored or anything. However, last night at A&E the doctor told me that it was really high and needed looking at.

Does anyone else have problems with their blood pressure like this? I know it is still high now because I'm still breathless and feeling pretty crappy. As I've already said this has been going on for months. How long should it take before my GP takes action and does something about it?


Cathy V
30-10-08, 14:16
Hi Les, im surprised that your gp has been so relaxed about it, although different doctors have different ideas about how high your bp should be to be worried about. And also alot of people have 'white coat hypertension'. My bp is always higher at the docs these days, tho before last year it was always normal. Mine was 180 over 110 the first time, but on the home monitor he gave me to wear that night, it balanced out and came down much lower.

For me the first indication was a really bad headache that lasted a week and when i went to the doc he found the high bp. He sent me to a neurologist who said i was having migraines, and they gave me betablockers (propranolol) to bring down the bp and treat the migraines. I also have a home monitor so i can check it for myself but this can drive you potty so i dont do it much now. I can get a different reading three times a day, some high some normal, so i dont let it bother me so much now.

At my last appointment on tuesday, my bp was 170 over 90 but he didnt seem that bothered and just assumed it was because i was nervous and told me to keep taking the meds. My mum started with high bp in her 50s and that comes into it for me, together with the menopause.

Did the they say that your breathlessness is a direct result of high bp? ive never heard of it effecting your breathing before.

Cathy xxx :)