View Full Version : Hospital visit...eek!

31-10-08, 17:09
:yahoo: Just had some great news, my new nephew has just been born...I'm so excited and can't wait to meet him!!....Butttt, this means the dreaded *hospital visit*!! I know I don't have to and if I wait a couple of days I can visit him at home, but I really need/want to do this. I missed out visiting the last one at hospital because of my anxiety and felt bad about it since. This will be HUGE step for me and I really hope I can do it! I geuss I'm just looking for some words of encouragment or something lol. xxx :flowers:

31-10-08, 17:46
hey congrats on becoming an aunty. When you get to hosp, just try to focus on why you are there & I bet once you are giving him a big cuddle you will feel so much better. Let us know how you get on. xxx

01-11-08, 12:11
Aww congrats hun:hugs: You can do it, make sure you have your loved ones around you and be brave. You'll feel better once you have gone xx

01-11-08, 12:16
Congrats on the new baby nephew, I bet once you are there and holding him that you won't notice your anxiety and just think of how proud of yourself you will be after you have visited him.


03-11-08, 15:35
hey im sure u can do it, just believe and keep thinking positive thoughts (i no easier said than done!), ive got a stupid interview for income support which im really nervous about, because i get nervious talking to people when i feel like this (anxious)..hope all goes well, let me know how it goes.