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View Full Version : Mirtazapine help needed!

30-10-08, 19:08
Hello folks,

I take Sertraline 75mg at 11am, and 30mg Mirtazapine at 11pm. I suffer all day from anxiety, dizziness, IBS - until about 11.30pm, half an hour after I've taken the Mirtazapine.

Logically, it would appear that the Mir. is working a treat. Problem is, most of my day is crap until I take the Mirtazapine. My question:

Does anyone take more than 30mg Mirtazapine/day, and do you split the doses? For example, 30mg at night and 15mg in the morning?

I really, really feel awful most of the time.
Thanks for your comments,

30-10-08, 20:04
Hi Chris

I think it would be worth checking with your doctor. I am not entirely sure but a psychiatrist once wanted to prescribe me Mirtazapine for my insomnia because one of its noted side effects is drowsiness. I think that's why it is given at night.

Not sure if it would have that effect in a small dose in the morning.

Maybe you could ask your doctor if there is something else that you could take in the morning instead of the Sertraline if you are not finding it very helpful.

Karen x

30-10-08, 20:19
Hi Karen,

Thanks for your reply. I've tried so many different medications, and the Sertraline does help. It's just that I still feel rough on it, and the only med that really seems to make me feel better is Mirtazapine.

30-10-08, 22:15
I take 45mg Mirtazapine before bedtime.

Also 5mg Diazepam & 80mg Propanolol in morning (which I've now stopped).

30-10-08, 23:16
Hi Kendo,
Do you feel that the 45mg Mirtazapine at night can carry you through the next day without anxiety? I'm thinking of maybe asking the Doctor if I can take 15mg in the morning. What is your experience?

02-11-08, 17:20
I take 45mg at night. If you take even a small dose in the morning it could zonk you out for the day. Normally not taken in divided doses. I was on 60mg for a short while, again all taken at bedtime.

21-11-08, 21:43
I have just started 30mg a day that my doc has told me to take at night. I wasn't sleeping at all and crying lots so he gave me them. They completely knock me out at night so I don't think I would trust taking them in the day, as I don't think my boss would be too happy with me sleeping at work :)