View Full Version : Does anyone have a phopia of doctors???

31-10-08, 12:11
Hi, I have health anxiety many of the symptoms are the same as posted on this site - but I am scared to go to the doctor as I think it could be fatal. I feel that if I go to the doctor and have any tests that I wont have long left, same with the dentist. Although it could work the other way have tests all be ok and my anxiety will go away. But still I cannot stop fearing the worst.:weep: So sad!!!

31-10-08, 13:27
Hi Jules,
I am exactly the same way, but this week i got so fed up of worrying and worrying and knowing that my doc is probably the only real person who could reassure properly, well at least health ways, that this week i braved it up and met my fear half way, i phoned the surgery and asked if the doctor could make a home visit.
I just explained that i suffered from anxiety and biggest fear was doctors and doctors surgery, they had no problem at all arranging a home visit.
My doctor came, i didnt know him from adam, as i really have not been to my doctors for over 5 years, but he was ok, he let me talk and he listened, my worry was about palpatations, he totaly reassured me that they were anxiety related, he listened to my heart, said it was nice and healthy, took my blood pressure that was very very high, he understood it was just because he was here.
He then offered to have a nurse come and do an ecg at home, not that he thought i needed one, but just for my reassurance.
So all in all it went really well, so why dont you try and get a home visit, i cried my eyes out with worry , with relief that i could get it all ot, but it was ok because i was in the comfort of my home.
Im now going to surprise myself and my doc and brave it up to go to the docs next week. I feel so much more comfortable now that i got the hard bit of letting it all out over.
Let us no how you get on chick, take care

31-10-08, 13:48
Hi Jules,

I was feeling exactly the same as you, in the end i was getting myself so worried that the physical symptons increased and became unbearable (couldn't sleep/constant headaches/feeling very sick) , i was dreading going to the doctors (crying and all) but i knew i had to go and i was sure that i was going to be whisked in to hospital immediately and then told it was terminal. As it was doc said it's all ok, is refering me for therapy and reassured me. Since then i have not had the headaches as much and i can actually sleep now, although i still have issues i do feel better after going to the doc. You will just make yourself worse. Book an apt early in the morning for asap and get it out the way before you can think about canceling it.
Take Care

31-10-08, 23:13
I feat that there may be something really wrong with me and not being detected in tests etc but I fear not being taken seriously more.
Though with a HA the tests coming back as ok doesn’t always stop the anxiety, but I have been assured that’s its all anxiety related and was referred to a psych Dr.
You’re not alone jules and it will most probably be down to anxiety as it affects every single part of your body.