View Full Version : Heart Palpitations whilst exercising

30-10-08, 20:33
Tonight while pounding on the tredmill I felt my heart skip, like it was hard to take a breath...it did it a couple more times.

Ok I am unfit and it was hard to breath but there was no pain or anything! However it seriously freaked me out...now I think that I have pain in my chest.....it is just worrying me I so want to exercise!

Anybody have a similar thing or should I actually see a doctor about it, however I am going to battle to get out of work!

Cathy V
30-10-08, 20:42
Janie, its always a good thing to get your docs opinion, but for what its worth alot of us who suffer with these ectopics and flutters get them while exercising. Equally there are others who dont feel them while exercising. I always feel them, exercises or not, and when i had a cardio treadmill test this year, the doc could see them on the monitor but said my heart was normal.

I reckon if you're not so fit they come on more with the effort, coz your heart is working harder so its easy to feel the palps then, and the more fit you become the less they will show up. But remember, even the fittest people get them so please dont worry about them. But do go and have a chat to your doc anyway if you havent already.

Take care
Cathy xxx :)

31-10-08, 00:22
I don't tend to get them when I'm hard out exercising, but I do get them sometimes at the beginning/middle of my dance class. Earlier I exchanged some posts with another member on the Palps etc sub forum, we agreed that the ones you get during exercise feel more powerful than the ones you get at rest, proabably because your heart is beating harder.

Might be a good idea to get them checked if you never have before just to put your mind at rest, though I must admit that I get them every day and I've not asked the doctor about them yet. I see how common they are among people on NMP, and that reassures me a lot :) .

31-10-08, 10:55
Thanks for the replies Cathy & LeeBee, I think I may have been jumping around to much, I need to slow it down. However my one side of the chest is still sore! it could be my imagination though!! :weep: just not happy

31-10-08, 10:57
I go to the gym regularly, 4/5 times a week, and I get Palpatations in Body pump, my trainer told me that it is because I am not breathing properly. Try to concentrate on your breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth. Hope this helps. :-)

Captain America
31-10-08, 14:07
i get them and my doctor was kind enough to get me into a cardiac fit program at the local hospital. i'll be exercising while hooked up to an ekg so we can capture my palps and make sure they are benign, since i didn't get them during my stress test.

it's like a 6 week program, 3 days a week. i'm hoping to capture some of these on ekg and have them tell me that they are just benign palps but we'll see. at least i don't have to experiment at home anymore.