View Full Version : First panic, and hello

30-10-08, 20:14
Hey everyone my name is Tom although many call me Ted! I'm 18 and currently at university (well just got there really) and I wanted to share a really bad experince :(

Anyway I'm pretty sure I had a panic attack for the first time the other day, I was on a bus when suddenly I felt really uncomfortable, I got unusually hot and sweaty and felt like I couldn't breathe,I was shaking like a leaf and I had to get off the bus at the next stop and cool and calm myself down.
Ever since then I havent felt the same. I can be doing anything even just sitting playing xbox or something when it strikes and I feel dizzy, sick, the deep breathing starts and I feel like I'm just not myself, it happens if i eat big meals too, I get overhot and have to stop and just not eat anymore. I have also found myself worrying about it constantly, not a moment goes by when I don't think about being struck again. It's strange as my brother has the very same thing, he had just got to uni but he was on a train, but he has had it over a year now and can cope well with the effects, however for me it feels like im on a slippery slope.
It happens nearly everyday now, there will be the odd day when I feel fine and I think its all over but it just comes another day.
It has knocked my confidence considerably, I used to be able to go out with all my uni mates and have a good night out but since the first attack I have been to worried to go out incase it happens out there and I can't explain whats going on. I haven't told anyone except my brother as my mum is so worried about him I would hate to add to that, and would proberly end in her forcing me to come home.

I havent been to a doctor as I havent regisered with one at uni although I was highly reccommended to when I arrived but I don't get ill often a tall, this is pretty much the first thing to happen to me in years and years.

I am also finding it really hard to concentrate on work here at uni, I'll sit down to do it and be struck again or I will just worry and not get any work done.

Sorry to go on and on and I bet you people here get it a lot, but any advice would be greatly appericated!!

Thanks for reading

30-10-08, 20:22
Hi Ted,

Welcome to NMP! Sorry to hear about your panic attacks especially with just starting uni which should be a happy time.

Its good you have your brother who knows what you are going through but I understand about your Mum. I have a brother with depression and a sister with anxiety worse than mine. I have only gotten bad in the last few months but my sister said my Mum said her to her early this year "At least one of my children turned out normal". Oops, hate to disappoint you mum!

Casey xx

30-10-08, 20:37
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

30-10-08, 20:56

:welcome: to nmp

jodie x

30-10-08, 21:40
Hi there Ted and welcome along to NMP

So you are new to university huh? Well University study is very different to anything you would have experienced before, as I am sure you will be well aware of now. A huge amount is down to you and you alone and the support networks you get at school no longer exist. Can you tell I've been? lol Then there is moving, money, making new friends and the whole Uni experience it can be a stressful one.
In terms of your study its really important to get someone to bounce your ideas off of and talk about your work. To a certain extent almost every course and how you study and write essays is formulaic. Once you get into it your laughing.
Feel free to talk about how you are feeling on here and do go to the docs if you feel it is overwhelming you and changing your life style. Also tell us what you are studying I LOVE STUDY of any subject and if I can help I will.
There is always help out there to be found.

take care

Pooh x

Cathy V
30-10-08, 22:36
Hi there Ted, I agree totally with pooh, and you'll find there are quite a few members here who are at uni and suffering in the same way..having to leave in the middle of lectures because of panics etc. It can be a wonderful time I know but also very stressful because you are out of your normal school enviroment and with people who are strangers in the first year.

My daughter is in her 3rd year studying law, and she had a few blips in her 2nd year when it all got too much for her, but she found a good tutor to talk to and good old mum of course, and she seems to be back on track this year, but it is hard work and i think its great that you're doing it.

Like Pooh says, keep posting and between us all weLL try to keep you going and hopefully more of the students on here will contact you too.

Take care, chin up xxx :)

31-10-08, 00:11
Welcome to NMP you will find this site very helpful, take alook around and you will get some great advise. your not alone pal.


31-10-08, 00:41
hey, thanks for all the quick replys, its really nice to know that other people have felt the same way and understand.

The only thing I don't understand though is that why it happened, I'm not an anxious person and I had been at uni for about 3 weeks before this happened, so surely it would have happened near the start before I knew anyone?

anyway thanks for the warm welcome, it really means a lot!

Veronica H
31-10-08, 07:32
:welcome: Ted. Panic and anxiety is an illness of the way we think. Thoughts become feelings. There is a brilliant book by Dr Claire Weekes called 'Self help for your nerves' published by Thorsons ISBN 978-0-7225-3155-6. This is available from the NMP Shop. I cannot recommend this enough as it really explains what is happening to us, and how we can recover. Her recordings can be downloaded free to your MP3 from the NMP Shop too. Glad that you have found us. You will find comfort and support here.

31-10-08, 07:49
You will have been eating and slepping a lot less than you were at home your body becomes sinsitized and then wham! You have attached danger to your symtoms and now are in a cycle of panic STOP! listen to the free tapes by Claire Weeks in the shop on here. Good luck with Uni my daughter has just started too, make sure you eat and sleep enough and take exercise. Thre are also people you can talk to about this in Uni its very common for this to happen to youngsters when they start Uni try and get to a Doctor and get some CBT.

31-10-08, 10:01

I am EXACTLY the same as you....altho instead of panic attacks, I suddenly start feeling like I gonna throw up all the time, and now my life has turned into worrying about being sick, or worrying about feeling sick!
I am at uni also....and inmy final year...its so hard to concentrate on work and I feel so down about it!

PM me if u wanna talk....