View Full Version : High Blood Pressure!

09-06-05, 14:39
I went to the doctors today she checked my pulse and that seemed fine but my blood pressure was quite high is this normal with anxiety mine is not normally high!

She said reasons why i could be feeling bad is because i only dropped from 20mg to 10mg cipralex in the last 5 days and it could be high anxiety or a virus but dont beleive the virus thing every doctor seems to think that then you go to docs with anxiety!

She said i dont think its anything serious but im still worried lol but thats typical me think the worst or get wound up and scared that im going to suddenly drop dead, maybe i think this because my partners brother who was 36 collapsed suddenly and died recently from a blood clot maybe thats giving me more fears as well that the same could happen to me!

But my partners brother ws breathless badly for 2 days then collpased and died but they did sau his ateries were thin and that he was obese as well so dont know really why im worrying so much maybe im being stupid!

Doc also said with my partner being away and with me having no family or friends here as thye are down south that didnt help either!

09-06-05, 15:07
Hi Andrew

Yes it's normal for your blood pressure to rise with anxiety. I get that too. I've had lots of high readings but my dr says it's all the anxiety, as sometimes it's completely normal. Stop worrying or you will just make it higher, lol


09-06-05, 18:30
Hi Andrew,
perfectly usual for blood pressure to be high when visiting doctors, if she had been at all concerned, she would have suggested going back for a few more readings, when someone close dies i think we all go through the health anxiety bit, try not to worry about your blood pressure, you will not collapse and die, try to relax (easier said than done) take care

09-06-05, 19:15
This is very normal :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

10-06-05, 13:51
im the oppistite i have low blood pressure which can cause u to faint but i havent yet.

13-06-05, 11:07
I just had a slightly high bp reading at the docs too, although the 2nd reading was a bit better. My heart is pounding and she said that could be high bp, although she thinks my high bp is caused by anxiety and the heart pounding too. But I'm scared too, but I've had alot of normal results in the past too, including a period when I had a machine at home to check it over a number of days and it was good.